Browsing named entities in Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register. You can also browse the collection for Charles Rec or search for Charles Rec in all documents.

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the makeing of a pallysadoe aboute the newe towne. Mass. Col. Rec., i. 93. Dr. Holmes, writing in 1800 (Coll. Mass. Hist. Newetowne shall henceforward be called Cambridge. Mass. Col. Rec., i. 228. No other act of incorporation is found on recor nearest part thereto of the bounds of Watertowne. Mass. Col. Rec., i. 102. The line, thus established, was substantially tmyles into the country, from their meeteing house. Mass. Col. Rec., i. 166. This grant secured to Cambridge, on its northercorporated as a town, under the name of Billerica. Mass. Col. Rec., III. 387. Soon afterwards the inhabitants on the south s already agreed on with the town of Cambridge. Mass. Prov. Rec., IX. 258. From this period Cambridge was not curtailed continuing the same course to Watertown line. Mass. Prove. Rec., XII. 351. This tract, with the addition of the remaining ta Gardner, and Moses Griggs, and their estates. Mass. Prov. Rec., XXXIX. 213. This was styled the Third Parish, or Little Ca
f. The number of inhabitants in that year was doubtless small; yet there were enough able-bodied men to be specially included in an order of court passed July 26, 1631, requiring a general training of soldiers in all the plantations. Mass. Coll. Rec., i. 90. Although the Governor and Assistants generally did not perform their agreement to make the New Town the place of their permanent residence, they seem to have regarded it as the prospective seat of government, and not long afterwards, out the New Town; viz. Watertown, VIII.l. the New Town, III.l. Charlton, VII.l. Meadford, III.l. Saugus and Marble Harbor, VI.l. Salem, IV.l. x. s. Boston, VIII.l. Rocksbury, VII.l. Dorchester, VII.l. Wessaguscus, v.l. Winettsemet, XXX.s. Mass. Col. Rec., i. 98. Winthrop says that Watertown objected against the validity and justice of this assessment: and his learned editor says: To the agitation of this subject we may refer the origin of that committee of two from each town to advise with the
own, about paling in the neck of land. Six weeks later, the Court appointed a constable for the New Town, and selected two of its inhabitants, with a like number from other towns, to confer with the Court about raising of a public stock. Mass. Col. Rec., i. 95, 96, May 9, 1632: Mr. Edmond Lockwood was chosen constable of New Towne for this yeare next ensueing, and till a newe be chosen. On the same day, It was ordered that there should be two of every plantacon appointed to conferre with the join [with] James Olmsted, Constable, John Benjamin, Daniell Denison, Andrew Warner, William Spencer; which five, according to the order of Court, [shall] survey the town lands, and enter the [same in] a Book appointed for that purpose. Mass. Col. Rec., i. 116. April 1, 1634. It was further ordered, that the constable and four or more of the chief inhabitants of every town (to be chosen by all the freemen there, at some meeting there), with the advice of some one or more of the next assistant
sufficient. It seems certain that a considerable number of them went to Connecticut before Sept. 3, 1635; for on that day William Westwood, a New Town man, was sworn Constable of the plantations at Connecticut till some other be chosen. Mass. Col. Rec., i. 159. But the general exodus was several months later. Under date of May 31, 1636, Winthrop says: Mr. Hooker, pastor of the church of New Town, and the most of his congregation, went to Connecticut. His wife was carried in a horse-litter; it; or, at the least, insufficient to require it. As to their inability to maintain their ministers, it should be observed that at the same session when this reason was alleged, New Town was rated as high as any other town in the colony. Mass. Col. Rec., i. 129. The real want of accommodation for cattle and for an additional population may be estimated from the facts that, at this time there were probably less than one hundred families here, containing from five hundred to six hundred persons;
e paid the next year, and 200l. when the work is finished, and the next Court to appoint where and what building. Mass. Col. Rec., i. 183. President Quincy (Hist. Harv. Coll., i. 1), states that this foundation of the College was laid Sept. 8, 1636,nd John Winthrope, junior, leiftenant colonel: And the Governor for the time being shall be chief general. Mass. Coll. Rec., i. 186, 187. March 9, 1636-7. For Newetowne, Mr. George Cooke chosen captain; Mr. Willi: Spencer, leiftenant; Mr. side. And the marshall is to have 2s. 6d. for every commitment in Court, and 10l. stipend for this year to come. Mass. Col. Rec., i. 217. Mr. Mitchelson held this office, equivalent to that of High Sheriff, until 1681, when he died and was succeede It is ordered, That the College agreed upon formerly to be built at Cambridge shall be called Harvard College. Mass. Col. Rec., i. 253. So called in honor of Rev. John Harvard, who endowed the college with half of his estate together with the who
without any condition of making a village there; and the land between them and Concord is granted them, all save what is formerly granted to the military company or others, provided the church and present elders continue at Cambridge. Mass. Coll. Rec., i. 306, 330; II. 62. The church and elders did remain; lands at Shawshine were soon afterwards assigned to individuals, thus relieving the supposed deficiency of accommodations; a competent number became resident proprietors and cultivators; andhe line of the farms of John and Robert Blood, and so along by the side of Concord River, &c., the Court grants their request in that respect, so as it hinder no former grants, and grant the name of the plantation to be called Billirikey. Mass. Col. Rec., IV. (i.), 237-240. Thus was this first dismemberment of the extensive township of Cambridge amicably accomplished. No reasonable objection could be urged against granting an independent ecclesiastical and civil organization to those person
d obedient subjects. (4.) You shall not engage us by any act of yours to anything which may be prejudicial to our present standing according to patent. Mass. Col. Rec., IV. (ii.) 37. Loyalty to the king was held to be qualified or modified by the provisions of the charter; two examples are preserved in the Mass. Archives, Crt, that so all persons concerned may have time and opportunity to consider of what is necessary to be done, in order to his Majesty's pleasure therein. Mass. Col. Rec., IV. (ii.) 58. In their answer to the King's letter, after expressing thankfulness for his confirmation of the charter, the Court say: As touching the furster, Redding, Chelmsford, Concord, Billirrikey, Boston, Dedham, and Meadfield, and also one from several inhabitants of Roxbury, all which are on file. Mass. Col. Rec., IV. (ii.) 136, 137. The Cambridge petition, for some reason, has been removed from the Massachusetts Archives to the Judicial Court Files for Suffolk County,
the General Court, that all who resided more than four miles from the meeting-house should be freed from contributing towards the ministry on the north side the river, so long as the south side the river shall maintain an able ministry. Mass. Col. Rec., IV. (II.) 16. This was not wholly satisfactory, and a petition for more extensive privileges was presented to the General Court, Oct. 18, 1672, but action thereon was postponed until the next session, May 7, 1673, at which time this record isf Cambridge Village, on the south side of the river, the Court judgeth it meet to grant them a hearing of the case mentioned on the first Tuesday of the next session in October, and all parties concerned are ordered to have timely notice. Mass. Col. Rec., v. 188, 189. At the time appointed, a long protest was presented by the Selectmen of Cambridge, a part of which was printed in Jackson's History of Newton, pp. 53-60. Notwithstanding its length, it is here inserted in full, on account of the
ommission be safe, either for you or us: but if you are so satisfied therein as that you hold yourselves obleidged thereby, and do take upon you the government of this people, although wee cannot give our assent thereto, yet hope shall demeane ourselves as true and loyall subjects to his Majesty, and humbly make our addresses unto God, and, in due time, to our gracious prince, for our releife. Past by the whole Court, nemine contradicentes. By order, Edward Rawson, Secretary. Mass. Col. Rec., v. 515, 516. Dudley was superseded in the government by Sir Edmund Andros, who landed at Boston Dec. 20, 1686, and his commission was published the same day. Hutchinson's Hist. Mass., i. 353. During his administration, the people were in a condition little better than slavery. In the Massachusetts Archives Mass. Arch., CXXVIII. 142, 143. is a statement by Thomas Danforth, that, Our rulers are those that hate us and the churches of Christ and his servants in the ministry; they a
efers to the ministry, so long as they maintain an able minister among themselves. Mass. Prov. Rec., VI. 205. In the remonstrance against this division, in 1683, it was represented that the toxington, upon the articles and terms already agreed on with the town of Cambridge. Mass. Prov. Rec., IX. 258, 259. During this period and half a century afterwards, very few public events occuamuel Gookin is hereby confirmed in the said office of Marshal General of this Colony. Mass. Col. Rec., VI. 184. June 17, 1700. The General Court granted five pounds, to aid in repairing the rellers, drovers, and others, to the hazarding life or limb of both men and horses. Mass. Prov. Rec., VII. 99. Six years earlier, Rev. Benjamin Wadsworth, afterwards President of Harvard College, as, and the land of Colo. Brinley and Ebenezer Wyeth, to the Fresh Pond, so called. Mass. Prov. Rec., XX. 228. Several acres were subsequently added to Cambridge, bounded westerly on Coolidge Avenu
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