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Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 22 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: June 1, 1863., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 4 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 0 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 0 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 2 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: December 22, 1865., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Book notices. (search)
us (through West & Johnston, Richmond,) a copy of this well gotten up book. An intelligent Englishman gives us a sketchy, gossipy, very readable account of his tour in America, in which truth and fiction mingle lovingly together, and another illustration is furnished of the stubborn fact that one cannot thoroughly know a country by a hasty trip through it. Life of Stonewall Jackson. By Miss Sarah Nicholas Randolph. The publishers (Lippincott & Co.) have sent us, through Woodhouse & Parham, Richmond, a copy of this new life of the great Confederate chieftain. Having read Miss Randolph's Domestic life of Jefferson--one of the most charming books we ever read — we were prepared for an entertaining biography of Jackson, and our expectations have been more than realized. It is really a delightfully told story of the deeds of our hero, and a vivid portrayal of his private character, a book which we would be glad to see widely circulated. And having said thus much in commenda
brigade, which were engaged in the fight, the Sixth, Sixteenth, Twelfth, and Forty-first Virginia regiments, bear evidence of the severity of the fire under which they were pressed upon the enemy's lines. Unfortunately, that of the Sixteenth, which was borne forward with conspicuous gallantry by Lieutenant-Colonel Ham, commanding, and returned to me completely riddled, and its staff shattered to pieces, was taken by some unworthy hand during the night we remained upon the field. Lieutenant-Colonel Parham, of the Forty-first, the only field officer with the regiment, was unfortunately seriously wounded while boldly leading his regiment into action, and on this account, this regiment participated to a less extent in the fight, though it suffered quite as much, owing to its exposed position while engaged. The brigade carried into this battle ninety-three commissioned officers and eleven hundred and thirty-three non-commissioned officers and privates, and lost, in killed, four officer
ft opposite the gap; the troops had passed over into the valley (the one next south of Crampton's Gap) with his own and General Mahone's brigade, commanded by Colonel Parham, with orders to send a brigade to the top of Solomon's Gap, to protect the rear of General Kershaw, and also to take precautions to guard the pass over the Bll report of the engagement at Crampton's Gap, to do which, however, it is necessary to obtain reports from Colonel Munford, who was first in command, and from Colonel Parham, Mahone's brigade, who came next after, and made the dispositions previous to the arrival of General Cobb. Very respectfully, L. McLaws, Major-General om the heights to the line of battle up the valley, formed to oppose that of the enemy below Crampton's Gap. Those of Generals Cobb, and Semmes, and Mahone, (Colonel Parham,) had been engaged and badly crippled at Crampton's Gap, and all the others had been guarding important points under very trying circumstances. A large numbe
ncellorsville, Saturday and Sunday, the second and third of May, for its veteran-like behavior at Salem Church, receiving without disorder the enemy's sudden fire while moving by the flanks. And the Sixty-first Virginia, Colonel Grover, for its gallant and successful skirmish with the enemy during the formation of our lines at the Salem Church, deserves special mention; while the part borne by the Sixteenth Virginia, Lieutenant-Colonel Whitehead commanding, and the Forty-first Virginia, Colonel Parham commanding, was everywhere, though less arduous, well and bravely performed. In this connection it is but due that I should record here my high appreciation of the efficient and gallant conduct of the staff officers with me, Captain R. Taylor, A. A. general, and First Lieutenant Richard Walke, ordnance officer. Among the gallant spirits who were seriously wounded, Captain Banks, company E, Twelfth Virginia infantry, must be mentioned. He fell among the foremost in the skirmish fight o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of General J. E. B. Stuart of cavalry operations on First Maryland campaign, from August 30th to September 18th, 1862. (search)
a division (Slocum's) of infantry. They were received with a rapid and steady fire from our batteries, but confined to advance, preceded by their sharpshooters, and an engagement ensued between these and our infantry and dismounted cavalry. Colonel Parham, commanding Mahone's brigade, soon after arrived with the Sixth and Twelfth Virginia infantry, scarcely numbering in all three hundred men; and this small force, for at least three hours, maintained their position and held the enemy in check n. In this hot engagement, the Second and Twelfth Virginia cavalry behaved with commendable coolness and gallantry, inflicting great injury with their long range guns upon the enemy, and their exertions were ably seconded by the troops under Colonel Parham, who held his position most gallantly until overpowered. Hearing of the attack at Crampton's gap, I rode at full speed to reach that point, and met General Cobb's command, just after dark, retreating in disorder down Pleasant valley. He r
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Book notices. (search)
hosen that which conscience dictates, they are ready to die for it, if they justify not their cause, they at least ennoble themselves. And the men who, for conscience' sake, fought against their government at Gettysburg, ought easily to be forgiven by the sons of men who, for conscience' sake, fought against their government at Lexington and Bunker Hill. A sketch of the life of Randolph Fairfax. By Reverend Philip Slaughter,. D. D. We are indebted to the author (through Woodhouse & Parham) for this beautiful story of a noble life. It was published during the war in tract form, and it was our privilege to circulate a number of copies of it among our soldiers. This is a new edition, beautifully gotten up, and with some valuable additions. Dr. Slaughter has done a valuable service in preserving this story of the life of a bright, noble, educated young man of high social position, illustrious ancestry and humble piety, who marched forth at his country's call and freely gave hi
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 12: Boonsboro or South Mountain, and Harper's Ferry (search)
o be observed, and three to be defended against large forces. The two most important points, —Crampton's Gap and Sandy Hook, —were over five miles apart. Considering the proximity of the immense Federal force, McLaws and Anderson were within the lion's mouth, and that they ever got out of it was no less due to good management, than it was to good luck on their part, and mismanagement by the enemy. Holding Crampton's Gap were only Munford's cavalry and Mahone's brigade of infantry, under Parham. Cobb's brigade and part of Semmes's were near in reserve. From noon on the 14th until near five o'clock there was sharp skirmishing and artillery fire, while the enemy deployed Slocum's division on his right and Smith's on his left. Having, by then, gotten the measure of their enemy, and deployed lines which outflanked him upon both sides, a handsome charge was made by four brigades, — Bartlett's, Newton's, Torbert's, and Brooke's. Of course, there could be no effective resistance. The<
5, 1868. 78,729FairfieldJune 9, 1868. 78,817ParhamJune 9, 1868. 78,818ParhamJune 9, 1868. 79,03ParhamJune 9, 1868. 79,037WaterburyJune 16, 1868. 80,345FrenchJuly 28, 1868. 81,191MeyerAug. 18, 1868. 81,328BarclayAug. 224, 1870. 104,871MeloneJune 28, 1870. 109,443ParhamNov. 22, 1870. 109,816GirdDec. 6, 1870. 110,7y 20, 1852. 11,934HarrisNov. 14, 1854. 11,971ParhamNov. 21, 1854. 13,195WoodruffJuly 3, 1855. 13 (Reissue.)5,177ColeDec. 10, 1872. 135,579ParhamFeb. 4, 1873. 135,930MooreFeb. 18, 1873. 139,. 4, 1863. 40,311RehfussOct. 13, 1863. 42,502ParhamApr. 26, 1864. 43,742RehfussAug. 2, 1864. 44,217ParhamSept. 13, 1864. (Reissue.)1,805VogelNov. 1, 1864. 45,777WeitlingJan. 3, 1865. 47,905. 7, 1869. 105,548ChaseJuly 19, 1870. 119,784ParhamOct. 10, 1871. 152,829ColesJuly 7, 1874. 6. Ng. 6, 1867. 79,983IsbellJuly 14, 1869. 88,665Parham et al.Apr. 16, 1869. 91,684StackpoleJune 22, t. 7, 1862. 39,658JewettAug. 25, 1863. 46,133ParhamJan. 31, 1865. 49,837SibleySept. 5, 1865. 85,[1 more...]
ox, Fleet W., major, lieutenant-colonel; Cunningham, Arthur S., lieutenant-colonel (temporary command); Stakes, Edward T., major; Taliaferro, William T., major; Walker, Henry H., lieutenantcol-onel. Forty-first Cavalry battalion (transferred to Twenty-third Cavalry): White, Robert, major, lieutenant-colonel. Forty-first Infantry regiment: Blow, George, Jr., lieutenantcol-onel; Chambliss, John R., Jr., colonel; Ethendge, William H., major; Minetree, Joseph P., major, lieutenant-colonel; Parham, William Allen, lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Smith, Francis W., major. Forty-first Militia regiment: Garland, William D., lieutenantcol-onel; McClanahan, Meredith M., major; Oldham, Thomas, colonel; Rains, William W., major. Forty-second Cavalry battalion (transferred to Twenty-fourth Cavalry): Robertson, John R., major; Robins, William T., lieutenant-colonel. Forty-second Infantry regiment: Adams, P. B., major; Burks, Jesse S., colonel; Deyerle, Andrew J. . colonel; Lane, Henry, ma
al Stuart, who was with me on the heights and had just come in from above, told me that he did not believe there was more than a brigade of the enemy. This brigade turned out to be Slocum's division of Franklin's corps, and Smith's division of the same corps was soon added. The gap at that time was held only by Colonel Munford with two regiments of cavalry, Chew's battery, and a section of the Portsmouth naval battery, supported by two fragments of regiments of Mahone's brigade, under Colonel Parham. Colonel Munford reports that the two infantry regiments numbered scarcely 300. This small band made a most determined stand for three hours, for it had been directed to hold the gap at all hazards, and did not know that it was fighting Franklin's corps. The action began about noon. Gen. Howell Cobb with his brigade, consisting of the Fifteenth North Carolina regiment and three Georgia regiments, left Brownsville, two miles from the gap, about 5 o'clock, to reinforce Munford. On thei