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ny inhabitants of the town petitioned the Court of Sessions for a road across the marshes at Labor in Vain; thus connecting the eastern part of the town with the Boston road. The petition was granted, and the Commissioners laid out the road and assessed the damages; but it was concluded not to build it. March 5, 1787, the town voted, That Benjamin Hall, Esq., Gen. John Brooks, and Thomas Brooks, Esq., be a Committee to petition the Court of Sessions to obtain a new road through a part of Col. Royall's and Capt. Nicholson's farms. This was never obtained. Dec. 7, 1795: Voted to measure the route from Jonathan Brooks's Corner to Lexington. This road was not accepted. Voted to erect sign-posts through the town. Nov. 18, 1801: Voted to choose a Committee to oppose the opening of a new road to Charlestown. May 10, 1802: A Committee was chosen to lay out a road between Medford, Stoneham, and Reading, through the woods; also to see if a road from the meeting-house to Joseph Wyma
ester some years. Freeman 1678; d. Nov. 7, 1724. Children:--  2-5Isaac, b. 1672.  6----, a dau., m. Amos Stevens.  7Jemima, b. 1692; d. Nov. 9, 1709.  8Samuel, of Freetown.  9Jacob, of Boston.   And others, whose names are unknown. 2-5Isaac Royall returned in 1757 from Antigua, where he had resided 40 years, settled in Medford, and there d. June 7, 1739. He m., July 1, 1697, Elizabeth, dau. of Asaph Eliot, who d. Apr. 21, 1747. His wife seems to have m., 1st, an Oliver, as Isaac R. me, Dr. James, Thomas, Isaac, Richard, and Elizabeth Oliver. Children:--  5-10Asaph, b. Apr., 1699; d. July 24, 1699.  11Isaac.  12Penelope, m. Henry Vassall. 2-8Samuel Royall m--------, and had--  8-13William.  14Samuel Winthrop. 5-11COL. Isaac Royall, of Medford, m.----, and had--  11-15Elizabeth, b. 1741; d. July 9, 1747.  16Miriam, (?) m. Thomas Savel.  17Elizabeth, m. Sir William Pepperrell.  17 1/2Mary. 5-12PENELOPE Royall m. Henry Vassall, 1741, and had--  12-18Eliz
ll. Page 519.Percival Hall was not representative to Provincial Congress, as he died twenty-two years previously. Page 538.Mr. Savage declines the responsibility of more than the early part of the record of the Royalls. Page 538.The wife of Isaac Royall (No. 2-5) was buried from the house of Dr. Oliver, at Dorchester; which strengthens the probability of her first marriage. He had a daughter Elizabeth, born 1741; died July 9, 1747. Page 538.Colonel Royall (No. 5-11) had a daughter, who marrColonel Royall (No. 5-11) had a daughter, who married George Erving, of Boston. He (Colonel R.) died 1781; and his wife died 1770. Page 542.Rev. Zechariah Symmes had twelve children: names as given in their place. Page 550.There is no probability, considering the dates, that James (No. 246) was son of Peter (No. 1). Page 555.Lydia, wife of Daniel Turell (No. 1), died June 23, 1659. Page 555.Daniel was captain 1683, not 1646. Page 556.Hezekiah Usher (No. 1) married, first, Frances----. Hannah (No. 5) was daughter by second wife, and was bo
11, 309. Pounds, 449. Prices Current, 400. Pritchard, 36. Productions, 12. Putnam, 151, 306. Public Buildings, 325. Pynchon, 4. Quincy, 4, 73. Railroads, 57. Raleigh, Sir, Walter, 17. Raymond family, 535. Real Estate, Sales of, 44. Records, Town and Church, 28, 29. Reed, 535. Reeves family, 535. Reeves, 36, 106, 449, 560. Register of Vessels, 368, et seq. Representatives, 168. Revil, 31. Richardson, 537. Roads, 50. Rowse, 44. Royall family, 538. Royal, 4, 9, 49, 87, 170, 176, 224, 265, 355, 482, 570. Russell, 34, 36, 41, 42, 43, 44. Sagamore John, 14, 32, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78. Samson. 539. Sargent, 36. Savage, 38, 570. Savel, 539. Schoolhouses, 345. Seccomb family, 539. Seccomb, 39, 49, 51, 106, 110, 332,486. Senators, 168. Settlement, First, 29, 33, 96. Sewall, 8, 207, 213, 436. Shadwell, 44. Shed, 540. Shephard, 3, 36, 42, 541. Ship-building, 357, 366. Simonds, 36.
Esq. Nov. 7, 1752. I, Spencer Phips, Esq., guardian to John Vassall (son of Col. John Vassall abovenamed), do hereby acknowledge that I have received of the executors before named the several articles above enumerated for and on behalf of the said John, my pupil, and shall account with him for the same. S. Phips. his w. Lucy m. Benjamin Ellery 22 Nov. 1749, and d. 19 Oct. 1752. 2. Henry, s. of Major Leonard Vassall, was born in the West Indies 25 Dec. 1721, m. Penelope, dau. of Isaac Royall, 28 Jan. 1742, and had Elizabeth, b. 1742, m. Dr. Charles Russell 15 Feb. 1768, and d. 23 Feb. 1802; Penelope, d. young. Henry the f. was also a Colonel and Representative, resided in the fine old mansion still standing at the westerly corner of Brattle and Ash streets, and d. 17 Mar. 1769; his w. Penelope d. in Boston 19 Nov. 1800, a. 76. 3. John, s. of John (1), grad. H. C. 1757, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Oliver (and sister to the Lt.-governor) 12 June 1761, and had John, b. 7 M
Esq. Nov. 7, 1752. I, Spencer Phips, Esq., guardian to John Vassall (son of Col. John Vassall abovenamed), do hereby acknowledge that I have received of the executors before named the several articles above enumerated for and on behalf of the said John, my pupil, and shall account with him for the same. S. Phips. his w. Lucy m. Benjamin Ellery 22 Nov. 1749, and d. 19 Oct. 1752. 2. Henry, s. of Major Leonard Vassall, was born in the West Indies 25 Dec. 1721, m. Penelope, dau. of Isaac Royall, 28 Jan. 1742, and had Elizabeth, b. 1742, m. Dr. Charles Russell 15 Feb. 1768, and d. 23 Feb. 1802; Penelope, d. young. Henry the f. was also a Colonel and Representative, resided in the fine old mansion still standing at the westerly corner of Brattle and Ash streets, and d. 17 Mar. 1769; his w. Penelope d. in Boston 19 Nov. 1800, a. 76. 3. John, s. of John (1), grad. H. C. 1757, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Oliver (and sister to the Lt.-governor) 12 June 1761, and had John, b. 7 M
73. Dana. Sharp. Stedman. Thompson. Usher, 673, 4. Alden. Allen. Andros. Brown. Butler. Cotton. Cromwell. Harris. Harwood. Hoar. Jeffries. Lidgett. Moodey. Morton. Newman. Parsons. Royall. Sewall. Shrimpton. Synimmes. Thomas. Tyng. Wharton. Willis. Woodbridge. Wooddrop. Vassall, 674, 5. Barron. Batchelder. Davis. Ellery. Lavicourt. Oliver. Phips. Royall. Russell. Vincent,Royall. Russell. Vincent, 675. Moore. Wadswortih, 675, 6. Andros. Ashley. Bordman. Champney. Higginson. Parrott. Peirce. Stone. Stoughton. Terry. Wakeman, 676. Wales, 676. Ward, 676, 7. Bacon. Brigham. Burrage. Eames. Fuller. Gay. Greenwood. Hall. How. Jackson. Johnson. Kenrick. Lovering. Mattocks. Moore. Rice. Spring. Stone. Trowbridge. Williams. Wilson. Woods. Wyeth. Warland, 677, 8. Abbott. Barr
Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905, Committees appointed for the school outside the Neck, together with the annual appropriations. (search)
Here the father died, 7 June, 1739, and his widow, dame Elizabeth, also, 21 April, 1747. Isaac Royall, Jr., born in the West Indies about 1719, thus became the heir of a large and productive estate the following facts:— In town meeting, May 10, 1743, the thanks of the town were voted to Isaac Royall for his gift of £ 100, to be used as the town sees fit. The same year he paid out on the high3. 0., which sum was offered as a gift to the town, and accepted with thanks. May 8, 1744, Isaac Royall offered his last year's salary as Representative, with the understanding that the town was towas to the school at the Neck. There was no school at the Neck at this time. May 19, 1746, Mr. Royall offers £ 30 for the use of the school without the Neck, in addition to what the town raises for that purpose, and £ 30 for supporting highways between Winter Hill and Mistick bridge. Mr. Royall was one of the selectmen for 1746, and for several years thereafter. May 11, 1747, he returns to t
t the organization of a society for the purchase and restoration of the ancient Royall mansion, now the headquarters of the Medford Daughters of the Revolution; its fced on sale by its owner. The old house was built some two centuries ago. Isaac Royall, a merchant from Antigua, afterwards bought it, probably about 1737, and remis probably the last existing vestige of slavery in Massachusetts. Colonel Isaac Royall, Jr., son of the merchant, was a Loyal-1st, and at the breaking out of theBetsey, and Nancy, probably among the last owned or kept in these parts. Colonel Royall endowed Harvard College with 2,000 acres of land, founding thereby the RoyaRoyall professorship of law, which was the beginning of the present Harvard Law School. This ancient Royall estate was once part of Governor Winthrop's Ten Hills Farm, aRoyall estate was once part of Governor Winthrop's Ten Hills Farm, and was then part of Charlestown. In the Revolution the old mansion was for a time the headquarters of General Charles Lee, who afterwards moved to the old Oliver Tuf
, Benjamin F., 47. Rigolets, The, 50. Rinaldo, H. B. M. S. S., 51. Robinson's American Arithmetic, 101. Robinson's Elements, 101. Rockwood, Mr., 45. Royall, 79. Royall House, The Old Medford, 23. Royall, Isaac, 23. Royall, Colonel: Isaac, Jr., 23. Rush, Margaret, 85. Russell, Daniel, 72, 91, 92. Russell, Royall, Isaac, 23. Royall, Colonel: Isaac, Jr., 23. Rush, Margaret, 85. Russell, Daniel, 72, 91, 92. Russell, James, 39, 84, 90, 99. Russell. Hon. James, 40. Russell, Joseph, 17, 18, 20. Russell, Levi, 20. Russell, Mary (Robbins), 17. Russell, Philemon, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 40. Russell, Philemon R., 20, 64, 70, 90, 94, 96. Russell, Phoebe, 19. Russell, Walter, 16, 17, 20, 21. Rust, Lieutenant-Colonel, 27. Rutherford AvenueRoyall, Colonel: Isaac, Jr., 23. Rush, Margaret, 85. Russell, Daniel, 72, 91, 92. Russell, James, 39, 84, 90, 99. Russell. Hon. James, 40. Russell, Joseph, 17, 18, 20. Russell, Levi, 20. Russell, Mary (Robbins), 17. Russell, Philemon, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 40. Russell, Philemon R., 20, 64, 70, 90, 94, 96. Russell, Phoebe, 19. Russell, Walter, 16, 17, 20, 21. Rust, Lieutenant-Colonel, 27. Rutherford Avenue, Charlestown, 78. Rutland, Mass., 88. Salem, Mass., 4. Salem Street, Charlestown, 100. Salem Turnpike, 100. Sanborn, David, 47. Sargent, Henry, 65. Savanna River, 34. Sawyer, Edward, 92, 93, 95, 96. School Holidays, 92, 101. School Street, 47. Seabrook Landing, 34. Second Church, Malden, 88. Second Ohio Li
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