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January 26. General Palmer sent an expedition to capture a force of rebel cavalry in Jones and Onslow counties, North-Carolina. They succeeded in routing the enemy, and captured twenty-three men with their horses and equipments. They also destroyed from one hundred and fifty thousand to two hundred thousand pounds of pork, seventy bushels of salt, ten thousand barrels of tobacco, thirty-two barrels of beef, and captured a number of mules, horses, and other material.--Gen. Butler's Despatch. Fourteen men belonging to the Eightieth Indiana regiment, were captured, and two wounded, by a squad of rebel cavalry, within seven miles of Knoxville, Tenn., on the Tazewell road. The men were on a foraging expedition, and were picked up before they had any chance of offering much resistance.
miles, after a stubborn fight, lasting from daylight to four P. M., at which time the division charged with the sabre and a yell, and routed the enemy from the field, capturing two steel rifled guns and over one hundred prisoners. The enemy's loss was considerable, sixty-five of them being killed or wounded in the charge. Generals Garrard and Wolford's divisions came up, after a forced march, in time to be pushed in pursuit, although their horses were jaded.--Gen. Rawlins's Report. General Palmer, with General Davis's division, moved toward Tunnel Hill, Georgia, on a reconnaissance. The Twenty-eighth Kentucky and the Fourth Michigan drove in the rebel advance pickets and captured a company of rebel cavalry. The rebels retreated from Tunnel Hill during the night. They lost thirty-two killed and wounded. The Union casualties were two wounded. The object of the reconnaissance was effected. The following report was sent by General Thomas, from his headquarters at Chattanooga,
February 1. President Lincoln issued an order for a draft of five hundred thousand men, to serve three years or during the war.--(Doc. 72.) A fight took place late this afternoon in the New Creek Valley, Va., between an advancing column of the enemy's troops and one column of Nationals. After a sharp engagement the rebels were repulsed and driven back over two miles.--A fight took place at Bachelor's Creek, N. C., between a large force of rebels under the command of Generals Pickett and Hoke, and the Union forces under General J. W. Palmer, resulting in the retreat of the latter with considerable loss in men and material.--(Doc. 69.) The blockade-running steamer Wild Dayrell was chased ashore and burned, near Stump Inlet, N. C., by the National gunboat Sassacus, under the command of Lieutenant Commander F. A. Roe.--Admiral Lee's Report.
Doc. 69.-attack on Newbern, N. C. General Palmer's despatch. Newbern, N. C., February 1, 8 o'clock P. M. early this morning our outposts at Bachelor's Creek were attacked by the enemy, represented to be in force about fifteen thousand strong, consisting of Hope's brigade and Pickett's entire division. It being impraith the evident intention of cutting it. The commander at Beaufort is aware of the situation, and will use every effort to prevent the destruction of the road. J. W. Palmer, Brigadier-General. A national account. Newbern, N. C., Wednesday, February 3, 1864. My note of yesterday contained a promise of something in addit. While it renders all approach from the west impossible, it commands the city and both rivers. From the tavern, every point about Newbern is visible. Brigadier-General Palmer, who commands in the absence of General Peck, his staff, a few other officers, and, by special favor, the writer, (your correspondent,) were inside the f
ave not studied the battle, I am held responsible. How much I had actually present to engage, will be shown in a little while. General Thomas had his own four divisions, and to strengthen him, Johnson's, of McCook's, by far the strongest, and Palmer's,of Crittenden's, the strongest of that corps, had been sent the day before, and fought upon the left throughout the day. Crittenden's remaining divisions were to be in reserve, and ready to support either Thomas or McCook. I had in line twofirst Ohio, of the same division, covered his retreat, losing three fourths of its strength. General Brannan commanded in this battle the largest division in the army — the division once commanded by General Thomas. With that, and portions of Palmer's and Negley's divisions, he maintained his ground with obstinacy, the troops evincing great gallantry and devotion until reenforced, and nothing could exceed the desperate determination with which the rebels endeavored to gain possession of this
ravine, to take the place of the pickets who had fled, and support the few who remained. Captain J. W. Palmer, company K, One Hundred and Fourth Illinois, commanded those from his own regiment, the S skirmishers checked and drove back the enemy, who were pressing down into the ravine, until Captain Palmer, fancying, or really perceiving that our men, formed in line of battle upon the edge of the rceived the trap into which he had led his men, fell at once into despair, and rushing up to Captain Palmer, asked him if he had a white handkerchief, declaring his determination to surrender. The Ca No, said Colonel Moore, we are whipped; I shall surrender. Do not, for God's sake, replied Captain Palmer. Upon this Colonel Moore walked away a little distance, frantically wringing his hands, but returned in a moment afterward and demanded the white handkerchief. This Captain Palmer now gave him, and the Colonel taking a bayonet from the hands of a soldier, put the handkerchief upon the poin
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Chapter 2: the Worcester period (search)
expect a full account of last Saturday's Atlantic dinner; but really it was hardly worth it, except for Holmes, who was really very agreeable and even delightful, far more so than James Lowell, the other principal interlocutor, who was bright and witty as always, but dogmatic and impatient of contradiction more than he used to be, though he always had that tendency; whereas Holmes was very genial and sweet and allowed Lowell to be almost rude to him. The other guests were Edmund Quincy, Dr. J. W. Palmer (author of your favorite Miss Wimple), Charles W. Storey (a lazy, witty lawyer), Charles Norton, Underwood, John Wyman, formerly of Worcester, and myself. ... Most of the serious talk turned on theology (which Underwood said they often fell upon), Holmes taking the radical side and Lowell rather the conservative. Holmes said some things that were as eloquent as anything in the Autocrat about the absurdity of studying doctrines in books and supposing that we got much from that source, w
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Chapter 3: poets of the Civil War II (search)
in the magazines and periodicals of the South, while many are copies of ballad-sheets and songs circulated in the Rebel armies, and which have come into the possession of the forces of the Union in their various moves and advances during the present conflict. We find in the volume many humorous poems of the kind just described. The more serious include two poems each by Randall and Ticknor, one each by Hayne, Hope, Flash, Meek, Pike, Simms, and J. R. Thompson, Timrod's A Cry to Arms and Palmer's Stonewall Jackson's way, the last two published, however, anonymously. There are also many parodies of famous songs such as Annie Laurie, Gideon's band, Bannockburn, Columbia, Wait for the wagon, The star Spangled Banner, etc. It was probably this collection that formed the basis of the selections from Southern poetry published as an appendix to Richard Grant White's Poetry, lyrical, narrative, and satirical of the Civil War (1866). In his preface White says: I have read all that
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
eant W. H. Jones, J. M. Colton, J. T. Nolen, Private Major Allen, F. M. Durden, C. J. Gardner, M. B. Herron, J. F. Ham, R. E. Kennedy, J. R. Kilpatrick, Private Wm. Lewis, John Lester, J. R. Logan, Robt. Nesbitt, R. S. Penton, J. W. Palmer, J. A. Ramsey, Benj. F. Snyder, E. R. Vernon, S. Yarbrough. Co. D. Corporal L. L. Peacock, Private Nipper Adam, Allen Byrd, W. W. Grubbs, Cullen Jones, Private B. F. Jones, J. L. Stokes, J. D. Standley, Wm. Watts, Benj. G.Camp, G. W. Fowler, W. G. Fowler, Thomas Fowler, John Fowler, N. Fant, T. H. Gault, J. Gregorie, W. G. W. Going, W. R. Hughes, T. J. Eison, William Long, Private J. S. Miller, S. L. McCarther, J. C. Nance, H. S. Porter, J. W. Palmer, W. S. Plaxico, D. Robinson, T. L. Rodgers, Thomas Stern, W. H. Sanders, William Savage, R. F. Tinsley, W. J. Vaughn, W. J. Ward. Co. D. Captain J. D. Calwell, Sergeant J. M. Murray, A. G. Treadwell, Corporal J. M. Nelson,
E.: I., 217; II., 136; VIII., 297; X., 309. Painter, sergeant Iv., 215. Paintsville, Ky.: I., 180,356; II., 352. Palentine,, U. S. S., II., 162, 163. Palfrey, F. W., X., 23. Palfrey, J. C., X., 215. Palmer, Ben, IV., 166. Palmer, D., VIII., 363. Palmer, I. N.: III., 344; IV., 15. Palmer, J., X., 296. Palmer, J. B., X., 299. Palmer, J. M.: II., 174, 324; III., 105, 110; X., 189, 220, 294. Palmer, J. S., VI., 314. Palmer, J. W., IX., 24, 86. Palmer, W. J., III., 344. Palmetto sharpshooters, losses at Glendale, Va., X., 158. Palmetto State, , C. S. S.: II., 330; VI., 124, 172, 239, 272, 318. Palo Alto, Miss., IV., 132. Pamlico Sound, N. C., VI., 115, 263. Pamunkey, Va., I., 319. Pamunkey River, Va.: I., 274; The White House on the, I., 275, 282, 324; III., 78; IV., 127, 203; VI., 59; scouts of Army of the Potomac, VIII., 267. Pancoast, G. L., VII., 226. Panth
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