Browsing named entities in William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman .. You can also browse the collection for Nash or search for Nash in all documents.

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William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 1: early recollections of California. 1846-1848. (search)
found an order of his on record, removing one Mr. Nash, the Alcalde of Sonoma, and appointing to hishad been appointed alcalde, the then incumbent (Nash) utterly denied Kearney's right to remove him, rackett, and I told him that I intended to take Nash a prisoner and convey him back to Monterey to atives of California. About dark I learned that Nash had come back, and then, giving Brackett orderscked at the door and walked in. We found Green, Nash, and two women, at supper. I inquired if Nash d told him to get out of the way, which he did. Nash asked to get some clothing, but I told him he sto our boat. The next morning we were gone. Nash being out of the way, Boggs entered on his offiioned in California during the military regime. Nash was an old man, and was very much alarmed for hh Frank Ward. I found him there, and committed Nash to his charge, with the request that he would snel Mason and I went on board, found poor old Mr. Nash half dead with sea-sickness and fear, lest Co[7 more...]