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Your search returned 340 results in 56 document sections:
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 53 (search)
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 349 (search)
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 181 (search)
the Volunteer's wife to her husband Don't stop a moment to think, John, Your country calls — then go; Don't think of me or the children, John, I'll care for them, you know. Leave the corn upon the stalks, John, Potatoes on the hill, And the pumpkins on the vines, John-- I'll gather them with a will.
But take your gun and go, John, Take your gun and go, For Ruth can drive the oxen, John, And I can use the hoe. I've heard my grandsire tell, John, (He fought at Bunker Hill,) How he counted all his life and wealth His country's offering still. Shall we shame the brave old blood, John, That flowed on Monmouth plain? No!
take your gun and go, John, If you ne'er return again. Then take your gun and go, etc. Our army's short of blankets, John, Then take this heavy pair; I spun and wove them when a girl, And worked them with great care. There's a rose in every corner, John, And there's my name you see; On the cold ground they'll warmer feel That they were made by me. Then take you
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks), chapter 18 (search)
m, to wit, when he plants them in the holy Mountaine of his Inheritance: Exodus. 15. 17.
And that is when he giveth them the liberty and purity of his Ordinances.
It is a land of promise, where they have provision for soule as well as for body.
Ruth dwelt well for outward respects while shee dwelt in Moab, but when shee cometh to dwell in Israel, shee is said to come under the wings of God: Ruth 2. 12.
When God wrappes us in with his Ordinances, and warmes us with the life and power of them Ruth 2. 12.
When God wrappes us in with his Ordinances, and warmes us with the life and power of them as with wings, there is a land of promise.
This may teach us all where we doe now dwell, or where after wee may dwell, be sure you looke at every place appointed to you, from the hand of God: wee may not rush into any place, and never say to God, By your leave; but we must discerne how God appoints us this place.
There is poore comfort in sitting down in any place, that you cannot say, This place is appointed me of God.
Canst thou say that God spied out this place for thee, and there hath s
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cotton , John 1585 -1652 (search)
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight), B. (search)
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight), T. (search)
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 1 : the child and his ancestors. (search)