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The Daily Dispatch: June 12, 1861., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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d but just give us a chance. We are expecting him every night. Our pickets are very watchful. Just at this time of my writing, I see on my left our 4th Corporal, J. McD., seated on a flour barrel, being shaved by W. H. D., better known as "Rectus," in which he handles the razor with the air of an experienced barber. The job being done, he demands the pay, but our Corporal could not agree to settle until he had combed his hair, which, being done, he settles the account. "Rectus" keeps thRectus" keeps the boys in a roar of laughter, as usual. The military in this section are highly pleased with their General, G. T. Beauregard. He has inspired our troops with renewed energy, and we feel that we shall conquer the aggressors of our beloved soil, trusting in the God of Battles, who declares that the battle is not to the strong. Sibe. P. S.--Our boys are in fine health, and want for nothing, except the officers, who left their baggage at Camp Pickens, and cannot get it forwarded. S.