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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 4: life in Lexington. (search)
hief instruments of God in bringing him to a saving knowledge of the truth. Another spiritual guide now presented himself, in the chaplain of the garrison, the Rev. Mr. Parks. This gifted man was also an alumnus of the military academy at West Point, and a distinguished scholar. His religious zeal had led him to forsake the lifhat it was his duty, meanwhile, to assume, in the appointed rite, the name and service of the Redeemer, who, he hoped, had saved him. On this understanding, the Rev. Mr. Parks baptized him, and admitted him to his first communion. After a residence of about two years at Fort Hamilton, Major Jackson was transferred to Fort Mead had been constrained to reject it as an apostasy from the system of Holy Writ. Of Episcopacy he had learned something from his friends Colonel Taylor and the Rev. Mr. Parks, whose religious principles and feelings he, to a great extent, approved and embraced; but with some of the features of that system he was not satisfied. H
Fifth Ohio. Perceiving that the ridge across which my regiment extended was commanded to the very crest by a battery in front, also by those to right and left, I directed the men to pass up the gorges on either side. About forty men, with Captain Parks and Lieutenant Stinger, passed to the left, the balance to the right, and boldly charged on, till, foremost with those of other regiments, they stood on the strongest point of the enemy's works, masters alike of his guns and position. ...... Captain Parks reports his skirmish-line to have charged upon and captured one gun, that otherwise would have been hauled off. Report of Colonel Allen Buckner, Seventy-Ninth Illinois. The right of the regiment rested on the left of the road, where it crossed the rebel fortification, leading up the hill toward Bragg's headquarters. We took a right oblique direction through a peach orchard Until arriving at the woods and logs on the side of the ridge, when I ordered the men to commence firi
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 5: the Chattanooga campaign.--movements of Sherman's and Burnside's forces. (search)
f that officer's and McPherson's corps, to drive Johnston from Jackson and the railway. In the afternoon of the 4th of July 1863. the re-enforcements were in motion, and when, the next day, they joined Sherman, that leader had about fifty thousand effective men under his command. With these he crossed the Big Black, July 6. his right, under Ord, passing at the site of the railway bridge; See page 612, volume II. his center, under Steele, at Messenger's Ford, above; and his left, under Parks, still farther up the river. In sweltering heat and blinding dust — men and horses almost maddened by thirst, where little water might be found on account of a parching drought — the army pressed forward over a country which, by Grant's orders, May 26. had been desolated by General Baird for scores of miles around Vicksburg, and pushed Johnston back to Jackson, where he took shelter July 7. behind his breastworks and rifle-pits, and from which, with a ludicrous show of faith at such a m
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, chapter 13 (search)
th our enemies, and there was a strong prospect that the whole civil population would become a dead weight on our hands. Inasmuch as the Mississippi River was then in our possession northward, and steamboats were freely plying with passengers and freight, I caused all the stores to be opened, churches, schools, theatres, and places of amusement, to be re-established, and very soon Memphis resumed its appearance of an active, busy, prosperous place. I also restored the mayor (whose name was Parks) and the city government to the performance of their public functions, and required them to maintain a good civil police. Up to that date neither Congress nor the President had made any clear, well-defined rules touching the negro slaves, and the different generals had issued orders according to their own political sentiments. Both Generals Halleck and Grant regarded the slave as still a slave, only that the labor of the slave belonged to his owner, if faithful to the Union, or to the Un
iment, and while he exhibits the true gentleman in every respect, he is a noble, brave officer, and the men under him are willing to follow him under every circumstance. killed and wounded. Charles Peffer, killed, Galion; Ord.-Sergt. Ritta, wounded slightly, Haysville; Corp. Love, wounded severely, New-London; Privates Capon, wounded severely, Galion; Huber, wounded slightly, Galion; Mason, wounded slightly, Galion; McIntosh, wounded severely, Galion; Noblit, wounded slightly, Galion; Parks, wounded severely, Galion; Wetherick, wounded severely, Galion; Wight, wounded, since dead, Galion; Nase, wounded slightly, Galion; Reuben Coates, wounded slightly, New-London; Hazzard, wounded, since dead, New-London ; Jliff, wounded severely, Olmstead; Neff wounded slightly, Columbus; Runyan, wounded severely, New-London; Winch, wounded severely, Bettsville; White, wounded slightly, Haysville; Truax, wounded, since dead, New-London; Griggs, wounded slightly, Clyde ; Heckler, wounded slight
s in line of battle. Soon after this attack was made, word was received from Gen. Sickles that the enemy in his immediate front were preparing to turn our left, when all our reserves were despatched to strengthen him. No attack, however, in force was made, and Sickles's and Carr's brigades remained in position. The former reports the capture of one hundred and fifty prisoners, in which are included one Lieutenant-Colonel, one Captain, five Lieutenants, and forty enlisted men, taken by Capt. Parks, company F, Second New-York volunteers, Carr's brigade. To these should be added one stand of colors, all of which were forwarded to the headquarters of Gen. Sumner. The loss of the rebels in this battle was very severe. The field on which they fought was one of unusual extent for the number engaged, and it was almost covered with their dead and dying. From their torches we could see that the enemy was busy all night long in searching for his wounded, but up to daylight the follow
n and their impetuous charge assisted in striking terror into the heart of the foe and in hastening his inglorious flight. In this engagement and that of Saturday, the brigade captured seventy-one prisoners, including a Captain and two Lieutenants. The loss in the brigade was forty-four killed on the field, forty-three missing (most of whom are known to be, and the others are supposed to be, in the hands of the enemy), and four hundred wounded. Among the killed I regret to mention Captain Parks, Sixteenth Tennessee regiment; Lieutenant Hainey, Murray's battalion, attached to the Thirty-eighth Tennessee regiment; Lieutenant Wade and Color-bearer Bland, of the Fifty-first and Fifty-second Tennessee regiments; Captain Whaley and Lieutenant Craig, of the Twenty-eighth Tennessee regiment, and Lieutenant Van Vleck, Carnes' battery. Among the wounded were Colonels John H. Anderson and D. M. Donnell; Lieutenant-Colonel J. G. Hall, and Major T. G. Randle; Captains Puryear, Callum, and
y artillery, were, respectively, in immediate command of the upper and lower batteries, and Colonel Fuller, Chief of Heavy Artillery, Lieutenant-Colonel Pinckney, Eighth Louisiana battalion, in command of two of the lower batteries for a portion of the time, was temporarily relieved, under a special organization, which reduced the battalion to a Major's command. The officers commanding these companies were as follows: Captains Capers, Grayson, Butler, Tissot, Purvis, Herrod, Todd, Disumkes, Parks, Morman, Postlethwait, Durives, Kerr, and Lieutenants Eustis, Butler, and McCrory. The names of the above-mentioned officers are given for the reason that, in connection with their Lieutenants and men, they have passed through an ordeal that troops are but seldom called upon to undergo! For more than seventy-five days and nights have these batteries been continuously manned and ready for action at a moment's warning. During much of this time the roar of cannon has been unceasing, and ther
James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), The organization of the Federal Navy (search)
Thus these improvised gunboats went bravely to their tasks, sometimes winning single-handed against superior force, sometimes paying the penalty of their boldness in cruising up rivers and about sounds and bayous where hostile batteries and gunboats lay concealed or where troops were ambushed ready to pick off the pilot and anyone else who showed himself. The necessities of this sort of inland warfare taught the navy the value of the light-draught. The gunboat McDonough. The gunboat Parks to declare a blockade of the Atlantic coast south of the Chesapeake, and this was quickly followed by proclamations extending it from the Gulf to the Rio Grande. Long before there were enough vessels to make the blockade effective, this farreaching action was taken. But now, as the navy grew, most of the purchased ships were made ready for use, and before the close of 1861, were sent southward to establish and strengthen this blockade, and by the end of the year the ports of the Confeder
7LeydenJune 26, 1860. 30,518FetterOct. 23, 1860. 31,644Lathrop et al.Mar. 5, 1861. 2. (b.) Commercial Spool for Under-Thread. (continued). No.Name.Date. 38,276BaldwinApr. 28, 1863. 40,446Lathrop et al.Oct. 27, 1863. 42,449ThompsonApr. 19, 1864. (Reissue.)1,704FetterJune 21, 1864. 43,404HallJuly 5, 1864. 44,003LathropAug. 30, 1864. 57,157LeydenAug. 14, 1866. 66,440AbbottJuly 9, 1867. 90,130SleppyMar. 18, 1869. 93,588BondAug. 10, 1869. 128,684WardwellJuly 2, 1872. 129,981ParksJuly 30, 1872. 141,245WardwellJuly 29, 1873. 143,027NoyesSept. 23, 1873. 148,339WardwellMar. 10, 1874. 152,589AbbottJune 30, 1874. 2. (c.) Hooks of various other Patterns making Chain and Lock Stitch. 21,465BlodgettSept. 7, 1858. 21,592HinkleySept. 21, 1858. 21,800MillerOct. 12, 1858. 24,081MillerMay 17, 1859. 24,780ParkerJuly 12, 1859. 25,231HinkleyAug. 23, 1859. 25,331HardieSept. 6, 1859. 25,782WoodwardOct. 11, 1859. 25,885CrosbyOct. 25, 1859. 28,920ToggenbergerJan. 26, 18
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