Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 15, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Wingfield Scott or search for Wingfield Scott in all documents.

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mighty multitude of the most magnificent military names ever know in human history, were still fresh upon the earth Wingfield Scott could have created a sensation as the most prodigious military comet that had ever blazed across the sky? We have n gentleman of real merit, and whose modesty is as great as his merit, Robert E. Lee. The amazing vanity petulance of Scott have involved him in innumerable difficulties with the civil and military authorities of his own Government, and even witver able to keep on good terms with? He quarreled with Gen. Jackson, but Old Hickory soon brought him to his senses, and Scott fairly wilted beneath the wrath of that genuine man. Never was there a more complete back down than Jackson forced upon SScott. He was foolish enough to pitch into old Marcy, and Marcy replied in a cool and excoriating epistle, which scarcely left a whole spot upon his body. He fell out with noble old Gen. Taylor a man so just, so self-poised, and so amiable as well a