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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for William Osborne or search for William Osborne in all documents.

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ficers who ably assisted me upon the march and during the engagement of Saturday, December thirteenth; also Adjutant Geo. W. Remington and all officers and men-each vied with the other in sustaining the reputation of the regiment won at Bull Run, Yorktown, Williamsburgh, Fair Oaks, Malvern Hill, Charles City Cross-Road, Groveton, Chantilly, etc. The following is a correct list of the casualties that have occurred: Privates, Wm. Williams, company B, back; Charles Miller, company B, arm; Wm. Osborne, company C, hand; H. S. Briggs, company F, head; Michael Kane, company G, foot; Ira Austin, company I, foot. I have the honor to be, etc., M. B. Houghton, Major Commanding Third Michigan Volunteers. Report of Colonel Morgan. New-York City, December 24-29, 1862. your Excellency: Knowing that you will experience anxiety concerning the conduct and fortune of this regiment, I send you a brief narrative of the part which we took on that occasion. At two o'clock A. M. of the
and a manly cooperation in bringing this brigade to its present high state of discipline and efficiency, through constant care, labor, and study for a period of over twelve months. This alone has produced this proud result. To Lieut.-Colonel Suman, also, of the Ninth Indiana, twice wounded, great credit is due for gallantry. Capt. Cockerill, battery F, First Ohio volunteer artillery, showed, as he always has, great proficiency as an artillery officer. He was also severely wounded. Lieut. Osborne, of the same battery, being, at the rear to fill his caissons when the train was menaced, turned his pieces upon the enemy, and greatly assisted in dispersing them. Lieut. Parsons, of the Fourth United States artillery, who was in the thickest of the fight near my position all day, is also deserving of the warmest consideration of the Government for the efficient manner in which his battery was manoeuvred. To my staff, also, every thing can be said in their praise. To Major R. L. Ki