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ansions of Col. Sanderson and Judge Burritt, both rebuts. and scoundrels of the deepest dye. It gives me pleasure to report that the negro troops took no part whatever in the perpetration of this vandalism. They had nothing whatever to do with it, and were simply silent spectators of the splendid but sad spectacle. The 5th Connecticut charge it upon the 8th Maine, and the 8th Maine hurl it back upon the 6th Connecticut. After the fires in different parts of the city had broken out Col. Rust ordered every man to be shot who should be found applying the torch. But the order came too late. The Provost Marshal and his guard could not shoot or arrest the wind. No human power could stay its ravages. Ex-Secretary Toncey's speech. On the 11th of March ex Secretary Toncey and ox Governor T. H. Seymour made admirable speeches to an immense must meeting of the Democracy at Hartford, Connecticut. Mr. Toncey recalled the fact that the House of Representatives, on the 22d of Ju