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raid into Pennsylvania. I now transmit you such details as I have been able to learn by personal presence and inquiry on the spot. I chanced to be at the headquarters of General McClellan, near Knoxville, on Sunday forenoon, at the time heavy firing was heard down the river, in the direction of Point of Rocks and the mouth of the Monocacy. The cannonading was first heard briskly about nine A. M., and it continued, though with slackening rapidity, for two or three hours. Learning from Major Myer, chief of the signal corps, that the most eligible point for intelligence would be Point of Rocks, I started immediately on horseback for that place, six miles distant, reaching it in the course of an hour. On my arrival I found the entire population of this little railroad village in a state of intense panic. An infinity of alarming stories were brought up by persons arriving from down the river. Though differing in every other respect, all agreed that Stuart's cavalry were endeavori
unexpected, and leaves me with only time to send you a hurried letter. I may have to inform you in my next of the capture of an entire Georgia regiment and many guerrillas, who still remain, we suppose, on the south side of the river, and cannot cross, as our gunboats command every ferry, and have destroyed all the boats, excepting those we require ourselves. The rebels were commanded by Finegan, of Fernandina, owner of considerable property there, and very jealous of the more prosperous town of Jacksonville. It is thought by the people of Jacksonville that he got up the batteries and made show of fighting in order to provoke the destruction of the town, and thus increase the value of his own village lots. Such patriotism is the growth of rebellion. Signal-Officers G. H. Hill and F. E. Town accompanied Gen. Brannan, and the usefulness of Myer's admirable system of telegraphing was again demonstrated by prompt communication between the naval and military commandants. X. L. T.