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Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865 11 3 Browse Search
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Your search returned 7 results in 4 document sections:

Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 1: organization of the regiment. (search)
., Samuel D. Hovey, of Cambridge; Second Lieut., Dudley C. Mumford, of Medford. Company H. Captain, William H. Wilson, of Boston; First Lieut., Henry A. Hale, of Salem; Second Lieut., William H. LeCain, of Boston. Company I. Captain, Jonathan F. Plympton, of Boston; First Lieut., Christopher C. Sampson, of Boston; Second Lieut., William L. Palmer, of Salem. Company K. Tiger Fire Zouaves, of Boston; Captain, Ansel D. Wass; First Lieut., Eugene Kelty; Second Lieut., Edward P. Bishop. Tf the United States, dated May 4, 1861, directs that said Company Officers take rank in the order following: Captains. 1. Ansel D. Wass. 2. Edmund Rice. 3. Moses P. Stanwood. 4. Harrison G. O. Weymouth. 5. Andrew Mahoney. 6. Jonathan F. Plympton. 7. James D. Russell. 8. Elijah P. Rogers. 9. William H. Wilson. 10. J. Scott Todd. First Lieutenants. 1. Charles M. Merritt. 2. George W. Batchelder. 3. John Hodges, Jr. 4. Moncena Dunn. 5. Christopher C. Sampson. 6. Henry
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 19: at Bolivar Heights. (search)
rom Second Lieutenant, vice Chadwick promoted. Capt. James D. Russell, of Company G, who had been transferred from Company K, was absent, sick, and the command was in the hands of First Lieut. Dudley C. Mumford, who had been promoted from Second Lieutenant, vice Shaw, discharged. The two wounded officers in Company H, Capt. Devereux and First Lieut. Albert Thorndike, had not yet returned to duty and that company was under the command of Second Lieutenant William R. Driver. Capt. Jonathan F. Plympton was in command of Company I, but First Lieut. Samuel S. Prime, who had been transferred from Company C, was sick. First Sergt. John G. B. Adams of Company A was promoted to Second Lieutenant and assigned to Company H, vice Mumford, promoted. Captain H. G. O. Weymouth, of Company G, was transferred to the command of Company K and was in command of the regiment, leaving First Lieut. Lysander J. Hume in command of the company. Hume had been promoted from Second to First Lieutenan
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 32: in pursuit of Lee. In camp at Morrisville. (search)
en ordered reported in his former position. Absent in Massachusetts. Wounded Sept. 17, 1862. Second Lieut. Ephraim Hall, on special duty, acting adjutant. Co. H.Capt. J. G. C. Dodge, absent in Massachusetts, wounded July 3rd. Co. I.Capt. Jonathan F. Plympton, in command of regiment. First Lieut. J. G. B. Adams, absent in Massachusetts, wounded July 2. Co. K.First Lieut. Lysander J. Hume, on detached service, in Provost Marshal's department, Philadelphia. Second Lieut. Charles L. Merrill,is, in command Co. F. Co. G.Capt. C. M. Merritt, on detached service, at General Martindale's headquarters, Washington. First Lieut. Dudley C. Mumford, in command Co. G. Co. H.Second Lieut. Charles S. Palmer, in command Co. H. Co. I.Capt. Jonathan F. Plympton, performing duties of field officer. First Lieut. J. G. B. Adams, absent wounded in Massachusetts. First Lieut. William Stone, transferred to Invalid Corps, S. O. 173, Headquarters Second Corps, July 28, 1863. gain: By conscri
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Roster of the Nineteenth regiment Massachusetts Volunteers (search)
. wounded disch. June 13, ‘65. Place, Samuel H., priv. (I), Jan. 30, ‘65; 22; deserted June 12, ‘65; disch. to date June 12, 1865. Pluns, August, priv., (I), July 24, ‘63; 22; sub.; transf. to 20 M. V. June 14, ‘64; deserted Oct. 17, ‘63. Plympton, Amos G., priv., (K), July 31, ‘62; 21; transf. from 1st Co. S. S.; re-en. Feb. 16, ‘64; abs. wounded since May 13, ‘64. Plympton, Jonathan, capt., (I), July 26, ‘61; 33; wounded Oct. 14, ‘63; disch. Dec. 12, ‘63. Poole, Eben D., priv., (CPlympton, Jonathan, capt., (I), July 26, ‘61; 33; wounded Oct. 14, ‘63; disch. Dec. 12, ‘63. Poole, Eben D., priv., (C), May 14, ‘64; 22; drafted; transf. to V. R.C. Apr. 13, ‘65; M. O. Nov. 20, ‘65. Poole, Leonard H., priv., (—), Aug. 11, ‘62; 33; disch. Dec. 17, ‘62 at Falmouth, Va., unassigned. Poole, Ludo A., priv., (B), Sept. 9, ‘61; 33; M. O. Aug. 8, ‘62. Porteons, Chas. E., priv., (I), Aug. 23, ‘61; 32; deserted Nov. 3, ‘61. Porter, Chas. H., priv., (I), July 31, ‘63; 23; sub. John Freeman, Jr.; transf. to 20 M. V. Jan. 14, ‘64. Porter, James, priv