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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 48: battle of Cedar Creek, or Belle Grove. (search)
k it in conjunction with Kershaw, while a heavy fire of artillery was opened from our right; but as Captain Powell said he did not know where General Gordon was and expressed some doubt about finding him, immediately after he started, I sent Lieutenant Page of my own staff, with orders for both Generals Gordon and Kershaw to make the attack. In a short time Colonel Carter concentrated 18 or 20 guns on the enemy, and he was soon in retreat. Ramseur and Pegram advanced at once to the position from which the enemy was driven, and just then his cavalry commenced pressing heavily on the right, and Pegram's division was ordered to move to the north of Middletown, and take position across the Pike against the cavalry. Lieutenant Page had returned and informed me that he delivered my order to General Kershaw, but the latter informed him that his division was not in a condition to make the attack, as it was very much scattered, and that he had not delivered the order to General Gordon,
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
ver, 3, 4, 5, 10, 47 Ohio River, 368, 391, 479 Old Church, 361-62-63 Old Court-House, 353 Old Stone Pike, 344, 346 Old Wilderness Tavern, 344, 346 Opequon River, 136, 162, 367-68-69, 384, 406, 408, 410, 412-14, 419- 21, 423-24, 428 Orange County, 327, 343 Orange Court-House, 56, 59, 92-93, 106, 165, 168, 285, 318, 326, 340, 344, 351 Orange & Alexandria R. R., 106, 114, 368 Orkney Springs, 333, 334 Orleans, 114 Ox Hill, 129, 131-32-33 Page County, 366, 367 Page, Lieutenant, 444, 445 PamunkeyRiver, 357, 359, 361-62, 465 Parkersburg, 368 Parker's Ford, 396 Patterson, General (U. S. A.), 35 Patterson's Creek, 332-33-34, 337 Patterson's Mountain, 334 Patton, Colonel G. W., 427 Patton's Brigade, 424, 425 Paxton, General, 175, 179 Payne, General, Wm. H., 416, 425, 433-34, 440-41, 446, 453-54, 457, 473 Peaks of Otter, 375, 376, 377 Pegram, General, 306, 311, 314-15, 345-46-47, 349, 350, 359, 362, 429, 430, 434, 438-39, 440-47, 4
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 42 (search)
er. The following official dispatch was received on Saturday: Mobile, August 11th. Nothing later from Fort Morgan. The wires are broken. Gen. Forrest drove the enemy's advance out of Oxford last night. All the particulars of the Fort Gaines surrender known, are that the commanding officer communicated with the enemy, and made terms, without authority. His fort was in good condition, the garrison having suffered little. He made no reply to repeated orders and signals from Gen. Page to hold his fort, and surrendered upon conditions not known here. D. H. Maury, Major-General. Gen. Taylor will cross the Mississippi with 4000 on the 18th of this month. Sherman must get Atlanta quickly, or not at all. August 16 Warm and cloudy. There are movements of interest of the armies below, from the fact that we have as yet no authentic account of the fighting during the last few days. I fear we have not been so successful as usual. The enemy is reported to be
ging every species of traffic in the persons of our fellow-men. Congress courteously received this and similar memorials, calmly considered them, and decided that it had no power to abolish Slavery in the States which saw fit to authorize and cherish it. There was no excitement, no menace, no fury. South Carolina and Georgia, of course, opposed the prayer, but in parliamentary language. It is noteworthy, that among those who leaned furthest toward the petitioners were Messrs. Parker and Page, of Virginia--the latter in due time her Governor. They urged, not that the prayer should be granted, but that the memorial be referred, and respectfully considered. Vermont framed a State Constitution in 1777, and embodied in it a Bill of Rights, whereof the first article precluded Slavery. Massachusetts framed a constitution in 1780, wherein was embodied a Declaration of Rights, affirming that All men are born free and equal, and have certain natural, essential, and inalienable
o fall into our hands. Fort Gaines was next day shelled by the iron-clad Chickasaw, with such effect that Col. Anderson, commanding there, next morning sued for conditions. He night probably have held out a little longer; but, being on an island, with the fleet on one side and Granger's army on tile other, there was not a possibility of relief or protracted resistance. At 9 3/4 A. M., the Stars and Stripes were raised over the fort, and Anderson and his 600 men were prisoners of war. Gen. Page, commanding in Fort Morgan, had much stronger defenses, and was on the main land, where he had a chance of relief; at the worst, he might get away, while Anderson could not. He telegraphed the latter peremptorily, Hold on to your fort! and his representations doubtless did much to excite the clamor raised against that officer throughout Dixie as a coward or a traitor. But when his turn came — Granger's troops having been promptly transferred to the rear of Morgan, invested Aug. 9. it,
cause the most of what was said I did not understand. But I remembered it all, and it came up to meet every emergency of thought later on. Hence my democracy; for hers was the only political teaching I ever had until I learned political economy from the books, and that was no teaching at all. My grandmother died at the age of eighty-four. A severe cold brought her life to an end, when her physical and mental strength were apparently as good as ever. Her sister, Alice Cilley, married Captain Page and went to Maine, first settling in Hallowell, and afterwards living in Cornville with one of her children. I never saw her until after I went to college in Maine, and I may possibly have occasion to refer to her hereafter. She died in 1849, at the age of ninety-nine and a half years, and was able, the summer before she died, to mount her own horse without assistance, and ride out some three miles to visit a neighbor. I attended a partially private school or academy at Deerfield unt
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 4: California. 1855-1857. (search)
San Francisco firm to ship largely of gold-dust, which gave them a great name; also to keep as large a balance as possible in New York to sustain their credit. Mr. Page was a very wealthy man, but his wealth consisted mostly of land and property in St. Louis. He was an old man, and a good one; had been a baker, and knew little lled in for consultation. Passing into the main office, where all the book-keepers, tellers, etc., with gas-lights, were busy writing up the day's work, I found Mr. Page, Henry Haight, and Judge Chambers. I spoke to Haight, saying that I was sorry I had been out when he called at our bank, and had now come to see him in the mosth cash a fair proportion of his bullion, notes, and bills; but, if they were going to fail, I would not be drawn in. Haight's manner was extremely offensive, but Mr. Page tried to smooth it over, saying they had had a bad day's run, and could not answer for the result till their books were written up. I passed back again into t
Operations of the sanitary commission: report of Dr. Douglas. F. L. Olmsted, Esq.: sir: The report of the Battle of Fredericksburgh, December thirteenth, was brought to us by telegraph the night of the battle. The next morning a propeller was chartered, laden with stores, and with a special relief party, consisting of Dr. H. G. Clark, Dr. S. C. Foster, Dr. Swan, Dr. Homiston, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Abbott, and Mr. Walter, all connected with the Commission, and, with Rev. Mr. Channing, Mr. Page, Mr. Hall, and Mr. Webster, volunteers, I started at evening for the front. We reached Acquia, landing with our extra supplies at daybreak on Monday, and all of the party, with the exception of Mr. Abbott, Mr. Murray, and myself, were immediately sent forward. They arrived in Fredericksburgh to assist in the removal of the wounded to the field-hospitals, where they were all placed in tents, and, under the circumstances, were well cared for. Our camp had been located near the Phillips Ho
ondemned man was conveyed. He appeared quite unconcerned, and his forbidding features did not display any particular interest in the dread tragedy about to be enacted. Just after the noose had been adjusted about the prisoner's neck, and as Captain Peters was about reading the sentence, Gray leaped from the platform, thus launching himself into eternity. He struggled severely for several minutes, and then expired. At the same hour, amidst a drenching rain-storm, Asa Lewis, member of Captain Page's company, Sixth Kentucky regiment, was shot by a file of men. He was executed upon a charge of desertion, which was fully proven against him. The scene was one of great. impressiveness and solemnity. The several regiments of Hanson's brigade were drawn up in a hollow square, while Generals Breckinridge and Hanson, with their staffs, were present to witness the execution. The prisoner was conveyed from jail to the brigade drill-ground on an open wagon, under the escort of a file of ten
ths of effort he secured the necessary cooperation of a land force, and of four monitors to deal with the powerful Confederate ram Tennessee. The naval operations were entirely successful, but Fort Morgan had received hardly a scratch, and the commander sturdily refused to surrender. A constant bombardment of two weeks was necessary to reduce it, during which the woodwork caught fire and threatened to set off the great powder magazines. It was only when defense was obviously futile that General Page raised the white flag of surrender. Losses: Union, 200 killed, 637 wounded; Confed., 600 killed and wounded. May 6, 1864: James River, near city Point, Va. Union, gunboat Commodore Jones. Confed., Torpedo operators on shore. Losses: Union, 23 killed, 48 wounded and gunboat destroyed. May 6-7, 1864: Richmond and Petersburg Railroad, near Chester Station, Va. Union, Portion of Tenth and Eighteenth Corps; Confed., Hagood's Brigade. Losses: Union, 48 k