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Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899 161 1 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3 156 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 3 116 2 Browse Search
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 2 76 0 Browse Search
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1 71 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli 49 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays 47 1 Browse Search
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life 36 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge 33 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson 32 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 16 results in 4 document sections:

Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Chapter 1: Cambridge and Newburyport (search)
t the graduation exercises: July 19, 1845 . . The Exercises in the morning were . . . good; almost every fellow did better than I expected. ... Elderly ministers sniffed at radical sentiments, young ones smiled at conservative ditto, and Theodore Parker sneered (at least so imagined) at a severe criticism on Strauss. Affianced damsels looked down blushingly when their several betrotheds came up, and looked up smilingly when the same gentlemen went down. There were at least half a dozen ofe Ministerial Conference on Thursday. I wanted you there, for I felt that I was pleading our cause. There had been much discussion, with this question at the bottom of all — are we to be a sect or take a step toward catholicism? Channing and Parker had spoken for their contemporaries. I told them I rose to speak for the young, and showed how ill they had done their duty to us; how little they had done for us; how they had estranged us and made us feel alone. I showed that they had shown u
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Chapter 2: the Worcester period (search)
hurch and every seat crowded — far beyond Theodore Parker's. Double rows of chairs in the aisles an him far less impressive intellectually than Mr. Parker, with whom one naturally compares him. Dorcester, December 31, 1852 Last night Theodore Parker lectured here, and we tea'd with him; he ears later he wrote again in reference to Theodore Parker: I stayed at Mr. Parker's nominally,Mr. Parker's nominally, he being at the West, and luxuriated in his splendid library, the finest in Boston, I suppose; beyoare of those or not. We are all glad that Theodore Parker should be indicted; it must result in a td that you should not see the weakness of Theodore Parker's idea of preserving the Union for the slstion that shallowness of knowledge which Theodore Parker attributed to him, and everything in the n his monologues and cross-questionings. Theodore Parker is as wonderfully learned in books, and aally wanted; for instance, my piece about Theodore Parker lay nearly two months under a pile of ano
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Chapter 3: Journeys (search)
I . . . go on deck in a light and graceful deshabille, to be soused with two or three pails of Gulf Stream water by a grinning sailor, to the great glee of the Portuguese steerage passengers. ... Twelve sometimes brings a lunch of pears and grapes and apples. ... It is the most lotus-eating life. I do not see how a person can be fit for anything after six weeks of it; what, then, must an imprisonment be?--a thought which comes naturally to my mind, since I have been reading the sheets of Mr. Parker's Defence, which he gave me, and which have recalled the times when I used to build visions occasionally of the inside of a jail. ... . We have had no calms or storms, and few wonders, though many beauties. One night dolphins sent lances of fire beneath our bows; yesterday we saw a shoal of great leathery blackfish rolling their broad bulk half out of water, and to-day a little shower of white foam-flakes across the distant trough of a wave was pronounced to be flying fish. ... I ha
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Index. (search)
112-14. Austin, William, 334. B Baltimore, Md., men killed at, 155. Barnum, P. T., 80, 81. Beecher, Henry Ward, description of, 45-48; compared with Parker, 46, 47, 53. Bigelow, Luther, 171, 175. Blackwell, Antoinette Brown, 111. Blackwell, Henry B., 60-63. Boston Authors' Club, 233. Bowens, the, of Baltimor80; at Worcester, 44-182, 221-23; on Sir Charles Grandison, 44, 45; and H. W. Beecher, 45-48; and Samuel Longfellow, 47-49; exchanges pulpits, 51, 52, 59; and Theodore Parker, 53, 54; and Lucy Stone, 55, 59-63; and Mrs. Chapman, 68, 69; and Anthony Burns, 68, 81; and Stephen Foster, 69, 70; arrested, 70; and the Quakers, 73-77; and 29, 30, 32. Ossoli, Count, 30. Oxford, England, Commemoration Day at, 291, 292. P Palfrey, Dr. J. G., 3. Palfrey sisters, description of, 1-3. Parker, Theodore, at graduation exercises, 4; compared with H. W. Beecher, 46, 47; eloquence of, 53; Higginson and, 53. 54; described, 94; fire at home of, 269. Peab