Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 29, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John Robertson or search for John Robertson in all documents.

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ed. The company proposed to be incorporated would be nothing more than a legalized shaving shop. The motion was carried. Opening the House with Prayer.--Mr. Robertson, of Richmond, offered the following. Resolved, That the Speaker be requested to invite the Clergy of all the religious denominations of this city to open the sessions of this House daily with prayer. Mr. Robertson said, if he were called on to designate that act of Virginia which confers on her highest honor, and an honor all her own, he would designate her act of Religious Freedom. It proclaimed the great principle that every man's religion was between him and his God, free fsame, a report referring the petition of Wm. Stratton, Clerk of the County and Circuit Courts of Logan county, to the Committee on Finance. Petition, &c.--Mr. Robertson presented the petition of Ro. H. Maury, R. M. T. Hunter, M. R. H. Garnett, and others, asking to have refunded to them $126.27, paid on an erroneous assessment
The meeting last night. The African Church was densely crowded last night, and great excitement and confusion prevailed. The object of the meeting, however, was accomplished, in the nomination of the following ticket for the State Convention: George W. Randolph, John O. Steger, and Judge John Robertson. The meeting adjourned at a late hour, and we are unable to give a full report of the proceedings in this issue.