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The Daily Dispatch: March 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], Arrival of Ex-President Buchanan at home (search)
bertson, Rutherford, Saunders, Segar, Sherrard, Sibert, I. N. Smith, Staples, Tyler, Walker, Wallace, Welch, Witten, and Wood. --60. Nays.--Messrs. Arnold, Bassell, Bell, Boisseau, Brown, Burks, Childs, Cowan, Crane, Crump. Davis, Evans, Friend, J. Gilmer, G. H. Gilmer, Goodycoontz. Haymond, Hoffman, Huntt, Johnson, W. T. Jones, Kincheloc, Kuotts, Leftwich, Lynn, Mallory, Thos. Martin, McGohee, McKinney, Medley, Miles, Morris, Phelps, Pritchard, Randolph, Riddick, R. K. Robinson, Rives, Scott, J. K. Smith, Tomlin, Arthur Watson, Ed. Watson, Watts, West, Wilson, Wingfield, Woolfolk, and Yerby.--50. Mr. Carpenter offered the following resolution, which was laid on the table: Whereas, under the present price of Virginia State bonds, together with the unsettled state of national affairs, not anticipated as probable, or even possible, when the work of the Covington and Ohio Railroad was let to contractors, it cannot be expected or desired on the part of the Commonwealth th
all the big folks, from the (now) Lieutenant General (who practises Mexican tactics from the house-tops in Washington,) including Worth, Twiggs, &c., down to our friend Beauregard, the youngest officer in the room. The debate went on for hours. Scott was solitary in his opinion. Every other officer present, except one, had spoken, and all concurred in their views. The silent one was Beauregard. At last Gen, Pierce crossed over and said, "You have not expressed an opinion." "I have not beenin its favor with equal earnestness. The Council reversed their decision. The City of Mexico was entered according to the plan urged by the young Lieutenant, and it would seem that his reasons influenced the decision. A few days afterwards General Scott, in the presence of a number of general officers, alluded to Lieutenant Beauregard's opinion at the Council, and the consequences which had followed from it. The position now so promptly assigned to Gen. Beauregard is a just tribute to h
f the Union back to it. [Applause.] I again return my thanks to you, gentlemen, for this visit. Three cheers were then given for the Union, and three more for the President and Governor Chase, when the delegation moved off and called on General Scott. On arriving at his rooms, corner of Sixth and D streets, the General came upon the platform and addressed them as follows: Fellow-citizens of Ohio--God bless Ohio and every other State of this Union. [Amen.]--Some of those States we s earth is so gratifying to an old soldier as the approbation of his countrymen. When I look upon your faces, and hear your voices, your cheers, I feel that I have that reward. [Applause.] The party then, after giving three cheers for General Scott, three for the Union, and an indefinite number for everybody else, proceeded to call on Vice President Hamlin. The Diplomatic Corps, in full costume, Thursday afternoon, paid an official visit to the President by previous arrangement, as
history of Diomede, driven from home by his wife, and the substitute for her husband whom she had taken during his absence — all these are but the histories of hundreds of Knights, who left behind house, lands, and family, to engage in a wild and ruinous war, and returned to find themselves undone forever. The crusades gave rise to the race of bards, who sung the exploits of their patrons at every feast.--Such was Blondel, the bard of the Lionhearted Richard. Such, in the splendid novel of Scott, was Cradwallon of the hundred lays. Such, no doubt, were Phemius and Demodocus in the Odyssey, and Thamyris in the Iliad. The songs of these bards had doubtless been transmitted, by recitation of their successors, to the time in which Homer lived. Out of these materials, no doubt, he formed the great works which are without a rival in all literature. We mean not to enter into the Homeric controversy. But we cannot forbear making a single remark. If it be true that the Iliad (at le