Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 9, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Paris or search for Paris in all documents.

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e principles enunciated in the fourth article of the declaration of Paris in reference to blockades. Your predecessors of the Provisional Cont really to prevent access to our coast," "that the declaration of Paris was, in truth, directed against blockades not sustained by any actugreement, or longer to respect those articles of the declaration of Paris, which had been repeatedly denounced by British statesmen, and had guage is used: "It is said we have, contrary to the declarations of Paris, contrary to international law, permitted the blockade of 3,000 milline of conduct which ignores the obligations of the declaration of Paris, and treats that instrument rather as a theoretical exposition of pt open to this objection. The second article of the declaration of Paris, which provides "that the neutral flag covers enemy's goods, with t rights to their full extent. The principles of the declaration of Paris commend themselves to our judgment as more just, more humane, and m
wo days later news from Europe. The report of the resignation of Earl Russell is contradicted by the London Fost. The English Government has chapped another pressed, supposed to be intended for the service of the Confederates, on the Clyde. The memorial Deplomatique maintains that fifteen out of twenty invited Powers have accepted the invitation to the proposed Congress. According to the London Post, the English Government declines giving its adherence. A semi- official paper of Paris states that the Congress will be occupied with the questions of Poland, the German Duchies, the States of the Church, Venice, and the reforms to be introduced in Romania. It was reported in Madrid that two American ships which had arms for the San Domingo insurgents were destroyed by a Spanish vessel off that island. Denmark has called out 11,000 men and fitted out six war vessels. The Prince of Augustenburg has notified his assumption of the Dukedom of Schleswig-Holstein to all t