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Pausanias, Description of Greece 276 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 138 0 Browse Search
Aeschines, Speeches 66 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 58 0 Browse Search
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 52 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 38 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Heracles (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 36 0 Browse Search
Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus (ed. Sir Richard Jebb) 34 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 34 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Bacchae (ed. T. A. Buckley) 32 0 Browse Search
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Apollodorus, Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book E (search)
goedus 21, p. 65, ed. H. Rabe; Ov. Met. 7.439; Hyginus, Fab. 38, who calls Cercyon a son of Vulcan (Hephaestus). The place associated with the story, known as the wrestling-school of Cercyon, was near Eleusis, on the road to Megara (Pausanias, 1.39.3). The Scholiast on Lucian, l.c. says that it was near Eleutherae, but he is probably in error; for if the place were near Eleutherae, it must have been on the road from Eleusis to Thebes, which is not the road that Theseus would take on his way from the Isthmus of Corinth to Athens. Sixth, he slew Damastes, whom some call Polypemon.More commonly known as Procrustes. See Bacch. 17(18).27ff., ed. Jebb; Diod. 4.59.5; Plut. Thes. 11; Paus. 1.38.5; Scholiast on Eur. Hipp. 977; Ov. Met. 7.438; Hyginus, Fab. 38. Ancient authorities are not agreed as to the name of this malefactor. Apollodorus and Plutarch call him Damastes; but Apollodorus sa
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 3 (search)
ho bore the name of Lycurgus we do not know which is referred to. Heyne conjectured that the incident took place in the war of the Epigoni against Thebes, when Capaneus, one of the original Seven against Thebes, and Lycurgus, son of Pronax (as to whom see Apollod. 1.9.13) may have been restThebes, and Lycurgus, son of Pronax (as to whom see Apollod. 1.9.13) may have been restored to life by Aesculapius. This conjecture is confirmed by a passage of Sextus Empiricus (p. 658 ed. Bekker), where we read: “Stesichorus in his Eriphyle says that he (Aesculapius) raised up some of those who fell at Thebes.” as Stesichorus says in the Eriphyle; Hippolytus,As to the restorThebes.” as Stesichorus says in the Eriphyle; Hippolytus,As to the restoration of Hippolytus to life by Aesculapius see Pind. P. 3.54(96)ff., with the Scholiast; Sextus Empiricus, p. 658, ed. Bekker (who quotes as his authority Staphylus in his book on the Arcadians); Scholiast on Eur. Alc. 1 (who quotes Apollodorus as his authority); Eratosthenes, Cat.
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 3 (search)
As a prize he received fifty youths and as many maidens, and the king, in obedience to an oracle, gave him also a dappled cow and bade him found a city wherever the animal should lie down; so he followed the cow. And when she was come to what was called the hill of the Phrygian Ate, she lay down; there Ilus built a city and called it Ilium.This legend of the foundation of Ilium by Ilus is repeated by Tzetzes, Scholiast on Lycophron 29. The site of Thebes is said to have been chosen in obedience to a similar oracle. See above, Apollod. 3.4.1. Homer tells us (Hom. Il. 20.215ff.) that the foundation of Dardania on Mount Ida preceded the foundation of Ilium in the plain. As to the hill of Ate, compare Stephanus Byzantius, s.v. *)/ilion. And having prayed to Zeus that a sign might be shown to him, he beheld by day the Palladium, fallen from heaven, lying before his tent. It was three cubits in
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 3 (search)
a dart, hit and killed Procris, and, being tried in the Areopagus, was condemned to perpetual banishment.Compare Tzetzes, Chiliades i.552. After the homicide of his wife, Cephalus is said to have dwelt as an exile in Thebes (Paus. 1.37.6). While Orithyia was playing by the Ilissus river, Boreas carried her off and had intercourse with her; and she bore daughters, Cleopatra and Chione, and winged sons, Zetes and Calais. These sons sailed whens and celebrated the games of the Panathenian festival, in which Androgeus, son of Minos, vanquished all comers. Him Aegeus sent against the bull of Marathon, by which he was destroyed. But some say that as he journeyed to Thebes to take part in the games in honor of Laius, he was waylaid and murdered by the jealous competitors.This account of the murder of Androgeus is repeated almost verbally by the Scholiast on Plat. Minos 321a. Compare Di
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 2 (search)
Amphitryon went with Alcmena and Licymnius to Thebes and was purified by CreonThat is, for tPerseus, from Helos in Argolis, and Creon from Thebes, Amphitryon ravaged the islands of the Comaetho, and sailed with the booty to Thebes,In the sanctuary of Ismenian Apollo at Thebes, the historian Herodotus saw a tripod bearing an inscription in “Cadmean let in them. But before Amphitryon reached Thebes, Zeus came by night and prolonging the us was a brother of Orpheus; he came to Thebes and became a Theban, but was killed by e his death. So Erginus marched against Thebes, and after slaughtering not a few of thgnant at this outrage, Erginus marched against Thebes. But Hercules, having received weapons from one and set it up in a sacred grove at Thebes, where was a shrine of Alcmena. Meanti 9.16.7) that there was no tomb of Alcmena at Thebes, because at her death she had been turned to [1 more...]<
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 3 (search)
ded by a cow, and to found a city wherever she should fall down for weariness.With this story of the foundation of Thebes by Cadmus compare Paus. 9.12.1ff., Paus. 9.19.4; Scholiast on Hom. Il. ii.494; Scholiast on Eur. Ph. 638 moon; Hyginus says simply that it had the mark of the moon on its flank. Varro says (Varro, Re Rust. iii.1) that Thebes in Boeotia was the oldest city in the world, having been built by King Ogyges before the great flood. The traditig the herds of Pelagon, he followed it behind. And after traversing Boeotia, it sank down where is now the city of Thebes. Wishing to sacrifice the cow to Athena, he sent some of his companions to draw water from the spring of Ares. Butthere sprang up armed men, who fought each other. See Apollod. 1.9.23. As to the dragon-guarded spring at Thebes, see Eur. Ph. 930ff.; Paus. 9.10.5, with my note. It is a common superstition that springs are guarded by
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 3 (search)
etzes, Chiliades viii.582ff. he came to Thebes, and forced the women to abandon their But Cadmus and Harmonia quitted Thebes and went to the Encheleans. As the Enchred dragon which guarded the spring at Thebes, which Hyginus absurdly calls the Cast Polydorus, having become king of Thebes, married Nycteis, daughter of Nycteus, ode at Hyria, and thence having come to Thebes, they were enrolled as citizens through their b of the children of Niobe was shown at Thebes (Paus. 9.16.7; compare Eur. Ph. 159ff.the road from Daulis and the road from Thebes and Lebadea meet and unite in the single road h Polyphontes and Laius, and arrived in Thebes. Laius was buried by Damasistratus, king of P kingdom. In his reign a heavy calamity befell Thebes. For Hera sent the Sphinx,As to the Sp xi.634ff. and Oedipus was driven from Thebes, after he had put out his eyes and cursed his
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 2 (search)
After his labours Hercules went to Thebes and gave Megara to Iolaus,With this and what follows down to the adventure with Syleus, compare Diod. 4.31 (who seems to be following the same authority as Apollodorus); Tzetzes, Chiliades ii.412-435. and, wishing himself to wed, he ascertained that Eurytus, prince of Oechalia, had proposed the hand of his daughter Iole as a prize to him who should vanquish himself and his sons in archery.Compare Scholiast on Hom. Il. 5.392; Soph. Trach. 260ff., with the Scholiast on Soph. Trach. 266; Scholiast on Eur. Hipp. 545. So he came to Oechalia, and though he proved himself better than them at archery, yet he did not get the bride; for while Iphitus, the elder of Eurytus's sons, said that Iole should be given to Hercules, Eurytus and the others refused, and said they feared that, if he got children, he would again kill his offspring.As he had killed the children he had by M
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 3 (search)
hand over the kingdom. So, being banished from Thebes, Polynices came to Argos, taking with h them. Accordingly, when war was to be made on Thebes, and the measure was advocated by Adrastus andhey should slay their mother and march against Thebes. Having mustered an army with seven leaders, Adrastus hastened to wage war on Thebes. The leaders were theseFor lists of the seven champions who marched against Thebes, see Aesch. Seven 375ff.; Soph. OC 1309ff.; Eur. Ph. 1090ff. and the camp.For the embassy of Tydeus to Thebes and its sequel, see Hom. Il. 4.382-398; Hom. Ikel, pp. 9ff., 275ff. As to the seven gates of Thebes, see Paus. 9.8.4-7, with Frazer, cm by persuading the Argives to march to Thebes; so when he perceived the intention of . The grave of Melanippus was on the road from Thebes to Chalcis (Paus. 9.18.1), but Clisthe he was leading back his beaten army from Thebes: Pausanias informs us also that Adrastus was w[5 more...]<
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 2 (search)
daughter. According to Pind. O. 7.23(40)ff., with the Scholiast), the mother of Tlepolemus by Herakles was not Astyoche but Astydamia. While he stayed among them, he sent word to Thespius to keep seven of his sons, to send three to Thebes and to despatch the remaining forty to the island of Sardinia to plant a colony.The sons referred to are those whom Herakles had by the fifty daughters of Thespius. See Apollod. 2.4.10. CompareDiod. 4.29, who says that two (not three) of these sons of Herakles remained in Thebes, and that their descendants were honoured down to the historian's time. He informs us also that, on account of the youth of his sons, Herakles committed the leadership of the colony to his nephew Iolaus. As to the Sardinian colony see also Paus. 1.29.5, Paus. 7.2.2, Paus. 9.23.1, Paus. 10.17.5, who says (Paus. 10.17.5) that there were still places called Iolaia in Sardinia, and that