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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 17: London again.—characters of judges.—Oxford.—Cambridge— November and December, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
how the different horses and riders would take it. Many were afraid, and several horses refused it. Soon, however, the Rev. Mr. Nash, a clergyman of some fifty years, came across the field; and the cry was raised, Hurrah for Nash! now for Nash! INash! now for Nash! I need not say that he went over it easily. It was the Rev. Mr. Nash who caught my horse. Change the scene one moment, and imagine Mr. Greenwood or Dr. Lyman Beecher riding at a rail fence, and some thirty or forty persons looking on and shouting, Nash! I need not say that he went over it easily. It was the Rev. Mr. Nash who caught my horse. Change the scene one moment, and imagine Mr. Greenwood or Dr. Lyman Beecher riding at a rail fence, and some thirty or forty persons looking on and shouting, Hurrah for Greenwood! Hurrah for Beecher! None of the clergymen who were out were young men; they were all more than forty-five, if not fifty. They mingled in all the light conversation of the field,—one of them told a story which I would not ventthe Rev. Mr. Nash who caught my horse. Change the scene one moment, and imagine Mr. Greenwood or Dr. Lyman Beecher riding at a rail fence, and some thirty or forty persons looking on and shouting, Hurrah for Greenwood! Hurrah for Beecher! None of the clergymen who were out were young men; they were all more than forty-five, if not fifty. They mingled in all the light conversation of the field,—one of them told a story which I would not venture to trust to this sheet,—and they were addressed by all with the utmost familiarity. I did not hear one of them addressed by the title of Mr., except by myself, though most of the company were fifteen or twenty years younger than themselves. Th<