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Diodorus Siculus, Library 12 0 Browse Search
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 6 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 1-10 4 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 1-10 4 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 1-10 2 0 Browse Search
Dinarchus, Speeches 2 0 Browse Search
Dinarchus, Speeches 2 0 Browse Search
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Demosthenes, Olynthiac 1, section 9 (search)
Once again, when news came of the siege of Pydna, of Potidaea, of Methone, of Pagasae,In 357, 356, 354, and 352 respectively. and of the rest of them—not to weary you with a complete catalogue—if we had at that time shown the required zeal in marching to the help of the first that appealed, we should have found Philip today much more humble and accommodating. Unfortunately we always neglect the present chance and imagine that the future will right itself, and so, men of Athens, Philip has us to thank for his prosperity. We have raised him to a greater height than ever king of Macedonia reached before. Today this opportunity comes to us from the Olynthians unsought, a fairer opportunity than we have ever had befo
Demosthenes, Olynthiac 1, section 12 (search)
But if we leave these men too in the lurch, Athenians, and then Olynthus is crushed by Philip, tell me what is to prevent him from marching henceforward just where he pleases. I wonder if any one of you in this audience watches and notes the steps by which Philip, weak at first, has grown so powerful. First he seized Amphipolis, next Pydna, then Potidaea, after that Methone, lastly he invaded Thessaly.
Demosthenes, Philippic 1, section 4 (search)
But if anyone here, Athenians, is inclined to think Philip too formidable, having regard to the extent of his existing resources and to our loss of all our strongholds, he is indeed right, yet he must reflect that we too, men of Athens, once held Pydna, Potidaea, and Methone and had in our own hands all the surrounding territory, and that many of the native tribes now in his service were then free and independent and were indeed more inclined to side with us than with Philip.
Demosthenes, Philippic 1, section 35 (search)
And yet, men of Athens, how do you account for the fact that the Panathenaic festival and the Dionysia are always held at the right date, whether experts or laymen are chosen by lot to manage them, that larger sums are lavished upon them than upon any one of your expeditions, that they are celebrated with bigger crowds and greater splendor than anything else of the kind in the world, whereas your expeditions invariably arrive too late, whether at Methone or at Pagasae or at Potidaea?
Demosthenes, Philippic 3, section 26 (search)
[And this is easily proved by a short calculation.] I pass over Olynthus and Methone and Apollonia and the two and thirty cities in or near Thrace, all of which Philip has destroyed so ruthlessly that a traveler would find it hard to say whether they had ever been inhabited. I say nothing of the destruction of the important nation of the Phocians. But how stands the case of the Thessalians? Has he not robbed them of their free constitutions and of their very cities, setting up tetrarchies in order to enslave them, not city by city, but tribe by tribe?
Dinarchus, Against Demosthenes, section 14 (search)
31. Athenians, although he sailed round the Peloponnese and defeated the Lacedaemonians in a naval battle at Corcyra, and was the son of CononConon, a general in the Peloponnesian war who fought at Aegospotami, was later joint commander of the Persian fleet. In this capacity he rendered a service to Athens by defeating the Spartan Pisander in a naval battle off Cnidus in 394 B.C. too who liberated Greece. Though he captured Samos, Methone, Pydna, Potidaea, and twenty other cities besides, you did not permit such services to outweigh the trial which you were then conducting or the oaths that governed your vote; instead you fined him a hundred talents because Aristophon said that he had accepted money from the Chians and Rhodians.
Dinarchus, Against Philocles, section 17 (search)
Then why will you wait, Athenians? What further crimes do you wish to hear of greater than those we have mentioned? Was it not you and your ancestors who made no allowance for Timotheus,This passage corresponds almost word for word with Din. 1.14. See note on that. though he had sailed round the Peloponnese and beaten the Spartans in the sea-fight at Corcyra, though his father was Conon who liberated Greece and he himself had taken Samos, Methone, Pydna, Potidaea, and twenty cities besides? You did not take this record into consideration at all, or allow such services to outweigh the case before you or the oaths which you swear before giving your verdict, but fined him a hundred talents, because Aristophon said he had been bribed by the Chians and Rhodians.
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 84 (search)
o go as a volunteer than be thought to have been compelled to serve under compulsion by enrolment. When by this scheme he had persuaded more than three thousand to enrol voluntarily and saw that the rest of the youth showed no further interest, he then enrolled the thousand he had been promised from all who were left. When all the other preparations for his expedition had been made, Tolmides set out to sea with fifty triremes and four thousand hoplites, and putting in at Methone in Laconia, he took the place; and when the Lacedaemonians came to defend it, he withdrew, and cruising along the cost to Gytheium, which was a seaport of the Lacedaemonians, he seized it, burned the city and also the dockyards of the Lacedaemonians, and ravaged its territory. From here he set out to sea and sailed to Zacynthos which belonged to Cephallenia; he took the island and won over all the cities on Cephallenia, and then sailed across to the opposite mainlan
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Contents of the Twelfth Book of Diodorus (search)
Potidaeans (chap. 34). —On the civil strife which arose in Thurii (chap. 35). —How Meton of Athens was the first to expound the nineteen-year cycle (chap. 36). —How the Tarantini founded the city of Heracleia in Italy (chap. 36). —How in Rome Spurius Maelius attempted to seize the supreme power and was put to death (chap. 37). —On the Peloponnesian War, as it is called (chaps. 38-41). —On the battle between the Boeotians and the Plataeans (chap. 42). —How, when Methone was being besieged by the Athenians, Brasidas the Spartan won distinction and fame (chap. 43). —How the Athenians campaigned against the Locrians and pillaged the city of Thronium (chap. 44). —How the Aeginetans, who had been expelled by the Athenians, colonized Thyreae, as it is called (chap. 44). —How the Lacedaemonians sent an army into Attica and destroyed the properties (chap. 45). —The second campaign of the Athenians against the Pot
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Chapter 43 (search)
ste the part of the coast which is called ActeThe eastern coast between Argolis and Laconia. and sent up the farm-buildings in flames. After this, sailing to Methone in Laconia, he both ravaged the countryside and made repeated assaults upon the city. There BrasidasThe single able general the Peloponnesians produced in thrther career see below, chaps. 62, 67-68, 74. the Spartan, who was still a youth in years but already distinguished for his strength and courage, seeing that Methone was in danger of capture by assault, took some Spartans, and boldly breaking through the hostile forces, which were scattered, he slew many of them and Brasidas fought so brilliantly that the Athenians found themselves unable to take the stronghold and withdrew to their ships, and Brasidas, who had saved Methone by his individual bravery and valour, received the approbation of the Spartans. And because of this hardihood of his, Brasidas, having become inordinate
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