Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 3, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Albert L. Riddell or search for Albert L. Riddell in all documents.

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Discharged. --David S. Chilton, arrested several months ago, in company with Albert L. Riddell, (who lately broke out of jail and escaped from the Commonwealth,) charged with passing counterfeit bank notes, and who was acquitted on one of three indictments pending against him for that offence, on a trial before Judge Wm. H. Lyons, of the Hustings Court, was yesterday brought before the Court, and, the Judge consenting, the Commonwealth's Attorney entered a nolle prosequi in the two remaining indictments, and the prisoner was discharged. His father, a respectable citizen of Liberty, Bedford county, was present, and on the announcement of the happy termination of the affair, shed tears copiously, as did also the prisoner, and sundry sympathizing bystanders. Young Chilton was defended on his first arraignment by Hon. Wm. L. Goggin, Jas. F. Johnson, of the State Senate, and Judge Crump, of this city.