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General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 1 (search)
ceived from the cavalry outposts that General Patterson's army had crossed the Potomac below Williamsport, and was marching toward Martinsburg. I determined at once to oppose its advance on that road; and directed the march of the Confederate troops across the country to Bunker's Hill, midway between Martinsburg and Win. chester, to prevent the junction of Patterson's and McClellan's forces. While we were waiting for a guide to lead us by the best road to Bunker's Hill, a courier from Richmond brought me a letter In reply to mine of the 9th. from General Cooper, The Adjutant-General of the Confederate States army. dated June 13th, giving me the President's authority to abandon Harper's Ferry and retire toward Winchester in such a contingency as the present, in the following passages: .. . You will consider yourself authorized, whenever the position of the enemy shall convince you that he is about to turn your position, to destroy every thing at Harper's Ferry which could serve
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 4 (search)
hen on the Peninsula, to move upon Richmond by that route. He therefore directed me to make such defensive arrangements as might be necessary in the Department of Northern Virginia, and put my remaining troops in march for Richmond, and then to report to him for further instructions. In obedience to these orders, Major-General Ewell was left with his division and a regiment of cavalry, in observation on the Upper Rappahannock; and Major-General Longstreet was directed to march with his to Richmond. Major-General Jackson was left in the Valley to oppose greatly superior Federal forces, and authorized to call Ewell's division to his assistance in case of necessity; and General Ewell was instructed to comply with such a call. Major-General Smith was instructed to leave a mixed force, equal to a brigade, in front of Fredericksburg, and move towards Richmond with all his remaining troops. On reporting to the President, I was informed by him that my command was to be extended over th
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 10 (search)
t practicable moment, for the movement indicated. The last two words quoted give me the impression that some particular plan of operations is referred to. If so, it has not been communicated to me. A knowledge of it and of the forces to be provided for is necessary, to enable me to make proper requisitions. Permit me, in that connection, to remind you that the regulations of the War Department do not leave the preparations referred to to me, but to officers who receive their orders from Richmond — not from my headquarters. The defects in the organization of the artillery cannot be remedied without competent superior officers. For them we must depend upon the Government. I respectfully beg leave to refer to my letter to the President, dated January 2d, for my opinions on the subject of our operations on this line. Is it probable that the enemy's forces will increase during the spring? Or will they diminish in May and June by expiration of terms of service? It seems to
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 14 (search)
inchester, where for several days, if not weeks, he remained in front of Patterson with the avowed object of crushing him-replying to suggestions and orders from Richmond to reenforce General Beauregard at Manassas, that it was essential that he should keep between McClellan and Patterson, to prevent their junction; and that when, finally, he obeyed an imperative and repeated order from Richmond to reinforce General Beauregard at Manassas, he managed so badly as to arrive barely in time to save General Beauregard from a defeat which would have brought great disaster upon our arms. 2. That, as ranking officer, General Johnston was assigned to the commanwever, he put the army in motion, after destroying vast quantities of supplies, which should have been removed; and halted only when imperative instructions from Richmond commanded him to do so. 3. McClellan having changed his base to Fort Monroe, it then became necessary to face him at Yorktown, involving long marches, and mu