Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 18, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for James A. Pearce or search for James A. Pearce in all documents.

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tes Senator from Virginia, died in Washington last week. Gen. Thomas has issued an order assessing $30,000 on rebel sympathizers living within ten miles of the recent murder of three soldiers near Mulberry, Tenn., the money to be divided between the families of the soldiers killed. Admiral Storer, of the United States Navy, died on Saturday at Portsmouth, N. H. Ex-Gov. Thomas H. Hicks has been chosen U. S. Senator from Maryland to fill the seat vacated by the death of the Hon. James A. Pearce. The Democratic and Conservative members of Congress, in caucus last week, resolved "that the President's proclamation of the 8th of December, 1863, is unwise, inexpedient, revolutionary, and unconstitutional, and is therefore disapproved." A great commotion has been excited in the New York Custom House by the arrest and confinement in Fort Lafayette of Mr. A. N. Palmer, charged with being in collusion with parties engaged in contraband trade with the Southern States, and