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Browsing named entities in Aristophanes, Lysistrata (ed. Jack Lindsay). You can also browse the collection for Athens (Greece) or search for Athens (Greece) in all documents.

Your search returned 9 results in 7 document sections:

Aristophanes, Lysistrata (ed. Jack Lindsay), line 636 (search)
WOMEN. Your own mother will not know you when you get back to the town. But first, my friends and allies, let us lay these garments down, And all ye fellow-citizens, hark to me while I tell What will aid Athens well. Just as is right, for I Have been a sharer In all the lavish splendour Of the proud city. I bore the holy vessels At seven, then I pounded barley At the age of ten, And clad in yellow robes, Soon after this, I was Little Bear to Brauronian Artemis; Then neckletted with figs, Grown tall and pretty, I was a Basket-bearer, And so it's obvious I should Give you advice that I think good, The very best I can.
Aristophanes, Lysistrata (ed. Jack Lindsay), line 551 (search)
nse it, so with a pitiless zeal we will scrub Through the whole city for all greasy fellows; burrs too, the parasites, off we will rub. That verminous plague of insensate place-seekers soon between thumb and forefinger we'll crack. All who inside Athens' walls have their dwelling into one great common basket we'll pack. Disenfranchised or citizens, allies or aliens, pell-mell the lot of them in we will squeeze. Till they discover humanity's meaning.... As for disjointed and far colonies, Them you must never from this time imagine as scattered about just like lost hanks of wool. Each portion we'll take and wind in to this centre, inward to Athens each loyalty pull, Till from the vast heap where all's piled together at last can be woven a strong Cloak of State. MAGISTRATE How terrible is it to stand here and watch them carding and winding at will with our fate, Witless in war as they are. LYSISTRATA What of us then, who ever in vain for our children must weep Borne but to perish af
Aristophanes, Lysistrata (ed. Jack Lindsay), line 486 (search)
“Keep for your web and your shuttle your care, Or for some hours hence your cheeks will be sore and hot; leave this alone, war is Man's sole affair!” MAGISTRATE By Zeus, but a man of fine sense, he. LYSISTRATA How sensible? You dotard, because he at no time had lent His intractible ears to absorb from our counsel one temperate word of advice, kindly meant? But when at the last in the streets we heard shouted (everywhere ringing the ominous cry) “Is there no one to help us, no saviour in Athens?” and, “No, there is no one,” come back in reply. At once a convention of all wives through Hellas here for a serious purpose was held, To determine how husbands might yet back to wisdom despite their reluctance in time be compelled. Why then delay any longer? It's settled. For the future you'll take up our old occupation. Now in turn you're to hold tongue, as we did, and listen while we show the way to recover the nation. MAGISTRATE You talk to us! Why, you're mad. I'll not stand it.
Aristophanes, Lysistrata (ed. Jack Lindsay), line 335 (search)
Chorus of WOMEN. For I am told a dribbling band Of greybeards hobble to the field, Great faggots in each palsied hand, As if a hot bath to prepare, And threatening that out they'll drive These wicked women or soon leave them charring into ashes there. O Goddess, suffer not, I pray, this harsh deed to be done, But show us Greece and Athens with their warlike acts repealed! For this alone, in this thy hold, Thou Goddess with the helm of gold, We laid hands on thy sanctuary, Athene.... Then our ally be And where they cast their fires of slaughter Direct our water!
Aristophanes, Lysistrata (ed. Jack Lindsay), line 46 (search)
n the dark. But if the affair's so wonderfull, tell us, what is it? LYSISTRATA No, let us stay a little longer till The Peloponnesian girls and the girls of Boeotia Are here to listen. MYRRHINE That's the best advice. Ah, there comes Lampito. Enter LAMPITO. LYSISTRATA Welcome Lampito! Dear Spartan girl with a delightful face, Washed with the rosy spring, how fresh you look In the easy stride of your sleek slenderness, Why you could strangle a bull! LAMPITO I think I could. It's frae exercise and kicking high behint.The translator has put the speech of the Spartan characters in Scotch dialect which is related to English about as was the Spartan dialect to the speech of Athens. The Spartans, in their character, anticipated the shrewd, canny, uncouth Scotch highlander of modern times. LYSISTRATA What lovely breasts to own! LAMPITO Oo ... your fingers Assess them, ye tickler, wi' such tender chucks I feel as if I were an altar-victim. LYSISTRATA Who is this youngster?
Aristophanes, Lysistrata (ed. Jack Lindsay), line 1 (search)
henceforth in our hands: To destroy the Peloponnesians root and branch— CALONICE What could be nobler! LYSISTRATA Wipe out the Boeotians— CALONICE Not utterly. Have mercy on the eels!The Boeotian eels were highly esteemed delicacies in Athens. LYSISTRATA But with regard to Athens, note I'm careful Not to say any of these nasty things; Still, thought is free.... But if the women join us From Peloponnesus and Boeotia, then Hand in hand we'll rescue Greece. CALONICE How could we dmercy on the eels!The Boeotian eels were highly esteemed delicacies in Athens. LYSISTRATA But with regard to Athens, note I'm careful Not to say any of these nasty things; Still, thought is free.... But if the women join us From Peloponnesus and Boeotia, then Hand in hand we'll rescue Greece. CALONICE How could we do Such a big wise deed? We women who dwell Quietly adorning ourselves in a back-room With gowns of lucid gold and gawdy toilets Of stately silk and dainty little slippers..
Aristophanes, Lysistrata (ed. Jack Lindsay), line 1216 (search)
I've never known such a pleasant banquet before, And what delightful fellows the Spartans are. When we are warm with wine, how wise we grow. 2ND ATHENIAN That's only fair, since sober we're such fools: This is the advice I'd give the Athenians— See our ambassadors are always drunk. For when we visit Sparta sober, then We're on the alert for trickery all the while So that we miss half of the things they say, And misinterpret things that were never said, And then report the muddle back to Athens. But now we're charmed with each other. They might cap With the Telamon-catch instead of the Cleitagora, And we'd applaud and praise them just the same; We're not too scrupulous in weighing words. PORTER Why, here the rascals come again to plague me. Won't you move on, you sorry loafers there! MARKET-LOUNGER Yes, by Zeus, they're already coming out. SPARTANS Now hinnie dearest, please tak' up your pipe That I may try a spring an' sing my best In honour o' the Athenians an' oursels.