Browsing named entities in Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2. You can also browse the collection for Pennington or search for Pennington in all documents.

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Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2, Chapter 7: the World's Convention.—1840. (search)
the frank of a member of Congress. At the request of Mr. Lewis Tappan, I transmitted them through the mails free of postage under my frank, for which act of treason to the Government, as Gov. Polk was pleased to call it [Lib. 10.185], no less than five of these Southern governors either mentioned the outrage in messages to their respective legislatures, or published letters over their own signatures in the newspapers, complaining of this outrageous attack upon Southern institutions. Gov. Pennington, of New Jersey, of all to whom it was addressed, answered it respectfully, and concurred in the general sentiments of the address [Lib. 10.185]. Gov. McDonald, of Georgia, says: This is a subject which, with the object intended to be accomplished by it, admits of no argument; and all who seek to agitate it and carry out the above purpose, either by courting foreign alliances or the use of other means, shall be regarded and treated as public enemies, outlaws and traitors (Ms.). Th
kson's protest against colonization, 388, 416; sends Colver's letters to G., 429; on G.'s infidelity, 430.—Letters to G., 2.388; Collins, 2.430; from G., 2.183, 331, 404, 411, 414, 416, 431. Pease, Joseph, of Feethams, [b. Darlington, Eng., Jan. 28, 1772; d. there, Mar. 16, 1846], Quaker abolitionist, 2.183, member Brit. India Com., 372.—Letters from G., 2.391, 393. Peel, Robert [1788-1850], 1.354; opposes Emancipation Bill, 355; at Wilberforce's funeral, 379. Peirce, C., 1.264. Pennington, William [1797-1862], 2.381. Pennock, Abraham L., 2.310. Pennsylvania, response to Southern appeal, 2.76; rejects bill giving jury trial to fugitives, 128. Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society, formed, 2.79, makes Nat. Enquirer its organ, 323. Pennsylvania Freeman, edited by Whittier, 2.217, 221, 276; on C. G. Atherton, 247. Pennsylvania Hall, erected, 2.211, dedicated, 214, burnt, 2.186, 209, 215, 216; denounced by R. J. Breckinridge, 218, rebuilding opposed by E. Cresson, 218.—<