Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for William A. Phillips or search for William A. Phillips in all documents.

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ght they escaped all but one, the skirmishing continuing until noon, when the National pickets were driven in. Yesterday the attack was renewed and kept up until to-day, when the rebels were repulsed with slight loss.--(Doc. 195.) Colonel William A. Phillips, commanding the Indian brigade, had a severe fight with the rebels, belonging to the army of General Price, near Fort Gibson, Ark. The rebels crossed the Arkansas River, near the fort, when they were attacked by Colonel Phillips and drColonel Phillips and driven back, with a loss of one major and several men killed.--(Doc. 196.) The steamships Margaret and Jessie, the Annie and the Kate, arrived at Charleston, S. C., from Nassau, with valuable cargoes, having run the blockade.--The schooner Sea Bird was captured and burned by the rebels, while aground at the mouth of the Neuse River, N. C.--The steamer Eagle, having just left the harbor of Nassau, N. P., with a cargo intended for the rebels, was captured by the National gunboat Octorora.--Char