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President.--The lobbies will be cleared the moment that applause is repeated. Mr. Staples.--The applause came from the floor. The President.--From the lobbies and floor both. Mr. Scott went on to declare his belief that the President contemplated a peace policy.--He did not think the resolutions were at all disrespectful; he would even be willing to make use of stronger language — to let the President know that upon his response depended the action of this Convention. Mr. Randolph, of Richmond City, argued that we had a right to know whether the military expedition, now fitting out at New York, was intended to operate against the Spaniards or against the seceded States. Virginia treasure contributed to the support of the Federal forces, and some of her most gallant sons were among those forces. She had therefore a right to make a respectful demand upon the President for this information. We know that there are numerous natives of Virginia in all branches of the
lory, Jas. B. Mallory, Marr, Miller, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Orrick, Parks, Preston, Randolph, Richardson, Robert E. Scott, Wm. C. Scott, Seawell, Sheffey, Slaughter, Speed, Staples, Strangess Anne to decline. He gave notice that he would nominate for third Commissioner Mr. Geo. W. Randolph, of the city of Richmond. Mr. Goode withdrew the name of Mr. Wise, and Mr. Stuart was elected without opposition. Mr. Holcombe then nominated for third Commissioner, Mr. Geo. W. Randolph, of Richmond city. Mr. Conrad nominated Mr. Geo. W. Brent, of Alexandria. Mr. Brent askthat gentleman declining the honor, his name was withdrawn. The vote was then taken, and Mr. Randolph was unanimously elected. The Commission therefore is composed of Messrs. Preston, StuartRandolph was unanimously elected. The Commission therefore is composed of Messrs. Preston, Stuart, of Augusta, and Randolph. On motion of Mr. Patrick, of Kanawha, the Convention adjourned.
The Convention. The whole of yesterday was devoted to the consideration of the resolutions to appoint three Commissioners to wait on the President of the Northern States, for the purpose of requesting him to disclose his policy towards the seceded States. They passed by a vote of 63 to 57, and Mr. Preston, of Montgomery, (Conservative,) Mr. Stuart, of Augusta, (extreme Union,) and Mr. Randolph, of Richmond city, (Secession,) were appointed to convey the message of the Convention to Mr. Lincoln. We understand that they will leave for Washington this morning.