Browsing named entities in Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1: prelminary narrative. You can also browse the collection for Moses Shackley or search for Moses Shackley in all documents.

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. Scarcely any regimental officers remain unwounded. All these quotations are from the exceedingly vivid description of Pickett's charge by Gen. F. A. Walker in his Second Army Corps. pp. 298, 299. The 19th (Col. A. F. Devereux) and 20th (Capt. H. L. Abbott) were at one time especially exposed on the countercharge; but it ended in the capture of four flags by men of the 19th and in taking a very large number of prisoners. Colonel Devereux in his report especially compliments Lieut. Moses Shackley of his regiment, and Captain Abbott especially selects for praise Capt. (afterwards brevet brigadier-general) H. L. Patten, who was twice wounded, and Lieut. Henry Ropes, who was killed. See their reports in Official War Records, 43, p. 442-447. Captain Abbott says of Lieutenant Ropes, His behavior in this battle was more conspicuous for coolness and absolute disregard of personal danger than any I ever witnessed in any other man, and gives a generous and noble analysis of his ch