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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Memoir of a narrative received of Colonel John B. Baldwin, of Staunton, touching the Origin of the war. (search)
the secret arming of the Federal Government for attack, had now produced feverish apprehensions in and out of the Convention. Colonel Baldwin considered Mr. Wm. Ballard Preston, of Montgomery county, as deservedly one of the most influential members of that body. This statesman now began to feel those sentiments, which, soon aftors from the Convention to Lincoln's Government, who should communicate the views of Virginia, and demand those of Mr. Lincoln. [That commission consisted of Wm. B. Preston, Alex. H. H. Stuart and Geo. W. Randolph. We will refer to its history in the sequel.] Meantime Mr. Preston, with other original Union men, were feeling thusy receives these two confirmations. After the return of the former to Richmond, the Convention sent the commission, which has been described, composed of Messrs. Wm. B. Preston, A. H. H. Stuart, and Geo. W. Randolph. They were to ascertain definitely what the President's policy was to be. They endeavored to reach Washington in t
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 2: Introductory Sketches. (search)
igher degree of prescient statesmanship. Among the Whig leaders I distinctly recall William Ballard Preston, A. H. H. Stuart, Thomas Stanhope Flournoy, and John Minor Botts. I do not remember whBaldwin was a member of this convention of 1860. If so, I did not happen to hear him speak. Mr. Preston, Mr. Stuart, and Mr. Flournoy, as well as Mr. Baldwin, were, later, members of the Secession Convention of Virginia, but all were Union men up to President Lincoln's call for troops. Mr. Preston and Mr. Stuart were not only finished orators, but statesmen of ability and experience. Both hate and the Congress of the United States, and both had been members of the Federal Cabinet --Mr. Preston during General Taylor's and Mr. Stuart during Mr. Fillmore's administration. Mr. Preston wasMr. Preston was afterwards a member of the Confederate Senate and Mr. Stuart one of the commissioners appointed by Virginia to confer with Mr. Lincoln as to his attitude and action toward the seceded States. Mr
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
leton, Alexander Swift, 190 Pendleton, William Nelson, 233 Peninsula Campaign, 73-117. Pennington, William, 28 Percheron horses, 200 Petersburg Campaign, 238, 241, 258, 287, 290, 309-22. Pettigrew, James Johnston, 209 Philadelphia, Pa., 209 Pickett, George Edward, 192, 272, 274, 311 Pioneer troops, 184-87, 210, 219, 276, 301 Point Lookout, Md., 18 Poison Fields, Spotsylvania County, Va., 229-30. Port Republic, 245 Presbyterians, 25, 139, 160, 318 Preston, William Ballard, 31-32. Price, Sterling, 117 Prisoners of war, Federal, 57-58, 80-81, 174-75, 212-14, 240, 255-56, 280, 294 Promotion on the field, 336-45, 365-66. Provost guards, 82 Pryor, Roger Atkinson, 26-27. Raccoon Ford, Va., 120, 232 Railroad artillery, 95 Rainsford, William Stephen, 92-94. Randolph, George Wythe, 48, 160 Randolph, Innes, 18 Ransom, Robert, jr., 102 Rappahannock Bridge, Va., 228, 231-32. Rations, 85-88, 162, 254, 326-27, 346-48. Religion amo
of Suffolk county was held at Boston, Mass., to consider the present situation of the country, and the measures necessary, when a blow is aimed at the existence of the Government, and the supremacy of law in the country. The meeting was numerously attended. Resolutions sustaining the Federal Government were adopted, and speeches were made by Judge Thomas, B. F. Hallet, J. C. Park, and others.--Boston Transcript, April 30. William C. Rives, Senator Hunter, Judge Brockenbrough, and Messrs. Preston and Camden, have been appointed by the Richmond Convention as delegates to the Montgomery Congress from Virginia.--Montgomery (Ala.) Post, May 1. By order of Governor Harris of Tennessee, seventy-five thousand dollars' worth of Tennessee bonds and five thousand dollars in cash, belonging to the United States, which were in possession of the Collector at Nashville, were seized by the State authorities. The seizure was conditional, the property to be held in trust until the Governme
he hands of the Yankees.--(Doc. 171.) The rebel Congress to-day met in Richmond, Va. Howell Cobb took the chair. Rev. Mr. Flynn, of Georgia, chaplain of Col. Cobb's regiment, opened the session with prayer. The Secretary called the roll, when it was found there was a quorum present, six States being represented.--Present--Messrs. Barry, of Mississippi; Venable, of North Carolina; House, Jones, Atkins, and De Witt, of Tennessee; Curry and Chilton, of Alabama; Cobb, of Georgia; William Ballard Preston, Tyler, Macfarland, and Rives, of Virginia. The Chair announced the presence of a quorum of the House.--Mr. Venable, member from North Carolina, moved that a committee be appointed to wait upon the President and inform him that there was a quorum present in the House, and Congress was ready to receive any communication from him.--The Chair appointed the following members: Messrs. Enable, of North Carolina, Scott, of Virginia, and Barry, of Mississippi.--Richmond Enquirer, Nov. 19
gned to General Sherman. The balloon is under the direction of Professor Starkweather, and the Aeronautic Department.--The steam frigate Brooklyn arrived at Fortress Monroe, from the Philadelphia Navy Yard, this afternoon.--N. Y. Herald, Dec. 31. Writs of attachment were filed in the Louisville (Ky.) Chancery Court, under the law subjecting to such process the property of rebels who remain in the so-called Southern Confederacy thirty days after its passage, against Gen. Buckner, ex-Minister Preston, and Edward Crutchfield. Their property amounted to twenty thousand dollars each. Writs were also issued against several other parties for smaller amounts.--Philadelphia Press, Dec. 31. General Prentiss, with four hundred and fifty troops, encountered and dispersed a body of rebels nine hundred strong, under Colonel Dorsey, at Mount Zion, Boone County, Mo., killing and wounding one hundred and fifty of them, and capturing thirty-five prisoners, ninety-five horses, and one hundr
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 15: siege of Fort Pickens.--Declaration of War.--the Virginia conspirators and, the proposed capture of Washington City. (search)
his Convention. and they resolved to send Commissioners to Washington City to ask the President to communicate to that body the policy which he intended to pursue in regard to the Confederate States. The Commissioners appointed were William Ballard Preston, A. H. H. Stuart, and George W. Randolph. It is said that Mr. Carlile, of Western Virginia, suggested the appointment of a similar committee to visit Montgomery, to ascertain what Jefferson Davis intended to do with the troops he was tht body with varied emotions, until reason and judgment fled affrighted from the hall, and untempered feeling bore rule. The boldest and best of the Union men bent like reeds before the storm. In the excitement of the moment, men like Scott and Preston, warmed by the glow of innate State pride, exclaimed: If the President means subjugation of the South, Virginia has but one course to pursue, and that is, resistance to tyranny. The only question entertained was: Shall Virginia secede at once,
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 16: Secession of Virginia and North Carolina declared.--seizure of Harper's Ferry and Gosport Navy Yard.--the first troops in Washington for its defense. (search)
ay whether you will share our triumphs. Speech at Richmond, April 28, 1861, cited by Whitney in his History of the War for the Union, i. 402. Compare what Stephens said at Milledgeville, in November, 1860, and in the Georgia Convention, in January 1861, pages 54 to 57, inclusive. Stephens, as we have observed, was in Richmond for the purpose of negotiating a treaty for the admission of Virginia into the Southern Confederacy. The Convention appointed Ex-President John Tyler, William Ballard Preston, S. McD. Moore; James P. Holcombe, James C. Bruce, and Lewis E. Harvie, Commissioners to treat with him. They entered upon the business at once, and on the 24th of April agreed to and signed a Convention between the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Confederate States of America, which provided that, until the union of Virginia with the league should be perfected, the whole military force and military operations, offensive and defensive, of said Commonwealth, in the impending confli
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 17: Pope's campaign in Virginia. (search)
-James M. Baker, *Augustus E. Maxwell. Georgia--Benjamin H. Hill, *Robert Toombs. Kentucky--*Henry C. Burnett, *William E. Simms. Louisiana--Thomas J. Semmes, Edward Sparrow. Mississippi--*Albert G. Brown, James Phelan. Missouri--*John B. Clark, R. S. T. Peyton. North Carolina--George Davis, William T. Dortch. South Carolina--*Robert W. Barnwell, *James L. Orr. Tennessee--Langdon C. Haynes, Gustavus A. Henry. Texas--William S. Oldham, *Louis T. Wigfall. Virginia--*R. M. T. Hunter, *Wm. Ballard Preston. House of Representatives. Alabama--Thomas J. Foster, *William E. Smith, John P. Ralls, *J. L. M. Curry, *Francis S. Lyon, Wm. P. Chilton, *David Clopton, *James S. Pugh, *Edward L. Dargan. Arkansas--Felix L. Batson, Grandison D. Royston, Augustus H. Garland, Thomas B. Hanly. Florida--James B. Dawkins, Robert B. Hilton. Georgia--Julian Hartridge, C. J. Munnerlyn, Hines Holt, Augustus H. Kenan, David W. Lewis, William W. Clark, *Robert P. Frippe, *Lucius J. Gartrell, Hardy Strick
jor-General Cheatham and Brigadier-General Maney will report to Major-General Polk. Brigadier-General Preston will report to Major-General Breckinridge. Brigadier-General Mouton will report to ons. I have the honor to remain, with the highest respect, your most obedient servant, Wm. Ballard Preston. [Indorsement.]Secretary of War: Two inclosures. These and other papers treat the connection with these statements. J. D. [inclosure no. 1.]Abingdon, April 26, 1862. William Ballard Preston: my dear Ballard: I wrote you some days ago about Floyd's brigade (the brigade chiefsentiment here. Yours, B. R. Johnston. [inclosure no. 2.]Richmond, May 10, 1862. William Ballard Preston: dear sir: Judge McComas, Judge Ward, Judge Camden, and myself were deputed by the cl constitute the reserve of the left, and be posted about same distance in rear of left flank. Preston's brigade will move on upper Farmington road and constitute the reserve of the center. 3d.
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