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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 14: Sherman's campaign in Georgia. (search)
as; and he was enabled to say to the commander at Allatoona, by signal flags from Kenesaw, Hold out, for relief is approaching. The value and the perfection of the signal system employed in the army, under the general superintendence of Major Albert J. Myer, was fully illustrated in the event recorded in the text, when from hill to hill, at a distance of eighteen miles, intelligent communication was kept up by the mere motion of flags, discerned by telescopes. An account of the method of signaling, perfected by Major Myer, may be found in the Supplement to this work. And when Sherman was assured that Corse was there, he exclaimed: He will hold out! I know the man! And so he did. He repelled assault after assault, until more than one-third of his men were disabled. Then the assailants, apprised of the approach of Cox, hastily withdrew and fled toward Dalton, leaving behind them two hundred and thirty of their dead, and four hundred made prisoners, with about eight hundred muskets
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 20: Peace conference at Hampton Roads.--the campaign against Richmond. (search)
proach to the coast, and especially in connection with the attack at Allatoona Pass, mentioned on page 398. the system of signaling by night and by day, on land and on the water, in use during the Civil War,was the invention of Colonel Albert <*>. Myer, of the National Army, who was the chief of the signal corps throughout the conflict. He has written, fully illustrated, and published a volume on the subject, entitled, a Manual of signals, in which may be found a full description of the charact, colors, and motions, all of which are regulated and understood by a Code. the most common method of signaling during the war, was by the use of a waving flag by day, and a waving torch by night, which the figures in this note, copied from Colonel Myer's Manual, illustrate. Plate I. Illustrates the manner of using the flag-signal. The operator has a flag of any color or colors that may make it conspicuous at a distance. He places himself in position of ready, or figure 1. the flag is h