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Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus (ed. Sir Richard Jebb) 14 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 6 0 Browse Search
Aeschines, Speeches 2 0 Browse Search
Aeschylus, Eumenides (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.) 2 0 Browse Search
Aristophanes, Birds (ed. Eugene O'Neill, Jr.) 2 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 21-30 2 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 2 0 Browse Search
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 2 0 Browse Search
Epictetus, Works (ed. Thomas Wentworth Higginson) 2 0 Browse Search
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Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus (ed. Sir Richard Jebb), line 33 (search)
this maiden, who has sight both for herself and for me,that you have arrived as a scout of good fortune for the solving of our doubts— Enter a stranger, a man of Colonus. Stranger Now, before you question me at length, leave this seat. You occupy ground which is unholy to tread upon. Oedipus And what is this ground? To which of Titan Prometheus. But as for the spot on which you tread, it is called the bronze threshold of this land, the support of Athens. And the neighboring fields claim Colonus, the horse-rider, for their ancient ruler;and all the people bear his name in common as their own. Such, you see, stranger, are these haunts. They receive their h through story, but rather through our living with them. Oedipus Are there indeed dwellers in this region? Stranger Yes indeed, the namesakes of that god there [Colonus]. Oedipus Have they a king? Or does speaking [in assembly] rest with the masses? Stranger These parts are ruled by the king in the city. Oedipus And who is he
Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus (ed. Sir Richard Jebb), line 118 (search)
The Chorus of elders of Colonus enters the orchestra. Chorus Look! Who was he, then? Where is he staying? Where has he rushed from this place,man most insatiate of all who live? Scan the ground, look well, press the search everywhere. A wanderer that old man must have been,a wanderer, not a dweller in the land; otherwise he never would have advanced into this untrodden grove of the maidens with whom none may strive.Their name we tremble to speak; we pass them by with eyes turned away, moving our lips, without sound or word, in still devotion. But now it is said that one has come who reveres them not at all;and him I cannot yet discern, though I look round all the holy place, nor do I know where to find his lodging. Oedipus steps forward with Antigone. Oedipus Behold the man you seek! In sound is my sight, as the saying goes. Chorus Oh! Oh! Fearful he is to see, and fearful to hear! Oedipus Do not regard me, I beg you, as a lawless man. Chorus Zeus defend us! Who may this old man b
Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus (ed. Sir Richard Jebb), line 668 (search)
Chorus Stranger, in this land of fine horses you have come to earth's fairest home, the shining Colonus.Here the nightingale, a constant guest, trills her clear note under the trees of green glades, dwelling amid the wine-dark ivyand the god's inviolate foliage, rich in berries and fruit, unvisited by sun, unvexed by the wind of any storm. Here the reveller Dionysus ever walks the ground,companion of the nymphs that nursed him.
Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus (ed. Sir Richard Jebb), line 800 (search)
ho is mine. Oedipus Lords of the land! Chorus Stranger, you are acting unjustly. Creon Justly. Chorus How? Creon I take my own. He lays his hand on Antigone. Oedipus Oh, city ! Chorus What are you doing, stranger? Release her!Your strength and ours will soon come to the test. Creon Stand back! Chorus Not while this is your purpose. Creon There will be war with Thebes for you, if you harm me. Oedipus Did I not say so? Chorus Unhand the girl at once! Creon Do not make commands where you are not the master. Chorus Let go, I tell you! CreonTo his guards, who seize Antigone. And I tell you: be off! Chorus Help, men of Colonus, bring help! The city, our city, is attacked by force! Come to our aid! Antigone I am being dragged away in misery. Strangers, strangers! Oedipus My child, where are you? Antigone I am led off by force. Oedipus Give me your hand, my child! Antigone I am helpless. Creon Away with you! Oedipus I am wretched, wretched!The guards exit with Antigone.
Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus (ed. Sir Richard Jebb), line 848 (search)
think this city no longer exists. Creon For men who are just, you see, the weak vanquishes the strong. Oedipus Do you hear his words? Chorus Yes, but he will not achieve them. Creon Zeus knows perhaps, but you do not. Chorus This is an outrage! Creon An outrage which you must bear. Chorus Hear people, hear rulers of the land! Come quickly, come!These men are on their way to cross our borders! Enter Theseus. Theseus What is this shout? What is the trouble? What fear has moved you to stop my sacrifice at the altar to the sea-god, the lord of your Colonus? Speak, so that I may know the situation; for that is why I have spedhere more swiftly than was pleasant. Oedipus Dearest of men! I know your voice. Terrible are the things I have just suffered at the hands of this man here. Theseus What things are these? And who has pained you? Speak! Oedipus Creon, whom you see here,has torn from me my children—my only two. Theseus What is that you say? Oedipus You have heard my wrong