Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 17, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Pickens or search for Pickens in all documents.

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64,683Indianapolis. Ohio1210,153Col'mbus, Cleveland. Michigan1780Detroit. Wisconsin1780Milwaukee. lowa1780Keokuk. Minnesota1780St. Paul, 9473,391 Fort Pickens. The interest that was concentrated upon Sumter now is transferred to Pickens, which the Federal forces are reported to have reinforced. The number of batteries directed against Pickens is very large, and Sumter shows how soon a fort may be reduced when a fire from numerous batteries with improved guns is concentrated upPickens is very large, and Sumter shows how soon a fort may be reduced when a fire from numerous batteries with improved guns is concentrated upon it. The force before and near Pickens is from five to six thousand men. A correspondent of the New Orleans Delta says Fort Pickens, at the first blush, by no means looks the formidable place that it has been described; but when one carefully examines the various approaches, it has rather the effect of cooling any desire to make one of the party to obtain possession. The fort itself is not a high one, having but one tier of guns besides those mounted on the barbette. On the land side there
sent up bitter curses that the opportunity denied them to plunge in the mid-waves of the combat, feeling that those who fight today at Sumter and win the blood-stained ory, will live forever in the hearts of the brave freemen of the South. "One crowded hour of such glorious life. Were worth an age, without a name !" Before this reaches you, God alone kings what will have occurred. The walls of Sister, we have every reason to trust, will has been levelled with the water, and Pickens duced and in our possession. The Black Republican invader of the right and soil of the South, in his efforts to for upon our people humiliating submission, ha forced the "irrepressible conflict" to a blood issue. Upon their heads rests the awful curse of inaugurating a bloody fratricidal war. God hath yoked to guilt such as theirs not only her pale tormentor, Misery; but retribution and punishment will be sure to fall upon the guilty, wicked wretches who have forced, as it were,