Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 5, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Scott or search for Scott in all documents.

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City Council. --A called meeting of the council was held last evening. Present--Messrs. Saunders, Grattan, Denoon, Wynne, Haskins, Eppes, Stokes, Crutchfield, Scott, Griffin, Glazebrook, and Hill. The President read a report which he had prepared, setting forth the action of the Council authorizing and providing for the issue of $300,000 of small notes, &c., calling attention of the fact that the grand jury of the Circuit Court had presented the city, and also each person engaged inact of the Council in issuing notes of the city, and to authorize the issue of said notes for such amount and for such a time as the Convention may deem expedient. Resolved, That the further issue of notes by the Council be suspended. Mr Scott offered the following resolution, which was laid upon the table: Resolved, That the Auditor be instructed to report to the Council the number and amount of floes collected for the violation of the ordinance prohibiting the opening of barro
Important reports from Washington. We received intelligence by telegraph from Manassas yesterday, said to have been brought by passengers, to the effect that an announcement appeared in the Baltimore Sun of Saturday last, that Gen. Scott had resigned, and that Secretaries Seward, Cameron, and Blair, had all withdrawn from Lincoln's Cabinet. This information was communicated to us by two correspondents, and while it may appear like vague speculation to sign any cause for such an explosion at the Federal headquarters, the report is that it was caused by McClellan's refusal to make an attack on our forces, which was the policy advocated by the four officials above named. We decline making any further comment, in the absence of a confirmation of the statement, and give it to our readers as we received it.
have bestowed a new title upon Beauregard, and allude to him as the "Old Swamp Fox," meaning by this, we suppose, that he is cunning enough to perceive all their plans, and wise enough to thwart them. Everything is represented as being carried on with the greatest activity at the Point. --Practice with guns is had every day, and every disposition is manifested to acquire military knowledge,--all of which will, of course, on the first occasion, result in a move, not indeed, laid down by Scott, but, nevertheless, performed by his men with an expertness heretofore unknown — we mean the double-quick retrograde. The report which reached us with reference to the stopping of the fleet at or near the Horse Shoe, and which we gave the reader a day or two since, it appears was correct. The vessels stopped there for a short while — for what purpose is not known — and afterwards put to sea as one expedition, none of them going up the bay. The returned prisoners report that they l<
From Washington. Nashville, Nov. 3. --A special dispatch to the New York Tribune, dated Washington October 28th, says Gen. Scott will voluntarily retire from his rank and its duties within ten days, solely on account of his physical infirmities. Under an act of Congress he will continue to draw his pay. Hon. Jefferson Davis, when Secretary of War, overhauled the long-standing account of Scott with the Government, and brought him largely in debt. Cameron, who has recast the account, sScott with the Government, and brought him largely in debt. Cameron, who has recast the account, says he had never overdrawn. On the 26th ult., an order was issued from the Commander-in-Chief that Fremont should surrender his command to the next in authority and Gen. Hunter sent Gen. Curtis to St. Louis to take the place of Fremont, unless he was actually in the presence of the enemy, or pursuing him for battle. Senators Chandler, Wade, Turnbull, and Wilkinson were at Washington, representing to the Administration that the popular clamor of their constituents demands that McClella