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Diodorus Siculus, Library 6 0 Browse Search
Aeschines, Speeches 2 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 2 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 2 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 21-30 2 0 Browse Search
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Aeschines, Against Ctesiphon, section 184 (search)
That this is true, you shall learn from the verses themselves; for on the first of the Hermae stands written:“Brave men and daring were they who once by the city of Eion,Far off by Strymon's flood, fought with the sons of the Medes.Fiery famine they made their ally, and Ares on-rushing;So they found helpless a foe stranger till then to defeat.”unknown>and on the second:“This, the reward of their labour, has Athens bestowed on her leaders;Token of duty well done, honor to valor supreme.Whoso in years yet to be shall read these Ls in the marble,Gladly will toil in his turn, giving his life for the state.
Demosthenes, On Organization, section 23 (search)
Rewards to citizens, rightly thus granted by our ancestors, are wrongly granted by you. But how about foreigners? When Meno of Pharsalus gave twelve talents of silver towards the war at Eion near AmphipolisPresumably in 424, but Themistocles does not mention it. The historical examples here are borrowed from Dem. 23 and supported us with two hundred cavalry of his own vassals, our ancestors did not vote him the citizenship, but only gave him immunity from taxes.
Demosthenes, Against Leptines, section 112 (search)
Then they have another argument ready; that even at Athens in former generations men who had rendered great services met with no recognition of this sort, but were content with an inscription in the Hermes-Portico.In the Agora. The inscription (quoted by Aeschin. 3.83) was in honor of Cimon's capture of Eion on the Strymon in 476. Perhaps indeed the inscription will be read to you. But in my opinion, Athenians, this argument is in many ways prejudicial to the State, besides being unju
Demosthenes, Against Aristocrates, section 199 (search)
Thus they distributed rewards within the city righteously and to the public advantage; we do it the wrong way. But what about those bestowed on strangers? When Meno of Pharsalus had given us twelve talents for the war at Eion near Amphipolis, and had reinforced us with three hundred of his own mounted serfs, they did not pass a decree that whoever slew Meno should be liable to seizure; they made him a citizen, and thought that distinction adequate.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 60 (search)
st of Asia to give aid to the cities which were allied with them and to liberate those which were still held by Persian garrisons. And Cimon, taking along the fleet which was at Byzantium and putting in at the city which is called Eion,In describing the successes of Cimon, Diodorus has compressed the events of some ten years into one; Eion was taken in 476 B.C. and the battle of the Eurymedon took place in 467 or 466 B.C. took it from the Persians who wereEion was taken in 476 B.C. and the battle of the Eurymedon took place in 467 or 466 B.C. took it from the Persians who were holding it and captured by siege Scyros, which was inhabited by Pelasgians and Dolopes; and setting up an Athenian as the founder of a colony he portioned out the land in allotments.This was an Athenian cleruchy, which differed from a colony in that the cleruchists did not lose their Athenian citizenship and did not necessarily reside on their allotments. After this, with a mind to begin greater enterprises, he put in at the Peiraeus, and after adding more trirem
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Chapter 73 (search)
dwell in. The Athenians elected as general Cleon, the leader of the popular party, and supplying him with a strong body of infantry sent him to the regions lying off Thrace. He sailed to Scione, where he added to his force soldiers from the besiegers of the city, and then sailed away and put in at Torone; for he knew that Brasidas had gone from these parts and that the soldiers who were left in Torone were not strong enough to offer battle. After encamping near Torone and besieging the city both by land and by sea, he took it by storm, and the children and women he sold into slavery, but the men who garrisoned the city he took captive, fettered them, and sent them to Athens. Then, leaving an adequate garrison for the city, he sailed away with his army and put in at the Strymon River in Thrace. Pitching camp near the city of Eion, which is about thirty stades distant from Amphipolis, he launched successive assaults upon the town.