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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The Pea Ridge campaign. (search)
uns could not overwhelm about 4500 with 23 guns (including the reinforcements from the First and Second Divisions). The fight on this part of the field was, at the beginning, a wild, isolated, irregular struggle of single batteries and their supports, sometimes almost hand to hand, instead of in serried and well-defined lines;--this accounts for the great losses on both sides. It was here that the two brigades of Vandever and Dodge, with the 9th and 4th Iowa, the 35th Illinois, the 24th and Phelps's Missouri regiment, Hayden's and Jones's batteries, and two mountain howitzers of Bowen's battalion, assisted by a part of the 1st Missouri and 3d Illinois Cavalry, withstood the incessant onslaught of the two Confederate brigades of Colonel Little and General Slack and the Missouri State Guards with the greatest tenacity, yielding only step by step, when exhausted by losses and without ammunition. The death of McCulloch was not only fatal to his troops, but also a most serious blow to
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The gun-boats at Belmont and Fort Henry. (search)
Rodgers purchased, and Wharf-boat at Cairo. From a war-time photograph. he, with Commander Roger N. Stembel, Lieutenant S. L. Phelps, and Mr. Eads, altered, equipped, and manned, for immediate service on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, 3 wooden.-Commanding L. Paulding: 7 32-pounders, 2 8-inch, 4 rifled 42-pounders, 1 rifled boat-howitzer. Second Division: Lieut. S. L. Phelps, commanding: Conestoga, Lieut.-Commanding S. L. Phelps: 4 32-pounders; Tyler, Lieut.-Commanding William Gwin: 1 32S. L. Phelps: 4 32-pounders; Tyler, Lieut.-Commanding William Gwin: 1 32-pounder, 6 8-inch; Lexington, Lieut.-Commanding J. W. Shirk: 2 32-pounders, 4 8-inch. The Union loss as officially reported was: Cincinnati, killed, 1; wounded, 9. Essex, killed, 6; wounded, 18; missing, 5. Total killed, 7; wounded, 27; missing, 5. but the heavy rains had made the direct roads to the fort almost impassable. The wooden gun-boats Conestoga, Commander S. L. Phelps, Tyler, Lieutenant-Commander William Gwin, and Lexington, Lieutenant J. W. Shirk, engaged the enemy at long range
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The defense of Fort Henry. (search)
her men wildly throwing themselves into the swollen river. Admiral Foote reported that his flag-ship was struck thirty-eight times, and the commanding officers of gun-boats (with several of whom I had enjoyed a warm personal acquaintance) complimented me highly on what they termed the extraordinary accuracy of the fire. I believe that with effective guns the same precision of fire would have sunk or driven back the flotilla. The formal surrender was made to the naval forces; Lieutenant-Commander Phelps acting for Flag-Officer Foote, and I representing General Tilghman. The number captured, including Tilghman and staff, hospital attendants and some stragglers from the infantry, amounted to about seventy. During the evening a large number of army officers came into the fort, to whom I was introduced by my old messmates, Lieutenant-Commanders Gwin and Shirk. Here I first saw General Grant, who impressed me, at the time, as a modest, amiable, kind-hearted but resolute man. Whi
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing forces at Fort Donelson, Tenn. (search)
l. Wm. B. Woods. Brigade loss: k,3; w,24; m, 1 = 28. Unattached: Battery A, 1st Ill. Lt. Artillery, Lieut. P. P. Wood; A, 32d Ill. Infantry, Capt. Henry Davidson. Loss: w, 10. iron-Clads and gun-boats, Flag-Officer Andrew H. Foote (w). St. Louis (flag-ship), Lieut. Leonard Paulding, k, 2; w, 8; Carondelet, Commander Henry Walke, k, 5; w, 28; Louisville, Commander Benjamin M. Dove, k, 4; w, 5; Pittsburgh, Lieut. Egbert Thompson, w, 2; Tyler, Lieut.-Com. William Gwin; Conestoga, Lieut.-Com. S. L. Phelps. Total loss: k, 11; w, 43 =54. The vessels which had been in action at Fort Henry (see page 362) carried the same armament at Fort Donelson. The Louisville and Pittsburgh were each armed with 6 32-pounders, 3 8-inch, and 4 rifled 42-pounders. The Louisville had also 1 12-pounder boat-howitzer. The total loss of the Union forces (army and navy) was 510 killed, 2152 wounded, 224 captured or missing = 2886. Composition and losses of the Confederate army. 1 Brig.-Gen. Gideon
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing forces at New Madrid (Island number10), Fort Pillow, and Memphis. (search)
hur O'Leary; G, 2d. Ill. Artillery, Capt. Frederick Sparrestrom. Union naval forces at Island number10. Flag-Officer A. H. Foote: Benton (flag-ship), Lieut.-Comr. S. L. Phelps; St. Louis, Lieut.-Comr. Leonard Paulding Cincinnati, Comr. R. N. Stembel; Pittsburgh, Lieut.-Comr. Egbert Thompson; Mound City, Comr. A. H. Kilty; Caronts range from 2000 to 7000, respectively. Union fleet at Fort Pillow, May 10TH, 1862. Capt. Charles Henry Davis, commanding pro tern. Benton (flagship), Lieut. S. L. Phelps; Carondelet, Comr. Henry Walke; Mound City, Comr. A. H. Kilty; Cincinnati, Comr. R. N. Stembel (w); St. Louis, Lieut. Henry Erben; Cairo, Lieut. N. C. Bryan Mound City, wounded, 1. Total, 4. Union fleet at Memphis, June 6TH, 1862. Flag-Officer Charles Henry Davis, commanding. Gun-boats--Benton (flagship), Lieut. S. L. Phelps; Louisville, Comr. B. M. Dove; Carondelet, Comr. Henry Walke; Cairo, Lieut. N. C. Bryant; St. Louis, Lieut. Wilson McGunnegle. Ram fleet-Queen of the West (