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The Daily Dispatch: August 1, 1861., [Electronic resource] 30 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 27, 1861., [Electronic resource] 7 1 Browse Search
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Dr. Winfieldum Scott. --Before General Scott lost his last feather at Stone Bridge, the degree of Ll. D. was conferred upon him by Harvard University, Mass. The following is the form employed: "Winfieldum Scott, "Summum Imperatorem,General Scott lost his last feather at Stone Bridge, the degree of Ll. D. was conferred upon him by Harvard University, Mass. The following is the form employed: "Winfieldum Scott, "Summum Imperatorem, Virum scientia rei militaris, virtute, auctoritate, feltcitate insignom, nec minus civilibus clarum laudibus, pacis et humanitatis, studiosissimum, quluniversam rempublicam tuetur, sustentat, unice amat, utriusque Juris, tum Naturse et Goutium, tumWinfieldum Scott, "Summum Imperatorem, Virum scientia rei militaris, virtute, auctoritate, feltcitate insignom, nec minus civilibus clarum laudibus, pacis et humanitatis, studiosissimum, quluniversam rempublicam tuetur, sustentat, unice amat, utriusque Juris, tum Naturse et Goutium, tum Civilis Doctorem, honoris causa, creavimus et renunciavimus, sumque omnibus juribus et honoribus ad hunc gradum pertinentibus donavimus." We leave our readers to make the translation. A pretty pair of Ll. D.'st — Winfieldum Scott and Abraham readers to make the translation. A pretty pair of Ll. D.'st — Winfieldum Scott and Abraham Lincoln — men who abrogate all laws. They are such doctors as the Irish horse doctor, who presented his bill "for ouring yer honor's horse till he die
he coach. Upon being interrogated at Fairfax as to where his regiment was, the brave Colonel informed his friend that he supposed they had "all gone to h — I." Gen. Scott is pained beyond description at the conduct of the officers in command of our forces. Brief Comments. The Nation's War Cry.--Forward to Richmond! Forwe or attention. --St. Louis Democrat. The events of Sunday last, which forced the army of the Potomac to resume its old quarters near Alexandria, show that Gen. Scott knew what the occasion of taking Richmond demanded, much better than did Greeley and those Republican members of Congress who were constantly progging him to a ldiers are relating to greedy listeners the deplorable events of last night and early this morning. The feeling is awfully distressing.--N. Y. Tribune. If Gen. Scott did it, he is not the man for the crisis. If he did it fearfully and hesitatingly, under the clamor of the New York press, he is still not the man he ought to
The Daily Dispatch: August 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], General Toombs' Brigade--Second Georgia Regiment. (search)
Impatience a Bad General. The very worst counsellors for Generals in the field are an impatient populace. If we are to believe General Scott, the calamity that has recently overwhelmed the grand Yankee army was caused by surrendering his own opinions of policy and obeying the orders of the Yankee mob, headed by Greeley, Blair, and Wilson. The mob, under these doughty commanders, drove him into a battle which was little better than slaughter and ruin. A like impatience prevails among the Southern people for a forward movement upon Washington city. This movement is doubtless in preparation; but we had better leave it to our Generals to choose the time and manner of making it. It is the highest wisdom to profit by an enemy's experience, and it would be as criminal as unheard of, if, after witnessing so signal an instance of ruin from fighting before being ready for it, we should commit the same blunder and run the hazard of the same discomfiture. What though it might ha
hat the Confederate army, under the guidance of its Government and Generals, took good care not to fall into the trap General Scott laid for them at Arlington Heights; and it was no doubt owing to their wholesome horror of being caught in it that thems like the stubbornness of a bull running his head against a locomotive. The attack was made against the judgment of Gen. Scott and Gen. McDowell, and it is known that the latter had a presentiment of defeat, though he obeyed orders. There was th greatly needed at the late battle: "Secretary Cameron has accepted regiments which have been (afterwards) refused by General Scott, who, with his peculiar iteration of manner, replied, 'I don't want any cavalry, sir — I don't want any cavalry, sir. My plan of campaign doesn't require any cavalry, sir.'" As if Secretary Cameron did not know General Scott's plan, and whether it required cavalry — an arrogance which, of itself, ought to decide his withdrawal from the Cabinet. The Hon. Mr R
renewed the fight without confusion or disorder. Some of the privates, in the fierceness of one of the charges, were separated from their company, but they never left the field. They formed with the first advancing column, and fought until the shout of victory arrested their forward footsteps. Their Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel and Major were shot down. and yet the Fourth Regiment of Alabama Volunteers maintained both its position and organism on the field throughout the fight. Colonel E. J. Long, wounded in both hips by separate shots from opposite directions, now lies at Orange C. H., it is hoped, out of immediate danger.--Lieutenant Colonel Law is here, suffering from a shattered arm, which the surgeons think can be cured without amputation.--Major Scott, (C. S. A., formerly M. C. of the U. S. Congress from California,) is, I believe, in Richmond or its vicinity, with a Minnie ball through his leg. Thus much I have felt impelled by a sense of justice to say. Justice.
ys that he heard heavy bring in that direction on the 29th, but know nothing about the cause or result of it. The farmers of the surrounding counties speak in most encouraging terms of their fine crops, and many of them say they intend, if the war continues, to give gratis all they make, above their family support, to the soldiers. With such patriotic providers, and such cheering prospects of good crops, what a task Lincoln will have to starve us out! But it seems that "Dr." Winfieldum Scott can't bear to see the poor, half famished "rebels" starve to death, if "Dr." Lincoln can; for just see the provisions he gave us at Manassas, to feed our hungry troops, and the guns he gave us to kill squirrels, birds and other game to eat; besides, see theliot of medicines he gave us for our sick soldiers, and the many cannon to celebrate the 21st of July. Now, while I write I hear heavy firing down below, in the direction of Sewell's Point, but am unable to learn the cause of it;
The Daily Dispatch: August 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], Partition of territory in the Old Union. (search)
we presume, refers to a topographical survey of that point.] General McClellan forbids the departing regiments to take their arms with them, and declare that all arms are contraband. A person who has just arrived here has in formed General Scott that there are no Southerners at Springfield Station, but they are enforce at Burk's Station. The correspondent of the New York World says the Confederates are moving northeast and southwest from Manassas, contemplating three simultaneouavor of invasion. The President declines to answer why the Baltimore Police Commissioners were arrested. [Third Dispatch.] Washington,July 30.--General Banks it strongly posted at Harper's Ferry, and nothing is known of any Southern movements in that vicinity. The officers of the Fire Zouaves, and the 7th and 8th New York Regiments, are resigning. The President has called on New Jersey for three regiments. Gen. Scott has had thirteen Government employees arrested.
The Daily Dispatch: August 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], General Toombs' Brigade--Second Georgia Regiment. (search)
The English Premier on the battle at Bethel.[from London Fost (Gov't Org-n) June 26. It is believed that the Northern army, under command of Gen. Scott, amounts to sixty thousand men, and that the enemy has in the field a force which is supposed to range from seventy to ninety thousand men. The former, if we may judge from te success. We suspect that the delay and hesitation which have marked the policy of the Federal Government are to be attributed mainly to the circumstance that Gen. Scott, an able and experienced officer, knows that militia regiments cannot, in the short space of two months, be converted into well trained and efficient soldiers. ance at the commencement of a campaign. Mr. Jefferson Davis appears to have a well supplied, well officered, and well organized army; while Mr. Lincoln and Gen. Scott have under their command raw levies more formidable on paper than they are to an enemy in the field. Actual warfare, however, is a sharp, quick instructor, and