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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 14: from the Rappahannock to the Potomac (search)
oker, and awaiting developments. On the contrary, he proceeded to maneuver his adversary out of a position from which he could not drive him, and to force him to abandon all idea of further aggressive campaign in Virginia for that year. Early in June, with his army reorganized into three corps, the First under Longstreet, embracing the divisions of Mc-Laws, Picket, and Hood; the Second under Ewell, embracing Early, Rodes, and Jackson; and the Third under A. P. Hill, Anderson, Heth, and Pender,--all the corps commanders being lieutenant-generals,--Lee drew away from the line of the Rappahannock, leaving Hill, however, for a short time, to watch Hooker, proceeded northward, by way of Culpeper and the Valley of Virginia,--the Second Corps in advance,--crossed the Shenandoah near Front Royal about June 12th, and, near Winchester, routed and captured a large part of the force which, under Milroy, was holding the Lower Valley. Hill followed Ewell, Longstreet's corps hovering yet a whi
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 16: Gettysburg (search)
une, Hill, who was at Fayetteville, between Chambersbtrg and Gettysburg, under general orders to co-operate with Ewell in menacing the communication of Harrisburg with Philadelphia, sent Heth's division to Cashtown, following it on the 30th with Pender's, and on the 1st of July with Anderson's division. On the 1st, Heth sent forward Pettygrew's brigade toward Gettysburg, where it encountered a considerable Federal force, how considerable Pettygrew could not determine; but it consisted in part und infantry to report at once, but not to force an engagement. He did find infantry, a large body of it, and finding himself unable to draw away from it, soon became hotly engaged. The sound of artillery hurried Hill to the front and he put in Pender's division in support of Heth. Anderson did not get up in time to take part in this fight. But the Second Corps, Ewell's, to which I was attached, or rather two divisions of it, Early's and Rodes', which were already en route for Cashtown, h
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
y, Matthew Fontaine, 79 Maury, Richard Launcelot, 79 Meade, George Gordon: Lee's comments on, 227-28; mentioned, 207, 222, 237, 288 Mechanicsville, Va., 93-94. Northern civilians, 200-206. Northerners in Confederate service, 37-44. Observation tower, 310 Orange County, Va., 120, 355-56. Owen, William Benton, 139-45, 176-79. Pegram, John, 110, 232-33. Pegram, William Johnson, 53, 57, 109-10. Pegram's Artillery Battalion, 41, 57, 110 Pelham, John, 53, 109 Pender, William Dorsey, 192, 209 Pendleton, Alexander Swift, 190 Pendleton, William Nelson, 233 Peninsula Campaign, 73-117. Pennington, William, 28 Percheron horses, 200 Petersburg Campaign, 238, 241, 258, 287, 290, 309-22. Pettigrew, James Johnston, 209 Philadelphia, Pa., 209 Pickett, George Edward, 192, 272, 274, 311 Pioneer troops, 184-87, 210, 219, 276, 301 Point Lookout, Md., 18 Poison Fields, Spotsylvania County, Va., 229-30. Port Republic, 245 Presbyterians, 25, 13