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George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Life of George Ticknor. (search)
the purest and truest honor and virtue. General Thayer died September 7, 1872. Soon after I left college,—in 1807,—my father, who had a great regard for classical learning, and knew that I had acquired very little of it, proposed to me to study with the Rev. John Sylvester John Gardiner, Rector of Trinity Church, who was in the habit of preparing a few pupils for Harvard College, and instructing others who had left college. Dr. Gardiner was a very good scholar, bred in England under Dr. Parr, and his teaching was undoubtedly better of the sort than any to be had elsewhere in New England. He received his pupils in his library, in his slippers and dressing-gown. I went to him after the other scholars had left him, from twelve to one o'clock, but sometimes a little earlier, in order to hear some of the recitations. He was a strict and accurate teacher, stern and severe to the inattentive and stupid, but kindly and helpful to willing workers. I prepared at home what he prescr
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 3: (search)
Chapter 3: Departure for Europe. arrival in England. State of feeling there. Mr. Roscoe. Chirk Castle. Dr. Parr. arrival in London. Mr. Vaughan. Mr. Sharp. Sir Humphry Davy. Gifford. Lord Byron. anecdotes of Bonaparte. Mr. Murray. Mr. West. Mr. Campbell. Mrs. Siddons. leaves London. arrival in Gat Allerton, gave the usual whig argument against it, in a manner that very much surprised me. On my way up to London I stopped at Hatton, and made a visit to Dr. Parr. He certainly was not very gentle or philosophic in his opposition. Sir, said he, in his solemn, dogmatical manner, with his peculiar lisp, which always had soim, she was very sorry indeed he was too late, but if she had that melancholy office to perform again, she would certainly remember him. Hatton, May 23, 1815.—Dr. Parr lives at Hatton, but four miles from Warwick, and I was resolved not to pass so near to one who is the best Latin scholar, and almost the best Greek one in Engla
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 14: (search)
Chapter 14: Edinburgh. news of his mother's death. Mrs. Grant. Mrs. Fletcher. Playfair. Scott. Abbotsford. Southey. Wordsworth. Dr. Parr. Sir James MacKINTOSHintosh. London. Hazlitt. Godwin. Wilberforce. return to America. To Mr. Elisha Ticknor. Edinburgh, February 11, 1819. I have received your letter, dearest father, to-day. It was very unexpected, but I have not been altogether overcome. Cogswell will tell you so. I do not think anybody has willinglys. On the whole, however, he seemed fairly disposed to do justice to his contemporaries and rivals. . . . . In the morning early I recommenced my journey. . . March 23.—At Birmingham I took a post-chaise and went on, and slept at Hatton,—old Dr. Parr's. This was another pleasant literary visit. The old gentleman received me with kindness, and recognized me at once. I had a letter to him, but it was not necessary, as he remembered me. Since I saw him, age has laid a heavy hand upon him, and
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), chapter 26 (search)
03-105, 121. Blumner, Madame de, 481. Bohl von Faber, 236 and note. Bologna, visits, 166. Bombelles, Count H., 246, 247. Bonaparte, Christine (Countess Posse), 182, 183 note, 446 Bonaparte, Emperor Napoleon I., return from Elba, 49; Dr. Parr on, 50; Byron's feeling for, 60; anecdotes of, 61, 123. Bonaparte, Jerome, King of Westphalia, 83, 84, 111. Bonaparte, Letizia (Madame Mere), 181. Bonaparte, Louis, 181. Bonaparte, Lucien, 181, 182. Bonaparte, Madame, Lucien, 182, 183, 126-151; police affairs with, 141-146; visits, 253-263; salons, 253. Parish, Daniel, 15, 16, 27. Parker, Chief Justice of Massachusetts, 9, 10 note, 11, 340. Parker, Mr., 146, 148. Parker, Mr., 407. Park Street, house in, 387-389. Parr, Dr., 50, 52, 53, 288, 289. Parry, Captain, 422. Parsons, Chief Justice, 396. Parsons, William, 331, 332. Pastoret, Count, 253, 255, 256. Pastoret, Countess, 255, 256. Patterson, Mr., 193 note. Peabody, Rev. W. O. B., 428 and note. Pee