Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Oglesby or search for Oglesby in all documents.

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d by their brigade commanders, Cols. Wallace, Oglesby and McArthur, and all calling for more ammunison, keeping up frequent communication with Col. Oglesby's First brigade, which was moving at the sated and reconnoitred the grounds in front. Col. Oglesby's brigade moved up the railroad to the soutce continued to move steadily to the right, Col. Oglesby's brigade heading the artillery of his brign strength in his intrenchments in front of Col. Oglesby's brigade. Schwartz's battery was advancede infantry support was to be furnished from Col. Oglesby's brigade, which was immediately in the rea the hill; the right resting on the left of Col. Oglesby's line, and being within three or four hundol. John A. Logan, who occupied the left of Col. Oglesby's brigade. Immediately adjoining the Thirt we could see the gleaming of the bayonets of Oglesby's brigade, our advance. Receiving informatberland. A further movement on the part of Gen. Oglesby's division discovered more forces posted on[11 more...]