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Saunders held his Court on Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, when the following cases were brought to his notice: Isabella Ould, charged with shooting R. H. Meade with intent to kill. This affair occurred some three months ago, at a drinking saon Franklin street, and was caused by jealousy. Meade was severely wounded, but now seems to have entirely recovered. Mrs. Ould appeared in Court quite fashionably attired, wearing a jaunty hat, with any quantity of beads, bugles and lace. Severade, Edwin Tyler and Dr. White. None of the witnesses for the defence were present. Mr. Marmaduke Johnson, counsel for Mrs. Ould, stated that they had not had sufficient time to summon their witnesses, whose presence was necessary in order that hisked a continuance of the case. To this proposition the Mayor assented, and postponed the hearing until Thursday next. Mrs. Ould was admitted to ball in the sum of $1,000, with William J. Brown and D. D. Farquhar as sureties, and the witnesses for
Mayor's Court. --Mrs. Isabella Ould, charged with shooting R. H. Meade with intent to kill, was arraigned before the Mayor yesterday. The reader will remember that this affair took place at a saloon kept by the parties, on Franklin street, nearly opposite Metropolitan Hall, on the twenty-second of September last, and was caused by jealousy. The following witnesses for the Commonwealth answered to their names:--R. H. Meade, A. J. Ford. Oscar P. Gregory, Miles F. Mathews and — Tyler. cused. In conclusion, Mr. Johnson expressed the hope that the case would be continued. The Mayor thereupon continued the case until Tuesday next, and admitted the accused to bail in the sum of one thousand dollars for her appearance. Mrs. Ould was dressed very much in the style in which she appeared on Saturday last — a jaunty hat, with masked veil, bugles, gold thread, beads, lace, ribbons, a cloth cloak and debage dress. Her appearance indicates that she is entirely ready to meet
— Jealousy the cause --The Investigation again Postponed Mrs. Isabella Ould, charged with shooting R. H. Meade at a drinking saloon, keptf September last, was arraigned before Mayor Saunders yesterday. Mrs. Ould is an English woman, of genteel appearance; she came here from Alalling of the witnesses for the defence, Mr. Johnson, counsel for Mrs. Ould, stated that certain witnesses had been put down by his client, w be compelled. One of these witnesses, a policeman, who arrested Mrs. Ould, he hoped would be summoned. He moved his Honor either to summonse. If the Court would defer the investigation for a day or two, Mrs. Ould would herself go for Mrs. Matthews, who was in the country, and bd been placed upon the list of witnesses for the prosecution, and Mrs. Ould took it for granted that she would be summoned by the other side.lay would be asked. The witnesses were recognized to appear, and Mrs. Ould was admitted to bail in the sum of one thousand dollars, Mr. P. D
The Daily Dispatch: December 23, 1865., [Electronic resource], Greeley makes a motion to admit the Southern members. (search)
rn, testified that he became acquainted with Mrs. Ould in the spring of 1863 at the house of Mrs. Mwards at Mr. and Mrs. Matthews's and Mr. and Mrs. Ould's. Was spoken to in reference to Mrs. Ould bMrs. Ould by Mr. Matthews; he said that our intimacy was getting too strong; also by Mrs. Matthews. Spoke to d she never intended to return to him again. Mr. Ould left for the North, I think, in the fall of 1th, with the understanding that his wife and Mrs. Ould were to follow. Mrs. Matthews went; but Mrs to whom I was to be married. On Wednesday, Mrs. Ould arrived in Alexandria. Asked her what her bs and pillow on it. On this bedstead I found Mrs. Ould and Mr. McCoy together. She was leaning oveng my niece, a young lady of sixteen, to see Mrs. Ould on my way from Alexandria to Manchester. Dir expenses, and sundry letters from Meade to Mrs. Ould, expressing the tenderest sentiments of affeded, and was carried to Dr. White's office. Mrs. Ould had a pistol in her hand at the time she was[21 more...]
Mayor's Court. --In addition to the protracted hearing of the case of Mrs. Isabella Ould, a detail of which is elsewhere given, the Mayor disposed of the following business: George Hickman was charged with stealing turkeys in the market. The gentleman from whom the fowls were stolen could not swear that Hickman was the man who took them, although he missed them from his wagon.-- There being no evidence sufficiently positive to justify the detention of Hickman, he was discharged. James Smith, a youthful vagabond of some twelve years, was charged with having been drunk and disorderly in the streets. He had a white woolen comforter wound around his head in the place of a cap. No one appeared to testify against him, and he was released with the usual admonition. Smith left the court-room with such an erect and soldier-like mein as to cause a hearty laugh among the spectators. Frank Smith, another boy of about the same age, with a dirty face and closely-cropped hair,