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serious attack on my position here. I hope he may. I have requested General Crittenden to send a portion of his force to Nashville, if in his judgment it can be done without weakening his force too much. .... We still have a great many sick, but the measles which so afflicted our troops spreads much more slowly. The workmen of the enemy are rebuilding the railroad-bridge over Green River. At daybreak, on the 4th of December, a body of forty or fifty Federal Home Guards, under Captain Netter, attacked Whippoorwill Bridge, five or six miles from Russellville, on the railroad from Bowling Green to Memphis. It was guarded by a detail of thirteen men from the Ninth Kentucky Infantry (Confederate). All were asleep, except four on guard. These fired on the assailants, with effect, as was supposed. A volley was returned, which killed two and wounded another of the guard. The rest, being surrounded, surrendered. The enemy then set fire to the bridge, but left too hurriedly to d
General Butler and General Phelps relative to the contraband negro question in Louisiana, was this day made public by General Phelps. Yesterday a skirmish occurred near Owensboro, Ky., between a force of Union troops under the command of Colonel Netter, and a large body of rebel guerrillas. At the first fire Colonel Netter was killed, when the Nationals retired, permitting the rebels to ride through and through the town. To-day the guerrillas were attacked near the town by about four hundColonel Netter was killed, when the Nationals retired, permitting the rebels to ride through and through the town. To-day the guerrillas were attacked near the town by about four hundred and fifty of the Spencer (Ind.) home guards, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Wood, First Indiana cavalry, and routed with great loss. The home guard had two men killed and eighteen wounded. A fight took place near Shirley's Ford, Spring River, Mo., between the Third Indiana regiment, Colonel Ritchie, and a force of about six hundred rebels, among whom were some eighty or ninety Cherokee Indians, resulting in a rout of the latter with a loss of sixty or seventy killed and woun
despatch. So this project was abandoned, and the main force, under Colonel Burbridge, proceeded to Woodbury, on this side the river, by a circuitous and mountainous route, on nothing but a cracker breakfast. Colonel McHenry, with one hundred and twenty-five men, learning, there was a scouting party in the vicinity of Morgantown for the purpose of committing depredations on the property of Union men, advanced and engaged and routed them near Morgantown, with a loss of one of his men. Captain Netter, with twenty men of Colonel B.'s regiment, came down for the support of McHenry, and a short distance beyond Morgantown engaged a body of the enemy, sixty or seventy strong, who were returning to renew the attack on McHenry, and completely routed them, killing six, and losing not a man of his brave little band. Colonel McH., hearing the engagement, hastened to his support. This occurred on the south side of the river — on the enemy's side. In the mean time Colonel B. was advancing t
Doc. 212. affair at Whippoorwill Bridge, Ky. December 4, 1861. The Louisville-Nashville Courier, of the 9th of December, gives the following details of the bridge-burning affair at Whippoorwill: A detachment of fifteen had been stationed at the bridge to guard it, of whom two were absent at the time of the attack. The Federals, fifty or sixty in number, under command of a Dutch Jew peddler named Netter, and among whom were several who had been raised in the neighborhood, made their appearance about daybreak Thursday morning. Four of the guard, who were on duty, and who were standing by a plank cabin, fired upon them, whereupon they received a volley of over one hundred rounds from Sharp's revolving rifles, killing two instantly and wounding another. Most of the shots were fired into the cabin, on the supposition that the rest of the guard were asleep in it, but fortunately they were in a cabin a little distance off. They were aroused by the firing, but by the time they wer
. The latter, without firing a gun, surrendered his men, horses, and three hundred stand of arms. The same dispatch adds that the Confederates burnt Newcastle. A dispatch from Louisville, 21st, says: Shepardsville advices say that Col. Granger's command at that place was attacked to-day by rebel cavalry, who intended to burn the bridge.--Granger repulsed them, killing five and taking 28 prisoners. Six hundred guerrillas attacked Owensborough on the 19th inst., in two bands. Col. Netter, commanding the Union force, attacked one of the bands and was slain. Five of our men were wounded. The rebels lost five killed. At noon we shelled the rebels, killing three, when they retreated. On the 20th inst, Lieut,-Col. Wood, with four hundred and fifty Union cavalry, attacked, and, after a most desperate encounter, routed from Owensborough eight hundred rebels, under Col. Martin, who lost twenty-eight killed and twenty-five wounded. Our loss was three killed and eighteen wou