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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Burr, Aaron, 1716- (search)
r, by the collection of armed men at Blennerhassett's Island, within the dominion of Virginia. He was also charged with concocting a scheme for the overthrow of the national authority in the Western States and Territories. On these charges he was tried and acquitted. After his acquittal Burr went to England and sought to engage that or some other European government in his project for revolutionizing Mexico. Pressed by his creditors, he lived a miserable life, in poverty, in London and Paris. Becoming subject to suspicion in London as a French spy, he was driven from the country, and took refuge in Paris. Finally, after long solicitations, he obtained leave to return, and appeared in New York in 1812, where he resumed the practice of law; but he lived in comparative poverty and obscurity until 1834, when, at the age of seventy-eight, he married Madame Jumel, a wealthy woman in New York, with whom he lived only a short time, when they were separated. Burr's first wife was the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cabell, James Laurence 1813- (search)
Cabell, James Laurence 1813- Sanitarian; born in Nelson county, Va., Aug. 26, 1813; graduated at the University of Virginia in 1833; studied medicine in Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Paris; and became Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in the University of Virginia. He was in charge of the Confederate military hospitals during the Civil War. When yellow fever broke out at Memphis he was appointed chairman of the National Sanitary Conference, and devised the plan which checked the spread of the epidemic. From 1879 till the time of his death, which occurred in Overton, Va., Aug. 13, 1889, he was president of the National Board of Health.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Civil service, United States colonial. (search)
of the most systematically equipped in the world. The teaching force is made up both of Germans and of Orientals, who teach their native tongues, and includes instructors in Arabic (2), Chinese (2), Japanese (2), Gujarati, Persian, Hindustani, Syrian Arabic, Maroccan Arabic, Egyptian Arabic, Turkish (2), Swahili (2), Hausa (2), Russian and modern Greek, in the technique of the natural sciences, the hygiene of the tropics, and tropical botany. The unequalled opportunities in both Berlin and Paris for studying anthropology, ethnology, comparative religions, and all branches of geographical science need not be set forth here. This brief review of what Holland, England, France, and Germany are doing to obtain trained men for the diplomatic and colonial service cannot fail to impress every thinking reader with the simple fact that we have entered the race for the control and development of the East far behind our rivals and critics in preparation for the work. Vastly superior to Spai
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Civil War in the United States. (search)
, of Washington, D. C., arrested on a charge of treason, and conveyed to Fort Lafayette, in the Narrows, at the entrance of New York Harbor.—24. Transmission of Confederate journals through the mails prohibited.—Sept. 12. Col. John A. Washington, formerly of Mount Vernon, aide of Gen. Robert E. Lee, killed while reconnoitring in western Virginia.—18. Bank of New Orleans suspended specie payments.—21. John C. Breckinridge fled from Frankfort, Ky., and openly joined the Confederates.—24. Count de Paris and Due de Chartres entered the United States service as aides to General McClellan.— Oct. 11. Marshal Kane, of Baltimore, sent to Fort Lafayette.—15. Three steamers despatched from New York after the Confederate steamer Nashville, which escaped from Charleston on the 11th.—23. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus suspended in the District of Columbia.—30. All the state-prisoners (143) in Fort Lafayette transferred to Fort Warren, Boston Harbor.—Nov. 3. Rising of Un
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Goodyear, Charles 1800-1860 (search)
Goodyear, Charles 1800-1860 Inventor; born in North Haven, Conn., Dec. 29, 1800; was an early manufacturer of India rubber, and made vast improvements in its practical use in the arts. His first important discovery was made in 1836—a method of treating the surface of the gum. This process was superseded by his discovery early in 1849 of a superior method of vulcanization. He procured patent after patent for improvements in this method, until he had more than sixty in number, in America and Europe. He obtained the highest marks of distinction at the international exhibitions at London and Paris. He saw, before his death, his material applied to almost 500 uses, and to give employment in England, France, Germany, and the United States to about 60,000 persons. He died in New York City, July 1, 186
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph 1770- (search)
Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph 1770- Scientist; born at Aernen, Switzerland, Oct. 6, 1770; was engaged in a trigonometrical survey of his native country, and was induced to come to America about 1807 by Albert Gallatin, then Secretary of the Navy. He was employed as Professor of Mathematics at West Point from 1807 to 1810, and in 1811 was sent by the government to Europe as scientific ambassador to London and Paris, to procure necessary implements and standards of measure for use in the projected coast survey (see coast and Geodetic survey, United States). He began that survey in July, 1816, and left it in April, 1818, but resumed it in 1832, and continued its superintendent until his death, in Philadelphia, Nov. 20, 1843, when he was succeeded by Prof. Alexander D. Bache (q. v.). Professor Hassler made valuable contributions to the American Philosophical transactions on the subject of the coast survey, and in 1832 a report to the United States Senate on weights and measures. His
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Leland, Charles Godfrey 1824- (search)
Leland, Charles Godfrey 1824- Author; born in Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 15, 1824; graduated at Princeton in 1845; took advanced courses at the universities of Heidelberg, Munich, and Paris; and, returning to the United States, was admitted to the bar, and practised in Philadelphia till 1853. He then entered journalism, and was at different times an editor on the New York Times; Philadelphia Evening bulletin; Vanity fair; Philadelphia Press; Knickerbocker magazine; and Continental magazine. During 1869-80 he lived in London. Returning to the United States, he was the first to establish industrial education, based on the minor arts, as a branch of public school teaching. Later his system spread to England, Austria-Hungary, and other countries. He discovered the Shelta language, which was spoken by the Celtic tinkers, and was the famous lost language of the Irish bards, and his discovery was verified by Kuno Meyer, from manuscripts 1,000 years old. His publications include Hans
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Morgan, John Hunt 1826- (search)
ompkinsville, Monroe co., he issued a flaming proclamation to the people of Kentucky. He was preparing the way for Bragg's invasion of that State. Soon recruits joined Morgan, and he roamed about the State, plundering and destroying. At Lebanon he fought a Union force, routed them, and took several prisoners. His raid was so rapid that it created intense excitement. Louisville was alarmed. He pressed on towards the Ohio, destroying a long railway bridge (July 14) between Cynthiana and Paris, and laying waste a railway track. On July 17 he had a sharp fight with the Home Guards at Cynthiana, who were dispersed. He hoped to plunder the rich city of Cincinnati. His approach inspired the inhabitants with terror; but a pursuing cavalry force under Green Clay Smith, of Kentucky, caused him to retreat southward in the direction of Richmond. On his retreat his raiders stole horses and robbed stores without inquiring whether the property belonged to friend or foe. In June and Jul
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Solberg, Thorvald 1852- (search)
Solberg, Thorvald 1852- Author; born in Manitowoc, Wis., April 22, 1852; received a common school education; was on the staff of the librarian of Congress in 1876-89; manager of the literary department of the Boston Book Company in 1889-97. He was largely instrumental in securing international copyright, being present at the international copyright congresses in Barcelona, 1893; Antwerp, 1894; and Paris, in 1900; and was appointed register of copyrights July 15, 1897. He is the author of International copyright in the Congress of the United States, 1837-86; International copyright; The copyright; The copyright law of the United States in force; Directions for the registration of copyrights under the laws of the United States; Copyright enactments, 1783-1900 and Copyright, its law and its Literature (with R. R. Bowker).
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Soule, Pierre 1802- (search)
s with which you are charged, on the subject of Cuba. These and other considerations which will readily occur to you suggest that much may be done at London and Paris, either to promote directly the great object in view, or at least clear away impediments to its successful consummation. Under these circumstances, it seems dest. The simplest and only very apparent means of attaining this end is for the three ministers to meet, as early as may be, at some convenient central point (say Paris), to consult together, to compare opinions as to what may be advisable, and to adopt measures for perfect concert of action in aid of your negotiations at Madrid. d France to have the consultation suggested and then to bring your common wisdom and knowledge to bear simultaneously upon the negotiations at Madrid, London, and Paris. If you concur in these views, you will please fix the time when you can repair to Paris, or such other convenient point as you may select, and give notice of i