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Browsing named entities in The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 4: The Cavalry (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller). You can also browse the collection for Alfred Pleasonton or search for Alfred Pleasonton in all documents.

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aders has been very striking; such men as, in the South, the God-inspired Stuart, and later the redoubtable Fitzhugh Lee, and on the Northern side, Sheridan and Pleasonton. For a long time after our Civil War, except as to its political or commercial bearing, that conflict attracted but little attention abroad. A great German ll tended to temper and sharpen the blades that were to point the path of glory to thousands destined to ride under the war-guidons of Sheridan, Stuart, Buford, Pleasonton, Fitzhugh Lee, Stanley, Wilson, Merritt, Gregg, and others — all graduates of the service school of the Plains. At the outbreak of the Civil War, the militar been made up by the consolidation of several incomplete organizations. Had the troopers arrived a few days earlier they probably would have been brigaded with Pleasonton's cavalry. A week after Gettysburg they were back in New York quelling the draft riots. Thereafter they spent their time guarding Washington, when this photog
an hour early. On the occasion of Stuart's famous raid on Chambersburg, in October, 1862, General Pleasonton, irritated by the audacity of the daring Southerner, had made every disposition to head off the raiders before they reached the Potomac. General Pleasonton himself, with eight hundred men; Colonel Richard H. Rush, with his unique lancers, and General Stoneman, with his command, were all sof the Sixth Pennsylvania Cavalry had passed through the town on their way to Gettysburg. General Pleasonton with eight hundred men, Colonel Rush with his regiment, and General Stoneman with his commarch of Stuart, who was encumbered with many captured horses in his march toward the Potomac. Pleasonton had so interpreted Stuart's movements as to make it clear to his mind that Stuart must cross tGettysburg, and the entire cavalry force had been assembled for review, at Brandy Station. General Pleasonton, commander of the Union Cavalry Corps, wished to cross the Rappahannock to ascertain the d
f superior numbers, the Union commander, General Pleasonton, formed his cavalry in line of battle, c force being reported at Brandy Station, General Pleasonton began a general withdrawal of the Union rg, are history. On the Union left flank, Pleasonton had ordered Kilpatrick to move from Emmittsbdysville road the gallant cavalry leader General Pleasonton had a most important part to play in theg cross-fire from the Confederate batteries, Pleasonton threw forward his mounted skirmishers, who htheir left. To the left of the bridge where Pleasonton's successful crossing on the morning of the eaders of the Federal cavalry at Gettysburg: Pleasonton and Custer, three months before the battle. ble weapon was utilized. This photograph of Pleasonton on the right, who commanded all the cavalry was taken three months before. Some of Pleasonton's men at Gettysburg: company D third Pennsyl on an eminence known as Rockhill. Here General Pleasonton, commanding the cavalry, had his camp, h[1 more...]
ny able cavalry leaders as the so-called War of Secession. Sheridan, Stuart, Buford, Gregg, Wilson, Merritt, Fitz Lee, Pleasonton, Hampton, Lomax, Butler, Wheeler, Custer, Forrest, Grierson, Morgan, Kilpatrick, and others, have written their names o the strongest points of the battlefield, and that is about all there Major-General George Armstrong Custer with General Pleasonton The beau sabreur of the Federal service is pictured here in his favorite velvet suit, with General Alfred PleasoGeneral Alfred Pleasonton, who commanded the cavalry at Gettysburg. This photograph was taken at Warrenton, Va., three months after that battle. At the time this picture was taken, Custer was a brigadier-general in command of the second brigade of the third division of General Pleasonton's cavalry. General Custer's impetuosity finally cost him his own life and the lives of his entire command at the hands of the Sioux Indians June 25, 1876. Custer was born in 1839 and graduated at West Point in 1861. As captain
came attached to him, and always called him my colt. In the spring of 1862, this horse finally became the General Alfred Pleasonton and his horse This is the horse which General Pleasonton brought with him from Utah in 1861. This charger cGeneral Pleasonton brought with him from Utah in 1861. This charger carried him through the Peninsular campaign when he was a major in the Second Cavalry, commanding the regiment and covering the march of the Federal army to Yorktown, August 18 and 19, 1862. It bore him at Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville, where Pleasonton distinguished himself by checking the flank attack of the Confederates on the Federal right, and perhaps it stepped forth a little more proudly when its owner was given command of the entire cavalry corps of the Army of the Potomac on June 7, 1863. This photograph was taken at Falmouth, Va., in the latter year. General Pleasonton is riding the same charger in the photograph of himself and Custer used to illustrate the battle of Gettysburg on page 237. property of the gen