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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 16: Secession of Virginia and North Carolina declared.--seizure of Harper's Ferry and Gosport Navy Yard.--the first troops in Washington for its defense. (search)
Hardell, J. B. Brandt, Charles Slingluff, Theodore F. Patterson, Charles Evans, Charles Hause, Francis Hause, D. B. Brown, John Christian, Albert G. Whitfield, William Bates, Oliver C. Bosbyshell, Robert F. Potter, A. H. Titus, Joseph Reed, Joel H. Betz, John Curry, Robert Smith, Augustus Reese, Hugh Stevenson. H. H. Hill, Eli Williams, Benjamin Christian, Thomas Petherick, Jr., Louis T. Snyder, Edwin J. Shippen. Richard M. Hodgson, William W. Clemens, Curtus C. Pollock, William Auman, William Riley, Edward T. Leib, Daniel Moser, William Brown, Edward Nagle, Godfrey Leonard, G. W. Bratton, William Heffner, Victor Wernert, Charles A. Glenn, William Spence, Patrick Hanley, William J. Feger, William Lesher, D. C. Pott, Alba C. Thompson, Daniel Christian, Samuel Beard, Thomas Irwin, Henry Dentzer, Philip T. Dentzer, H. Bobbs, John Pass, Heber S. Thompson, B. F. Jones, John I. Hetherington, Peter Fisher, William Dagan, J. R. Hetherington, Nelson Drake, Charles A. Hesser, Samuel Shoener,
perhaps well for those who set such a high value upon the chain, that it was not produced yesterday. Joseph Gray, a free negro, charged with stealing a watch from Henry, slave of Miss Nancy Ellett, was remanded for trial. Since the time that an enterprising Yankee opened a trinket store in Richmond, where everybody and family were invited to "take their choice for one dollar," the colored population have had an unconquerable passion for "jewelry," and those who can't come by it honestly will get it anyhow. Two persons, named Wm. Riley and Dan'l. Bresenham, to whose movements or characters there was attached something suspicious, the nature of which we did not learn, were turned over to the care of Gen. Winder. A charge of Certain illegitimate practices was brought against one Jerry Sullivan, who really looked very little like a gay deceiver. The case was continued for witnesses. Thomas Bradford was fined $5 for keeping his bar-room open on Sunday the 1st inst.
ead intoxication, but the Mayor said that was no excuse. Joseph Bazzell, a free negro without the necessary documents to show the fact, was committed for want of a register. James J Cox, the keeper of a boarding-house on 9th street, between Cary and Main, was arrested and brought before the Mayor, charged with keeping a house of ill fame. Certain of his boarders, who gave the names of John H. Baldwin, George Johnson, William Farrer, James Anderson, Simon Lubick, Lewis Stanley, William Riley, Charles H. Edgecomb, and William H. Watkins, were also taken in custody and brought before the Mayor as persons of suspicious character, having no visible means of support. Officer Morris, of the police force, deposed that he had occasion to watch the house of Cox; that he had seen the arrested parties go in and out at unusual hours of the night; that they never appeared to have any employment save walking between Cox's house and standing on the corner at "Solitude," a notorious locali
ce of residence, if she wished in future to avoid molestation. A number of men appeared to answer the charge of being persons of evil name, fame, and character, and suspicious persons having no visible means of supports. From the boarding house of James Sexton, on 17th street, between Broad and Marshall, the police brought up, besides the proprietor, John Quinn, Jos Knight, John Dresden, Jeff. Flannagan, Wm. Gordon, Francis McMahon, Rowland Corbin, Wm. Jones, Wm. Conway, Wm. Wathins, Wm. Riley, John McDonald, and Dennis O'Brien; and from the house of Jas. J. Cox, 9th street, below Main, (a few days since) John H Baldwin, William Conley, George Johnson, William Farrar, John Anderson, Simon Licbick. Robert Thompson, John Kelley, James Murdy, Pat. Keenan, George Dote, and William Breetlan.--None of the parties are citizens of Richmond, but came from different points of the Confederacy, either in the possession of the enemy, or threatened by him. All had three of those arrested at
or yesterday to answer the charge of stealing $180 from William Riley, on Monday night last. Riley boarded with Mrs. Anaker,Riley boarded with Mrs. Anaker, in Screamersville, where Burns, who has lost his left arm in battle, and McDonald had been stopping for several days. On Monday last Riley got on a bit of a spree, and finding himself mors than halfsens-over, as evening drew on, proceeded to his bo that night, when Mrs. Anaker was about to retire, she took Riley's pocket-book out of his pocket, and getting the prisoners onald to occupy a soft plank in another room by the side of Riley. Between the hours of 4 and 5 o'clock Tuesday morning Mrs.etting up, Mrs. A. found that her pocket had been robbed of Riley's money, as well as her own, and, informing R. of that factcted. After a fruitless search for the prisoners that day, Riley came up with them that night, and, getting the assistance oof the money, except that they saw Mrs. Anaker take it from Riley and deposit it in her own pocket. The examination was cont
Stealing money. --Peter Burns and James McDonald, charged with stealing $800 in money from William Riley, will be further examined before the Mayor to-morrow.
Laid over. --Peter Burns and John McDonald, charged with stealing $800 and a gold watch from William Riley, were before the Mayor last Saturday, and Burns was prepared to prove that he had received a sum of money from a Government paymaster; but owing to the absence of an important witness the examination was postponed till to-day.
Sent on. --Peter Burns and James McDonald, arrested for stealing $800 from Wm. Riley, appeared before the Mayor yesterday, and were sent on to the July term of the Hustings Court to answer the charge of felony. The Court offered to bail the parties in the sum of $500 each, but neither of them could give the requisite security.
Daring Exploit. --Yesterday morning a private in a Louisiana company, named Wm. Riley, for some days since on securing duty on the Peninsula, within the Yankee lines, reached this city, having in charge a servant named Henderson, the property of Mr. John B. Vaden, who had run off to the Abolitionists, had been in service at Yorktown, and was then accompanying the Yankees in the direction of Richmond. Henderson, with other negroes, was in the rear with a number of wagons, when Riley and hwn, and was then accompanying the Yankees in the direction of Richmond. Henderson, with other negroes, was in the rear with a number of wagons, when Riley and his five associates fired on them, stampeded the mules, made them break the vehicles, and captured this negro, for whom a large reward had been offered. The daring "bushwhackers" had some desperate fighting and narrow escapes in working their way to camp, but they all got through safely, giving the officials much valuable information.
Garroting. --Charles Langford and Wm. Riley, charged with garroting un unknown man, appeared before the Mayor yesterday; but owing to the absence of witnesses, the investigation was postponed. Jas. M. Grapp, who arrested the parties, states that when be pulled them away from their victim, the unknown party ran off. Their examination was continued.
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