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ple, Mrs. Macdonald has written Kathleen in Ireland, Manuel in Mexico, Rafael in Italy, and Une San in Japan. Mrs. Dalrymple is the author of two delightful books for children, Make-believe Boys and Little Me Too. Mabel Priest Rust is joint compiler of Song Echoes from Child Land, for use in the kindergarten. Freeman Clarke Coffin, engineer, wrote a scientific work, Graphical Solution of Hydraulic Problems, but his real words lie deep in the hearts of his workmen and friends. George T. Sampson has a pamphlet on Railroad Organization. John C. Rand compiled a book of short biographies of prominent men called One of a Thousand. Edward Baxter Perry, the blind pianist, has written a book for music lovers and teachers entitled Descriptive Analyses of Piano Works, aesthetic as opposed to structural analysis of the music of Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Saint-Saens and others. Stories of Standard Teaching Pieces is another of his books. Miss Emily Hallowell has made musicians
ey had their seasons of gayety and pleasure like other organizations, firemen, military and civic. It is unfortunate that no files of the Medford Journal or the Chronicle are to be found, as these covered the time of the company's history, but a few references to the latter's functions are found in the first volume of the Mercury. In those former papers were accounts of things then transpiring of interest to Medford people of today. In 1876 Edwin C. Burbank was in command, in 1878 George T. Sampson, and in 1880 Julian D'Este. On September 17, 1880, the battery appeared in the third division of the great procession at Boston's two hundred and fiftieth anniversary. We have been told that on that, or some similar occasion, its remarkably fine appearance was noted by someone on the reviewing stand, or by the State authorities, who are said to have ordered its dissolution. Certain it is that in September of the next year the battery fired minute guns on Medford common on the occa
After twenty-five years. The gathering on Jan. 4 (1918) of fourteen members of Medford's first city government, with the auditor and collector who have served continuously, was surely a pleasant and notable occasion. That so many have survived the stress of the years and enjoyed the reunion, is worthy of notice in Medford annals. They were Aldermen William Cushing Wait, Walter F. Cushing, Lewis H. Lovering and J. R. Teel, with Richard Gibson, E. C. Ellis, George T. Sampson, Herman L. Buss, William H. Casey, Allston H. Evans, N. E. Wilber, E. F. Kakas, Charles H. Loomis and E. I. Langell, of the council. As their former clerk Langell called the roll, fitting notice was taken of Those who answer not, however we may call. Auditor Cummings and Collector Hayes were guests of the evening. After the dinner came the smoke talk with everybody in it and a final word by chairman Loomis to close the First Session. Judge Wait presided over the Second Session opening court (?) with words
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 24., Medford Historical Society. (search)
J. C. Miller, Jr. Ernest B. Moore. Grace M. Moore. Warren T. Morse. Frances W. McGill. Frank L. Mason. Thomas H. Norton. Winthrop I. Nottage. Joseph E. Ober. George W. Parsons. Joseph W. Phinney. Life Member. Priscilla C. Phinney. Melvin W. Pierce. S. U. Prescott. Life Member. Edward S. Randall. George H. Remele. Thomas C. Richards, Rev. Percy W. Richardson. Harriet J. Russell. William J. Reilly. Mary E. Reilly. Walter E. Richardson. Elisha J. Sampson. George T. Sampson. Henry E. Scott. Harriet A. C. Scott. Herbert F. Staples. Henry P. Stanwood. Emeline M. Stearns. Katherine H. Stone. Amelia M. Symmes. Charles S. Taylor. Lizzie E. Taylor. Abby E. Teel. Charles H. Tinkham. Leonard Tufts. Life Member. Frank G. Volpe. Hendrik Vossema, Rev. William Cushing Wait. Life Member. Mary L. Washburn. Helen T. Wild. E. Josephine Wilcox. J. D. P. Wingate. Helen Wingate. William H. Winkley Irwin O. Wright. Life Member. Christ