Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 10, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Neeson or search for Neeson in all documents.

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Commissioners from Alabama. The said resolution was concurred in, and the President appointed as a Committee on the part of the Senate Messrs. August, Stuart and Neeson. Increased Taxation.--The resolution offered yesterday by Mr. Wickham, directing, the Committee on Finance to inquire into the expediency of imposing additioairs.--Mr. August. Penitentiary.--Mr. Dickinson. Armory.--Mr. Carson. Executive Expenditures.--Mr. Neal. Library.--Mr. Rives. First Auditor's Office.--Mr. Neeson. Second Auditor's Office.--Mr. Marshall. Register's Office.--Mr. Marshall. Treasurer's Office.--Mr. Gatewood. Board of Public Works.--Mr. Christian. PPresident announced the following committee, under Mr. Dickinson's resolution adopted yesterday: Messrs. Dickinson of P. E., Douglas, Brannon, Armstrong; Coghill, Neeson and French. Remonstrance Against Coercion.--The following joint resolution was offered by Mr. Critcher, and ordered to be printed: Resolved, by the Gene