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Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 41 1 Browse Search
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until the 10th of September. See General Cooper's despatch, in the Appendix to this chapter. He left the next day for his new field of action, and, in a telegram apprising General Cooper of his departure, asked that copies of his orders and instructions should be sent to meet him in Charleston. Thus it is shown that the petition to President Davis, spoken of in the preceding chapter, was presented while General Beauregard was on his way to his new command, in obedience to orders from Richmond, and that he knew nothing of the step then being taken in his behalf. Charleston was a familiar spot to General Beauregard, and one much liked and appreciated by him. With the certainty he now had of not being reinstated in his former command, no other appointment could have given him so much pleasure. He arrived there on the 15th of September, and received a warm and cordial greeting both from the people and from the authorities. It was evident that grave apprehensions were felt for t
thousand infantry would come from Charleston (General Gist's district), one thousand from the Second District (General Hagood's), and two thousand from Savannah (General Mercer's headquarters). And he was advised, furthermore, not to look upon General Mitchel as a very formidable adversary, but to prepare against his predatory incursions. General Beauregard was now most anxious to have built a torpedo-ram, upon the plan proposed by Captain F. D. Lee. He accordingly sent that officer to Richmond to explain his invention, and urged the necessity of obtaining assistance from the War and Navy Departments. He considered those rams to be far superior to the ironclad gunboats of the enemy; was convinced that their cost would be one-third less, and that they could be constructed in a much shorter time than the crafts then being built in Charleston. General Beauregard informed the Government that the South Carolina authorities were highly in favor of the new ram, and had already appropr
ts officers; and as I will necessarily be compelled to bring charges against him myself, I have the honor respectfully to suggest that the War Department will order, as soon as practicable, the assembling of a court for his immediate trial. Respectfully, G. T. B. It is proper here to state that, before the foregoing letter had had time to reach General Cooper—for, as it was shown, circumstances prevented it from being forwarded until several days after it was written—a telegram from Richmond, dated December 1st, was received by General Beauregard. It read as follows: The Secretary of War directs that you will release Major Childs, restore him to duty, and report the facts to this office. Jno. Withers, Asst. Adjt.-Genl. In vain was the War Department asked to suspend its decision until the matter could be further examined into. The order was reiterated and insisted upon, as appeals by this telegram, dated Richmond, December 2d, 1862: The Secretary of War d
, then, could have prevented Sumter from falling, for there can be no doubt that General Gillmore would have immediately increased the armament at and around Fort Johnson, and have thus completely commanded the interior harbor. The possession of Charleston and of all the South Carolina sea-coast would have followed as a necessary sequence. About the middle of June a full and comprehensive letter was forwarded to the War Department by General Beauregard, in answer to a communication from Richmond, dated the 10th, advising him that Northern papers reported the reduction of General Hunter's forces by sending part of them to the Gulf, in which event he was instructed to proceed to Mobile, with such troops as he could spare from his lines, and use his best endeavors to avert the threatened danger at that point. This was an additional cause of anxiety to General Beauregard, for there seemed to be no end to the determination of the Government to withdraw troops from his Department. Nay,
Pierre Soule War Department does not take it into consideration. report from Richmond of an impending movement on the Carolina coast. General Beauregard's letter to the troops.> Without placing implicit faith in the telegram received from Richmond, through Major Norris, Chief of the Signal Corps, wherein an immediate heavy a, Department S. C., Ga., and Fla., Charleston, S. C., Dec. 8th, 1863. Hon. Pierre Soule Richmond, Va.: My dear Sir,—I compliance with your request, made on the evet might have been obtained. Some further information had been received from Richmond, disclosing a probable movement of the enemy on the South Carolina coast, and feat the enemy, without much loss on our side. In answer came a despatch from Richmond, dated March 4th (received on the 5th), telling General Beauregard that he hadnor to those who can practise it. On or about the 18th of March orders from Richmond, withdrawing most of the cavalry from his Department, induced General Beaurega
fore they had had time to get fairly under way. Thus was General Hoke abruptly ordered back from the Newbern campaign General Hoke had already taken the outworks at Newbern, and demanded its surrender; when, in obedience to instructions from Richmond, General Beauregard sent him a special messenger (Lieutenant Chisolm, A. D. C.) with orders to repair forthwith to Petersburg, no matter how far his operations might have advanced against Newbern. General Beauregard had had trains collected at te with me. Please telegraph him to follow them as delivered by Colonel Logan. Yours may conflict with mine. The fact of General Beauregard's insisting so much upon the co-operation of General Whiting's forces, and the fear that orders from Richmond might clash with his own, leave no doubt as to his opinion that Whiting's presence was necessary to the success of his plan. As General (then Colonel) Logan's name has been mentioned in connection with this incident, we quote a passage from a
Ransom. Have therefore forwarded your despatch to General Lee. Braxton Bragg. Two days later, with that strategic discernment which characterized both himself and Jackson, General Beauregard forwarded the following written communication to Richmond: Headquarters, Department N. C. And so. Va., Swift Creek, Va., June 9th, 1864, 7 A. M. General Braxton Bragg, Comdg. C. S. Armies, Richmond, Va.: General,—The present movements of Grant's army have a significancy which cannot have esca line and few cavalry pickets which, in obedience to orders, he had left upon his withdrawal were driven off by Butler early on that morning. The battery at Howlett's house had just been completed and armed with a few heavy guns received from Richmond when General Beauregard determined to evacuate those lines. He ordered Colonel Harris, his Chief-Engineer, to dismount the guns and bury them, with their carriages and chassis, in the most favorable locality in the vicinity of the battery, and
ee and Kentucky as of minor importance. Jefferson Davis. This letter reached General Beauregard on or about the 4th of December, on his way from Macon to Augusta, where He arrived on the 6th of December, at 6 P. M., after an uninterrupted and fatiguing journey, from Montgomery, Macon, Milledgeville, Sparta, and Mayfield. He had thus retraced his steps and abandoned his intention of visiting Mobile, then seriously threatened, because of the reception, on December 2d, of a despatch from Richmond extending his Department to the Atlantic coast. It will be seen by the foregoing communication from the President that, far from disapproving General Hood's tardy and persistent effort to march into Tennessee and Kentucky, he was of opinion that nothing effective could be accomplished until Hood reaches the country proper of the enemy. Does this indicate opposition to the plan adopted? On the contrary: Let Hood go on, let him reach, as soon as he can, the country proper of the enemy;
had now determined to take temporary refuge, supposing— and indeed knowing—that General Lee, upon his retreat from Petersburg, would endeavor to reach Danville with his army. Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, vol. II., p. 668. The line of our defences around Petersburg was broken on the 2d of April, in the morning, and our troops were compelled to fall back on their inner works, thus making the evacuation of the city a mere question of hours. General Lee had advised that Richmond should be evacuated simultaneously with the withdrawal of his troops that night ; Ibid., vol. II., p. 661. and President Davis, informed of the disaster, began immediate preparations for his removal and that of the heads of the various State Departments from the capital of the Confederacy. He says: The event had come before Lee had expected it, and the announcement was received by us in Richmond with sorrow and surprise; for, though it had been foreseen as a coming event which might po
indicate the enemy's positive intentions than previously. Nay, from intelligence received from Richmond, coupled with the incorrect accounts of the battle of Gettysburg, the cause of the arrival of teneral G. T. Beauregard, Baldwin, Fla.: I telegraphed you last night of orders received from Richmond of sweeping away four regiments and eight companies of cavalry from your Department. It will int at its junction with the Appomattox, from which to operate on the southern communication of Richmond. * * * To sap the Confederate sources of material supply, razzias by light movable columns, forBeauregard. Telegram. Macon, Dec. 3d, 1864. Genl. G. T. Beauregard: Orders from Richmond are here, extending your command to seaboard. Arrangements made for you to go either by Albanyontgomery, Ala., Dec. 3d, 1864. Genl. G. T. Beauregard, Care Comdt. of Post: Following from Richmond: Nov. 30th, 1864. For the present emergency your command will extend eastward to sea-coast. Y