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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Gregg's brigade of South Carolinians in the Second. Battle of Manassas. (search)
he misfortune to be wounded with a few others of the brigade, about a dozen, I believe, but the brigade took no part in the great battle of the 30th. But on this third day of that great struggle, on the extreme opposite part of the field, the right of Longstreet's corps, other South Carolinians were to be as prominent in the terrible work of that day, the 30th, as we had been on the 29th, and to suffer as terribly. Virginia can justly point with peculiar pride to the famous charge of Pickett's division of Virginians at Gettysburg—a charge now almost as famous as that at Balaklava. The State of North Carolina should write immortal on the banner of its Fifth regiment, was the tribute of its heroic adversary at Williamsburg—General Hancock. The lamented Cobb, and his brigade, have indelibly associated the name of Georgia with Marye's heights at Fredericksburg; and each State can name some battlefield on which its troops especially distinguished themselves, and I think in doing s
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official reports of the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
king the road to Sperryville, moved to that point and camped for the night. The 17th, passed through Washington, crossing and camping four miles beyond the head waters of the Rappahannock, in Fauquier county. The night of the 18th we encamped one mile in rear of Piedmont Depot, on the Manassas Gap railroad. The march for the past two days was very hot and dusty, many of the men fainting and falling by the wayside. On the 19th we reached Ashby's Gap, in the Blue Ridge, and relieved General Pickett's division, encamping for the night upon the top of the mountain. At 5 P. M. of the 20th we left our camp at the Gap and forded the Shenandoah at Berry's Ford, which, from the swollen condition of the stream, was attended with considerable difficulty and some danger, and encamping a short distance beyond. Our regiment lost 2,370 rounds of ammunition by the fording. On Sunday, 21st, we were put in motion at 4 P. M., and marched rapidly across the river, back to the top of the Gap, an
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Evacuation of Richmond. (search)
gade, commanded by Colonel Fitzgerald, and Gary's dismounted battalion, under Lieutenant-Colonel Barham, to take position near the house occupied as a hospital by Pickett's division, to cover my crossing of Sailor's Creek. Upon arriving at the top of the hill, on the south side of the creek, I was informed by General Ewell that theral Gordon closed up, my division, following General Anderson's rear, and followed by General Kershaw, moved on across Sailor's Creek towards the point where General Pickett was understood to be engaged with the enemy's cavalry, which had cut the line of march in the interval between him and General Mahone. General Gordon having fho was bringing up the rear of the wagon-train, from being cut off. General Anderson seemed anxious to push on, and said to me that he must move on to support General Pickett, who was engaged with the enemy further on towards Rice's Station (and, as I suppose, beyond Sailor's Creek.) As soon as General Gordon closed up on General E
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reunion of the Virginia division Army of Northern Virginia Association. (search)
llow. All day Sunday and Sunday night General J. J. Peck, of the Federal army, had strong working parties strengthening the intrenched camp and making it more secure for the eleven thousand five hundred men who had sought refuge there. The success of the first day was not followed up on the second day. The wounding of our illustrious commander and other causes prevented an united attack upon Sumner, which must have crushed him. There was no fighting the second day to speak of except by Pickett, who started on his own accord and stopped when he pleased, or after he had driven the enemy to the brush, as he expressed it. Seven Pines was not altogether a barren victory. It delayed McClellan until Jackson was brought upon his flank. It gave a splendid exhibition of dash and courage, and that had a most inspiriting effect upon the subsequent campaign. Longstreet's division lost five hundred men; mine, 2,992, out of nine thousand men engaged. The Sixth Alabama and the Fourth No
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Orations at the unveiling of the statue of Stonewall Jackson, Richmond, Va., October 26th, 1875. (search)
ish earl, honored on both sides of the Atlantic, who exclaimed, when the sad news came to him, Jackson was in some respects the greatest man America ever produced. The impressive ceremonies of the hour will bring back to some here present the memories of that day of sorrow, when, at the firing of a gun at the base of yonder monument, a procession began to move to the solemn strains of the Dead March in Saul—the hearse on which the dead hero lay preceded by a portion of the command of General Pickett, whose funeral obsequies you have just celebrated, and followed by a mighty throng of weeping citizens, until, having made a detour of the city, it paused at the door of the Capitol, when the body was borne within by reverent hands and laid on an altar erected beneath the dome. The Congress of the Confederate States had adopted a device for their flag, and one emblazoned with it had just been completed, which was intended to be unfurled from the roof of the Capitol. It never flutter