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The Roving editor: or, Talks with slaves in the Southern States. By James Redpath. With the strong arm and giant grasp, 'tis wrong To crush the feeble, unresisting throng. Who pities not the fallen, let him fear, Lest, if he fall, no friendly hand be near: Who sows ill actions and of blessing dreams, Fosters vain phantasies and idly schemes. Unstop thy ears! thy people's wants relieve! If not, a day shall come when all their rights receive. Sadi.
d to insurrection, and hence do I lay this tribute at your feet. You are unwilling to ignore the rights of the slave for any reason — any constitutional guarantees --any plea of vested rights — any argument of inferiority of race — any sophistry of Providential overrulings, or pitiable appeals for party success. You are willing to recognize the negro as a brother, however inferior in intellectual endowments; as having rights, which, to take away, or withhold, is a crime that should be punished without mercy — surely — promptly — by law, if we can do it ; over it, if more speedily by such action; peacefully if we can, but forcibly and by bloodshed if we must So am I. You went to Kansas, when the troubles broke out there — not to settle or speculate --or from idle curiosity: but for one stern, solitary purpose--to have a shot at the South. So did I. To you, therefore, my senior in years as in services to the slave, I dedicate this work. James Redpath. Malden,